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研究生(外文):Pin-shen Su
論文名稱(外文):Simulation and Analysis on the Blind Hole Method Employing Finite Element Method
指導教授(外文):Jao-hwa Kuang
外文關鍵詞:blind-hole methodfinite element methodhole-drilling methodresidual stress
  • 被引用被引用:5
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In this study, the effectiveness of hole-drilling strain gage method on residual stress estimation is investigated. The thermal-elastic-plastic model of commercial Marc finite element method package is employed to simulate and build up the hole-drilling process and residual stress distribute. Two Inconel 690 alloy plate welded with GTAW filling I-52 solder has simulated by using the Marc software first. Then the traditional hole-drilling process is simulated. The simulated residual strain variation data is introduced into the hole-drilling strain-gage method to derive the possible residual stress components. The effects of drilling depth and drill size on the accuracy of estimated residual stress have also been discussed.
A comparison between stress components estimated from the traditional hole-drilling strain gage method and simulated from the Marc software was presented. The modified dimensionless parameters are provided by applying the optimum technique. The numerical results indicate that the proposed dimensionless parameters can improve the accuracy of estimated residual stress components significantly.
目錄 i
表目錄 iv
圖目錄 v
符號說明 viii
摘要 xi
Abstract xii
第一章 緒論 1
1-1前言 1
1-2 研究動機與目標 2
1-3文獻回顧 3
1-4 章節組織 6
第二章 理論與數值計算 9
2-1 相關理論 9
2-1-1力學分析理論 9
2-1-2 熱分析模式 13
2-2 盲孔法理論 14
2-3有限元素理論 26
2-4 數值最佳化方法 30
第三章 盲孔法與有限元素模擬分析 32
3-1電弧銲接 32
3-2 盲孔法則 34
3-3有限元素分析模型 38
3-3-1材料性質 38
3-3-2 元素建立 43
3-2-3 條件設定 51
第四章 盲孔法模擬結果分析 54
4-1模擬結果 54
4-2 盲孔法模擬 59
4-2-1 盲孔法規範量測結果 59
4-2-2 深度變化之影響 67
4-3 數值分析討論 72
4-4 孔徑大小分析 77
第五章 結論與未來展望 91
5-1 結論 91
5-2未來展望 92
參考文獻 93

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