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研究生(外文):Chun-Kan Liu
論文名稱(外文):Manufacturing and Mechanical Properties of Centrally NotchedAL/APC-2 Nanocomposite Laminates
指導教授(外文):Ming-Hwa R. Jen
外文關鍵詞:APC-2NotchNanocomposite LaminateAluminum AlloyElevated TemperatureFatigue
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本文旨在探討中央鑽孔鋁合金碳纖維奈米複材積層板常溫及高溫機械性質。使用三層厚度0.5mm的鋁合金薄板及兩層0.55碳纖維/聚醚醚酮預浸布堆疊而成。首先在預浸布表面均勻塗佈SiO2奈米微粒,並依十字疊[0/90]s和類似均向疊[0/45/90/-45]兩種疊序研製五層異向性複材積層板。鋁合金薄板以鉻酸陽極處理法進行表面處理,再使用改良隔膜成型法固化成型。完成後的積層板切割成試片再使用鑽孔機在試片中央鑽出直徑1mm、2mm、4mm、6mm圓孔。拉伸與疲勞測試是以MTS 810材料測試試驗機來進行,並以MTS 651環境控制箱來保持特定測試溫度,如RT、75°C、100°C、125°C與150°C。
在拉伸試驗方面,在相同溫度時,十字疊試片之極限強度略高於類似均向疊試片。鑚孔試片與未鑽孔十字疊試片比較,鑚孔孔徑1mm至6mm之極限強度約為未鑚孔試片的60%到80%。之後比較鑚孔與未鑽孔類似均向疊試片,鑚孔孔徑1mm至6mm之極限強度約為未鑚孔試片的75%到85%。 接著進行各溫度下拉伸-拉伸疲勞實驗,以獲致各溫度下鑽孔試片疲勞壽命以及應力-振次(S-N)曲線,負載相同的情況下,鑽孔試片抗疲勞性質較差;但在相同之無因次化應力比值時,十字疊鑽孔試片之無因次化S-N曲線皆在未鑽孔試片無因次化S-N曲線之上,因為採用鑽孔應力無因次化之故。隨著溫度提高,鑽孔試片的抗疲勞性質隨之下降。

The purpose of thesis aims to investigate the mechanical behavior and properties of a centrally notched hybrid Al alloy/Carbon-Fiber/PEEK(APC-2) laminate at elevated temperature. The high performance hybrid composite laminates of 0.5mm Aluminum alloy sheets sandwiched by APC-2 cross-ply and guasi-isotropic laminates were fabricated. The prepregs of APC-2 were stacked into cross-ply [0/90]s and quasi-isotropic [0/45/90/-45] laminates spread uniformly with nanoparticles SiO2. The sheet surface was treated by chromic acid anodic method to achieve perfectly bonding with matrix PEEK. The modified diaphragm curing process was adopted to fabricate Al/APC-2 hybrid nanocomposite laminates. The panels were cut into the specimens and then drilled an diameter hole in the center with diameters of 1,2,4,6 mm. The MTS 810 material testing machine was used to conduct the tension and fatigue tests. In addition, the MTS 651 environmental chamber was installed to control and keep the specific testing temperatures, such as ,25°C(RT), 75°C, 100°C, 125°C and 150°C.
At first, the nominal stress(σnom) and stress-strain diagram were obtained due to static tension tests at elevated temperature. The constant stress amplitude tension-tension cyclic tests were carried out by using load-control mode at a sinusoidal loading with frequency of 5Hz and stress ratio R=0.1. The received fatigue data were plotted in normalized S-N curves at variously elevated temperature.
For the tensile tests, at the same temperature the nominal stress of cross-ply specimens was higher than that of quasi-isotropic specimens. Comparing with the notched and unnotched of cross-ply specimens, the nominal stress of notched specimens was about 60% to 80% that of unnotched specimens. Besides, as for the notched and unnotched quasi-isotropic specimens, the nominal stress of notched specimens was about 75% to 85% that of unnotched specimens. Then, the fatigue life and stress-cycles (S-N) curves of notched specimens were obtained often tension-tension fatigue tests. In the case of the same loading, notched specimens possess worse fatigue behavior, but in the same normalized stress ratio, the S-N curves of the unnotched were below the notched ones. The fatigue resistance of notched samples decrease as the temperature rising.

目錄 ...................................................................................... I
圖 目 錄 ............................................................................... III
表目錄 ................................................................................. IX
摘要 .................................................................................. XIX
英文摘要 ........................................................................... XX
第一章 緒論....................................................................... 1
1-1 前言............................................................................. 1
1-2 材料簡介 .................................................................... 1
1-2-1 複合材料概述 ........................................................ 1
1-2-2 奈米複合材料簡介 ................................................ 2
1-2-3 實驗材料性質簡介 ................................................ 3
1-3 研究方向 .................................................................... 3
1-4 文獻回顧 .................................................................... 4
1-5 組織與章節 ................................................................ 6
第二章 研究方法 .............................................................. 8
2-1 實驗簡述 .................................................................... 8
2-2 儀器設備 .................................................................... 8
2-3 鋁合金複材積層板之製程 .........................................9
2-3-1 鋁合金之前處理 .................................................... 9
2-3-2 APC-2 之前處理 .................................................. 10
2-3-3 熱壓製程 ................................................................11
2-4 試片切割及鑽孔 ....................................................... 12
2-5 拉伸與疲勞實驗 ....................................................... 13
2-6 掃瞄式電子顯微鏡(SEM) ........................................ 14
第三章 實驗結果 ............................................................. 22
3-1 靜態拉伸實驗 ........................................................... 22
3-2 疲勞實驗 ................................................................... 23
3-3 鋁合金表面處理 ....................................................... 25
第四章 分析與討論 ......................................................... 89
4-1 鑽孔對複材積層板機械性質之影響 ....................... 89
4-1-1 極限強度與彈性係數ES ...................................... 89
4-1-2 抗疲勞性質 ........................................................... 92
4-2 破斷面觀察 ............................................................... 94
第五章 結論.................................................................... 112
5-1 結論 ......................................................................... 112
5-2 建議 ......................................................................... 113
參考文獻 ........................................................................ 114
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