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研究生(外文):Jhou, Bo-Cun
論文名稱(外文):Enhanced Temporal Error Concealment Algorithm With Adaptive Error Concealment Order
指導教授(外文):Chang, Long-Wen
外文關鍵詞:error concealmenttemporal error concealmenterror concealment order
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錯誤隱匿是一種常用於視訊傳輸時修補毀損資訊的技術。錯誤隱匿一般分為兩大類:空間域錯誤隱匿(Spatial error concealment)和時間域錯誤隱匿(Temporal error concealment),現今雖然有相當多的演算法已經被提出,但對遺失區塊進行錯誤隱匿的處理順序卻沒有被仔細考慮。本文針對時間域的錯誤隱匿提出一個適當且有效率的處理順序,先對一些比較重要的區塊進行錯誤隱匿,如此一來當其他遺失區塊進行錯誤隱匿時便能藉由參考這些修補過的鄰近區塊得到比較多的重要訊息,進而使得錯誤隱匿後的效果能大大提升。而所有的遺失區塊會由本文所提出的三個因素來決定其進行錯誤隱匿的優先順序。
Error concealment is one of the techniques that have been adopted to recover corrupted information for video transmission. The error concealment is generally classified into two classes. One is the spatial error concealment (SEC), and the other is the temporal error concealment (TEC). To this day although numerous TEC algorithms have been proposed to recover the lost MBs, the order to recover lost MBs is not well considered. In this article, an adaptive and efficient processing order for temporal error concealment is proposed. With recovering the important lost MBs early, the other lost MBs can get some important information from these neighboring concealed MBs when they are recovered. Because of all, the performance will be better. Here, the processing order of all the lost MBs is determined by three factors.
Chapter1 Introduction…………………………………………………………………1
Chapter 2 Related Works………………………………………………………………3
Chapter 3 Proposed Method………………………………………………………….6
3.1 The coordinate system…………………………………………………..……6
3.2 Modified External Boundary Matching Algorithm…………………………..7
3.3 The proposed order function………………………………………………..10
3.4 Overview of the proposed method…………………….…………………..17
Chapter 4 Experimental Results…………………………………………………...19
Chapter 5 Conclusion………………………………………………………………...25

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