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研究生(外文):Kuan-ling Tseng
論文名稱(外文):Optimization of Processing Parameters for LED with Surface Mount Technology
指導教授(外文):Chien, C. H.
外文關鍵詞:Backlight ModuleReflowLEDOptimizationLead Free Solder
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2006年7月歐盟的電子電機設備限制有害物質使用條例 (Restriction of the use of Hazardous Substance in Electrical and Electronic Equipment, RoHS) 開始實施,雖各產業已事先對無鉛化的來臨作因應及準備,但因一直無法找出可完全與錫鉛錫膏特性比擬的無鉛錫膏,所以表面黏著製程面臨著成本提高及迴銲溫度升高所造成電子元件之可靠度降低二大問題考驗;尤其是發光二極體尚面臨著因溫度升高而造成光強度衰減的難題。

In July 2006, the legislation of RoHS(The Restriction of the use of the Hazardous Substances in Electrical and Electronic Equipment) is fully implemented in EU. Although the major industries have response and preparedness for lead-free products, but they have no complete solution for using lead-free solder paste to replacing tin-lead solder paste. Therefore, two major issues arose in the surface mount process which are the cost increasing and the reliability decreasing of electronic products caused by higher reflow temperature. In addition to these two issue, surface mount of LED is also faced with the problem of attenuating of light intensity of LED due to the increasing of reflow temperature.
After years, the companies of solder paste product and surface mount technology accumulate a lot of processing experience and they have certain yield on reflow process of LED.
In order to keep competitiveness and market share, the know-how is treated as confidential. By working with about 10 professional surface mount manufacturers, it is interesting to note that solder paste and oven temperature curve used by each manufacturer are not actually the same. By adopting the experiences of cooperation with several professional surface mount manufacturers through experiments, the purpose of this thesis is to find the optimal reflow process parameters such that the light intensity loss of the LED caused by lead-free reflow process can be reduced as much as possible.
By using Taguchi method and the executed experiments , the optimal parameter-combination have found efficiently from the four parameters: the peak of reflow temperature, the peak temperature of residence time, the brand of solder and the pre-baking time of LED. The results showed that the peak reflow temperature has the greatest influence among the selected four parameters and the following is the peak temperature residence time. The light intensity loss can be reduced up to 4-9% by adopting the obtained optimal parameters.
第一章 緒論-1
1.1 前言-1
1.2 白光發光二極體之概述-3
1.3 表面黏著技術概述-3
1.4 文獻回顧-5
1.5 研究動機與目的-7
1.6 全文架構-9
第二章 表面黏著製程重要影響參數介紹-14
2.1 表面黏著製程-14
2.2 迴銲溫度曲線-16
2.3 無鉛錫膏-20
2.4 發光二極體前置烘烤工程-23
第三章 實驗規劃與結果-29
3.1 實驗目的-29
3.3.1 發光二極體光學量測儀-29
3.3.2 錫膏印刷機-30
3.3.3 溫度量測儀30
3.3.4 迴銲爐-30
3.3.5 CCD量測儀-31
3.3.6 電源供應器-31
3.3.8 推力計-31
3.4 實驗計劃-32
3.4.1 實驗計劃之建立-32
3.4.2 田口品質工程之定義-32
3.5 實驗內容-35
3.5.1 燈條迴銲加工-36
3.5.2 背光模組組裝-36
3.5.3 背光模組輝度量測-36
3.5.4 推力試驗-37
3.5.5 田口品質工程回應表-38
3.6 實驗結果與討論-39
第四章 結論與未來展望-78

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