C++ programming language, which introduces object-oriented features to C language and combines both high-level and low-level language features, is suitable for the software industry. Like general programming language, the C++ standard covers both the C++ language itself and its standard library. The C++ standard library provide many useful tools, so using C++ to develop applications is a good choice. Embedded systems run with limited computer hardware resources : low frequency of computing unit, little memory, small or non-existent keyboard and/or screen etc. The code size is one of major factors in embedded system. Unfortunately, the C++ Standard Library is too large, so embedded programmers prefer using C even assembly code to develop applications. In this thesis, we propose the conception of the layer of C++ Standard Library, which divides the C++ Standard Library into several partitions. This conception can reduce the library size by layers and does not limit any behavior of C++ Standard Library. Besides, it is useful to suggest the functions in the C++ Standard Library whether they be suitable for applications in the embedded system. In addition, the other C++ libraries can also be classified by the conception of the layer. In other words, the programmers can use this conception to add their developing libraries into the appropriate layer. If other users need to use those libraries, they could easily recognize what is the functionality of the library.