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論文名稱(外文):A Model-based Checklist for Insider Threat Preven
外文關鍵詞:Insider threatwork stressorganization management
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本研究發展出的檢核表邀請專家來進行評估,使此份檢核表具有內容效度。而檢核表在檢核特殊徵兆部分,其整體信度係數為0.91(Cronbach alpha) ,此檢核表信度達到可接受標準。此檢核表可用來協助組織單位,讓公司主管對於特殊徵兆與組織安全的關係有進一步的了解,利用此份檢核表找出組織內可能內部破壞者,以及了解使用何種策略來確保組織安全。本研究主要係發展一份檢核表來預防組織內部威脅事件進行探討,後續驗證則為未來研究目標。

  There are some psychology measures for the organization to evaluate the mental status of the employees in Taiwan, but those measures cannot detect the insiders. The purpose of this study is to develop a checklist for the supervisors or unit heads that can apply to ensure the organization safety. Based on the model for causes of specific precursor and organization safety that structured by this study and analysis of the insider threat events by literature review, before the insiders try to execute the major malicious activity, there are some precursors. And those precursors are caused by different factors. If those precursors can be detected and be handled before the insider takes further acts, hazard will not happen.
  At first, this study implements Chinese Basic Personality Inventory (CBPI) to figure out the similarities and differences of mental condition between the employees in certain company and the others, and takes place the structured interview to understand if the employee in certain company have stress what the strategies the supervisors will take. Then, the model for causes of specific precursor and organization safety is structured and the checklist is developed based on this model. The checklist is divided into two parts. One part is the strategies those are took to prevent risk happen, and the other part is the precursors those insider threats appear. Then, the structured interview with experts is taken place to modify those strategies and precursors in the checklist and to possess expert validity. Finally, the questionnaire is implemented to evaluate the reliability of the checklist.
The experts are recruited to evaluate this checklist to possess content validity. According to the high Cronbach’s alpha of the questionnaire (0.961), the reliability is acceptable. This checklist can be applied to the organization departments to help the supervisors to have a concept of the relationship between the precursors and the organization safety. It is helpful for the supervisors to check if there are potential insiders in their organization. Some strategies can be taken to ensure the safety of the organization. This study focuses on how to develop a checklist for insider threat prevention and applying this checklist is necessary for the further study.

Chapter1 Introduction 1
1.1 Background 1
1.2 Motivation 3
1.3 Objectives 3
1.4 Research framework 5
Chapter 2 Literature review 6
2.1 Insider threat problem 6
2.1.1 Definition of insider threats 6
2.1.2 Case studies of insider threats 7
2.1.3 Factors of insider threats 10
2.2 Models of the insider threat 12
2.3 Stresses on employee 18
2.3.1 The relationship between insider threats & stressful employee 18
2.3.2 The causes of stress 18
2.3.3 The effects of stress 19
2.3.4 The symptoms of stress 19
2.4 Organization management 20
2.4.1 Motivator factor 20
2.4.2 Work group cohesion 20
Chapter 3 Methodology 21
3.1 Pilot study 22
3.1.1 Psychological test on employee 22
3.1.2 Structured interview 22
3.2 Strategy collection 23
3.3 Precursor Collection 24
3.4 Structured interviews with experts 28
3.5 Questionnaire for Precursor 29
Chapter 4 Analysis and Discussion 30
4.1 Pilot study 30
4.1.1 Results of psychological test on employee 30
4.1.2 Results of structured interview 32
4.2 Strategy collection 35
4.3 Structured interviews with experts 38
4.3.1 Results of precursor data 38
4.3.2 Results of strategy data 40
4.4 Questionnaire for Precursor 42
4.4.1 Participant backgrounds 42
4.4.2 Analysis of questionnaire 43
4.5 Discussion 45
4.5.1 Pilot study 45
4.5.2 Structured interviews with experts 46
4.5.3 Questionnaire for Precursor 46
4.6 Limitations 47
Chapter5 Conclusion 48
5.1 Summarized Results 48
5.2 Future work 49
References 50
Appendix I Structured questionnaire for certain organization 54
Appendix II Preliminary Checklist 56
Appendix III Questionnaire for Precursor 66
Appendix IV Item-Total Statistics 70
Appendix V A Model-based Checklist for Insider Threat Prevention 72

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