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研究生(外文):Chen, Rong-Tai
論文名稱(外文):From Actor-Network to Parasite-Object : A Non-Strategic Interpretation of Michel Serres
指導教授(外文):Fu, DaiwieLin, Wen-Yuan
外文關鍵詞:Michel Serresactor-network theoryparasiteobjectivitynatural contract
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As a French philosopher and historian of sciences, Michel Serres is known for his writings which marvelously bridge diverse topics ordinarily considered distant or even irrelevant. Since 1960s, his philosophical meditation upon communication and mediation had provided a new way of thinking about the sciences and their problems nowadays. For him today the sciences are more about message-transmitting than about commodity-producing, more of relation than of being. Following this line of thinking, Serres also deeply influenced some science and technology students such as Michel Callon and Bruno Latour as well as the now influential “actor-network theory”.
What I am trying to do in this paper is to trace some of his main themes about the relation between science and society. In the era of information, what is the role of science in the course of assembling the collective, and conversely, how can we do sciences collectively? This is a standard question of actor-network theory (ANT). By using ANT as a reference point for comparison, I’d like to point out that whilst ANT is sometimes seen as a mere tool for describing scientific practices and thus may be (unfairly) accused of being amoral, Serres indeed takes the moral dimension seriously. By inventing the character of the parasite (which in some sense is an equivalent of the actor in ANT) and high-lighting the paradoxical situation of messenger, Serres asks how parasites or actors with successful strategies may make their collective malfunction and do something mal (evil). There is an eminent difference between successful militant actions and successful communications.
This problem leads Serres to conceive a philosophy of object. For him object is not only outside but the precondition of the collective. It transcends the collective and is what its “social contract” refers to. No society can do without some object. Science once played the role of referring to this objectivity but the ever-expanding collective had made it worn-out: everything seems inside now. Whereas we inhabitants of the Earth now face the malfunction of our old collective and the crisis of the old objectivity, Serres suggests we conceive a global object and make a contractual rather than strategic relation with it.

第一章 前言 1
一、 為什麼要談Michel Serres? 1
二、 生平與作品介紹 3
三、 問題意識與章節安排 12
第二章 科學/權力的兩個模型與行動者網絡理論 15
一、 前言 15
二、 第歐根尼與亞歷山大:是否有無需中介的科學? 18
三、 行動者網絡理論:一種策略式的詮釋 22
四、 小結 27
第三章 寄食者 28
一、 前言 28
二、 傳訊者的倫理 28
三、 城市老鼠與鄉下老鼠:動物寓言裡的寄食關係 30
四、 噪音與訊息 34
五、 不公平的交易 36
六、 寄食者與宿主:擁有之惡 41
七、 小結 43
第四章 客體 45
一、 前言 45
二、 我們如何生活在一起? 46
三、 客體與不完備定理 51
四、 小結 56
第五章 大尺度的集體與客體(代結論) 58
一、 前言 58
二、 寄食者的擴張及其問題 60
三、 新的客體與自然契約 62
參考書目 65

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