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研究生(外文):Tsai-Hsien Hu
論文名稱(外文):Improving the algorithm of the LCD Driver IC inspection equipment
指導教授(外文):Cheng, Chi-Cheng
外文關鍵詞:PIDAlgorithmVibration mechanismReel
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本文為解決連續料帶使用 Reel-to-Reel 捲軸收放所帶來的控制問題,以往使用專用馬達或是特殊機構來解決馬達之間的速度匹配間題,但由於缺乏彈性或是設計過於複雜,不適用於現今多變的需求,本文在機構設計上僅使用簡單的擺錘機構,希望能由控制軟體來因應不同的需求,所以使用不同的演算法及感測器來比較實驗的結果,期望能找出較好的控制方法。
在實驗過程中,發現使用非連續性的感測器(例如遮斷開關)是無法提供足夠的擺錘資訊,控制端無法即時反應來調整馬達的速度匹配;反之,當選用連續性的感測器(例如電位計)就能完整提供擺錘的狀態,包含擺錘的速度及位置甚至可計算出加速度及移動方向,控制端就能藉由這些資訊並使用典型的PID演算法計算出最佳的匹配速度,再經由Ziegler & Nichols的經驗法則調校出P、I及D三個參數值。在工廠實際使用的回報是沒有問題的!
This thesis would solve the control problem of the contiguous tape which using Reel-to-Reel winder mechanism to load and unload. In the past, some theses solve the speed matching between motors by using specific motor controller or specific mechanism. These designs are too complex and inflexible to suit the variety requirement. In this thesis, I have only used simple vibration mechanism. I hope that the variety requirement could be suited by turning the software. I have compared those results by using different algorithms and different type of sensors. According those results, I wish to find a better control method.
During the experimenting, I found that the discontinuous sensor, like Photo-interrupter can not provide enough information about the vibration mechanism. The controller can not turn the motor speed in a short time. In opposition, when using the continuous sensor, like potentiometer can provide more information including the speed and the location of the vibration mechanism. It even provides the moving direction and acceleration. The controller can tune the motor speed by using typical PID control algorithm. I tuned the P、I and D parameter by the method provided by Ziegler & Nichols. When working in the factory, there is no problem!
第一章 緒 論 8
1.1 動機與目的 8
1.2 文獻回顧 9
1.3 論文大綱 10
第二章 LCD Driver IC的製程簡介 11
2.1 LCD與 Driver IC的簡介 11
2.2 Driver IC的封裝介紹 13
2.3 LCD Driver IC封測流程 14
2.4 檢測設備功能簡介及料片的定義 21
第三章 檢測設備的建立 23
3.1 檢測設備機構與外觀簡介 23
3.2 檢測設備電控架構簡介 26
3.3 控制輸出元件簡介 28
3.4 檢測設備軟體架構簡介 36
第四章 控制演算法的改善 41
4.1 設備操作與控制說明 41
4.2 解決方案一 46
4.3 解決方案二 53
4.4 解決方案三 59
第五章 結論與未來展望 80
5.1 結論 80
5.2 未來展望 81
參考文獻 82
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