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研究生(外文):Zih-jing Li
論文名稱(外文):An Investigation of Optimal Structure for Oscillatory Wave Energy Acquisition System
指導教授(外文):Yaw-terng Su
外文關鍵詞:optimal structurewave energy acquisition systemoscillatory system
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This study aims to search the optimal system structure for a specific type of oscillatory wave-energy acquisition system, which owns the highest efficiency in acquiring the energy from sea wave. The system is mainly consisted of a float, a generator and several oscillators that are connected to the float or to each other by the elastic springs. In addition, all the components are capsulated in the float. For the purpose of comparison, when aided with an active control, the acquiring efficiency of the system with a near optimal structure is analyzed.
Under the assumption of random sea wave, three steps are adopted to investigate the optimal system structure. First, the mathematical model of the capsulated float that can acquire the maxima power from sea wave is derived by the spectrum analysis. They offer the messages that what the dynamic properties of an optimal structure should be in order to acquire the maxima power. Second, the dynamic properties of the general system are analyzed. It is to examine the effect of increasing system’s degrees of freedom in offering the flexibility of varying system dynamics to match the desired ones. The limitation of increasing the degrees of freedom is especially examined. Then, the maxima attainable powers for the systems with different degrees of freedom are simulated by the genetic algorithm. It is to support the inference made from the analysis about the effect of increasing the system’s degrees of freedom. Finally, a preliminary examination of the effect of active control in power acquisition is done.
The study indicates that an oscillatory system structure with two degrees of freedom is a near optimal structure for energy acquisition. An increase of system’s degree of freedom shows little effect in improving system’s dynamic characteristics in the main frequency range of sea wave. The proposed active control scheme is shown to be effective in improving the system’s dynamic characteristics to enhance the energy acquisition from sea wave. However, the extra-energy consumed in the control action makes the increase of net energy acquisition negligible.
謝誌 I
目錄 II
圖目錄 IV
表目錄 VI
中文摘要 VII
Abstract VIII
第一章、緒論 1
1-1、研究動機與方法 1
1-2、過去震盪式系統之發展 4
1-3、內容介紹 4
第二章、最佳結構之特性 6
2-1、成為最佳結構之關鍵因素 6
2-2、最佳結構之數學推導 6
2-3、最佳結構之轉移函數特性 9
第三章、擁有最佳結構動態特性之轉移函數 11
3-1、理論上擁有最佳結構動態特性之轉移函數 11
3-2、逼近最佳結構之動態特性的條件 13
第四章、震盪式系統之數學模型 16
4-1、震盪式系統之系統結構 16
4-2、系統動態行為模型建立 17
4-3、影響浮筒運動與參數假設之效應 19
第五章、震盪式系統之最佳結構 22
5-1、震盪式系統之能量擷取表現 22
5-2、震盪式系統能量擷取之瓶頸 23
5-3、極零點不完全重合之情況 28
第六章、主動式結構之回授控制系統 30
6-1、主動控制系統之設計概念 30
6-2、主動控制系統之分析與表現 31
第七章、總結與未來展望 34
7-1、各章節總結 34
7-2、未來展望 36
參考文獻 38
附錄一 40
附錄二 43
附錄三 46
附錄四 49
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