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研究生(外文):Tian-Lung Lu
論文名稱(外文):A New RFID Protocol with Strong Security and Privacy
指導教授(外文):Jen-Chun ChangHsin-Lung Wu
外文關鍵詞:RFID Security and PrivacyOwnership TransferData SynchronizationForward SecurityDatabase Search
  • 被引用被引用:3
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Many industries used RFID for more efficient management. We can see RFID everywhere in our daily lives such as Supply Chain Management(SCM), electronic identity card and Electronic Toll Collection system(ETC). When the RFID applica-tions become more widely, then the security and privacy of RFID systems become the important concerns because they are vulnerable to a number of malicious attacks. But for low-cost RFID systems, many traditional security mechanisms are inefficient due to the resource constraints. So our research we concern on design a new RFID proto-col with strong security and privacy.

Supply chain management is a common RFID application. In many situations we have to re-use the tags to save cost. However, the tag ownership becomes another is-sue for the re-use tags. Kyosuke Osaka, Tsuyoshi Takagi, Kenichi Yamazaki and Osamu Takahashi presented their RFID ownership transfer protocol in 2007. However, we found there still have some security and privacy issues in Osaka et al. protocol remain unsolved.

In this thesis, we focus on designing a new RFID protocol with strong security and privacy. Our protocol can against most of the common RFID attacks and greatly enhanced the RFID security and privacy protection. In addition, it also improved the efficiency of the back-end database search. Our protocol can provide more effective protection of the security and privacy of users.
誌謝 I
中文摘要 II
Abstract III
目錄 IV
圖目錄 VII
表目錄 VIII

第一章 緒論 01
1.1 研究背景與動機 01
1.2 研究範圍 03
1.3 論文貢獻 04
1.4 論文架構 05

第二章 無線射頻辨識 06
2.1 RFID的發展歷史 06
2.2 RFID系統 07
2.2.1 RFID標籤 07
2.2.2 RFID讀取器 09
2.2.3 後端資料庫 10
2.3 RFID的應用 11
2.4 EPCglobal網路 12
2.4.1 EPC Class 1 Generation 2標準 14
2.5 RFID的安全與隱私 16
2.5.1 RFID的安全問題 16
2.5.2 RFID的隱私保護 18

第三章 RFID安全相關研究 20
3.1 雜湊鎖定機制 20
3.2 隨機雜湊鎖定機制 22
3.3 重複加密法 24
3.4 互斥或一次鍵的機制 26
3.5 雜湊鏈的機制 27
3.6 Dimitriou的RFID安全協定 29
3.6.1 C²協定 31

第四章 RFID標籤所有權轉移相關研究 33
4.1 Dimitriou的RFID所有權轉移協定 33
4.2 Osaka等人的協定 36
4.2.1 Jäppinen和Hämäläinen的協定 38
4.2.2 Chen等人的協定 39
4.2.3 Yoon和Yoo的協定 40

第五章 擁有高度安全與隱私的新RFID協定 41
5.1 我們設計的RFID協定 41
5.1.1 符號描述 41
5.1.2 設定階段 42
5.1.3 認證階段 43
5.2 隱私保護分析 46
5.3 安全性分析 48
5.3.1 資料同步 52
5.4 效能評估 56
5.4.1 資料庫搜尋時間分析 56

第六章 結論與未來工作 57

參考文獻 58
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