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研究生(外文):SYU, MING-HONG
論文名稱(外文):The Optimization of the Thin Film Deposition for OLED by Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition
指導教授(外文):Chung-Feng Jeffrey Kuo
外文關鍵詞:OLEDPECVDTaguchi MethodsGrey Relational AnalysisResponse Surface MethodBack-propagation Neural Network
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本論文研究有機發光二極體(Organic Light-Emitting Diode, OLED)薄膜封裝技術製程,在Si基材上以高密度電漿輔助化學氣相沉積PECVD法鍍上SiOx薄膜,研究製程參數(含電漿功率、腔體溫度和壓力、通入氣體的流量)與薄膜厚度和薄膜均勻度的關係,以設計製程最佳化參數。由於薄膜均勻度與薄膜厚度可反映SiOx薄膜的品質,且互相具有關聯性,因此決定最佳製程參數時,可能會因為選擇的控制因子不同而造成兩品質特性之間互相衝突。
This study focused on Organic Light-Emitting Diode (OLED) thin film packaging technology production, and coated SiOx thin film on a Si substrate by plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD). It discussed the correlations between production parameters (including plasma power, cavity temperature and pressure, and flux of inflow air), and the thickness and evenness of the thin film, in order to design the optimal parameters for the production process. As thickness and evenness of the thin film can reflect the quality of the SiOx thin film, and are interrelated with the quality, the different control factors selected for the optimal production parameters may result in conflicts between the two qualities.
This study employed an L18 orthogonal array of the Taguchi Method for experimental planning in order to achieve the optimal results with the least number of experiments. After the experiments, the data were analyzed by Signal-to-Noise Ratio and Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) in order to discuss the effects of control factors on quality characteristics. Gray Relational Analysis and Response Surface Method (RSM) were employed to determine the optimal parameter standards. Finally, Back-propagation Neural Network (BPNN) and Levenberg-Marquardt (LM) algorithm were applied to construct a prediction system and validate its feasibility.
The quality optimization design proposed by this study was proven to successfully prepare thin films with an average thickness of 200nm and an evenness of less than 7%. The results can provide an innovative quality basis for further studies on the Water Vapor Transmission Rates (WVTR) of thin film.

第一章 緒論…………………………………………….………….…1
1.1 前言………...………………………………………………………1
1.2 研究動機與目的……………………………………………...……3
1.3 文獻回顧…………………………………………………….……..4
1.4 論文大綱………………………………………………………..….7

第二章 軟性顯示器封裝製程介紹..…………………...………...……8
2.1.1 OLED封裝製程………………………………………………9

第三章 多品質設計分析理論............………...…..…………….……13
3.1.1 田口式品質工程概述………………………………..………13
3.1.2 實驗設計因子的分類………………………………..………15
3.1.3 直交表簡介……………………………………………..……16
3.1.4 直交表的選擇………………………………………………..19
3.1.5 品質損失函數………………………………..………………21
3.1.6 訊號雜訊比…………………………………….…………….22
3.1.7 變異數分析…………………………………………………..24
3.1.8 田口實驗流程………………………………………………..26
3.1.9 信心區間…………………………………………….……….27
3.1.10 田口方法的不足…………………………………...……….28
3.2 倒傳遞類神經……………………………………………….……31
3.2.1 倒傳遞類神經網路架構……………………………………..31
3.2.2 倒傳遞類神經演算法……………………………………..…32
3.2.3 倒傳遞類神經網路的學習過程………………………….….35
3.3 反應曲面法……………………………………………………….36
3.3.1 反應曲面法的設計概念…………………………….……….36
3.3.2 反應曲面法的步驟………………………………..…………38
3.4 灰色系統理論之灰關聯分析……………………………...……..39
3.4.1 灰色系統理論…………………………………………..……39
第四章 實驗方法與實驗設備………………………………...……...42
4.1.1 實驗機台之介紹…………………………………………..…42
4.1.2 實驗分析儀器……………………………………………..…49
4.2.1 實驗步驟…………………………………………………..…51
4.2.2 實驗流程………………………………………………..……51
第五章 實驗結果與討論……………....………………………...…...54
5.1 實驗配置………………………………………………………….54
5.2 實驗數據………………………………………………………….56
5.2.1 薄膜厚度數據分析…………………………….…………….56
5.2.2 薄膜厚度均勻度數據分析………………………………..…60
5.3 多品質最佳化分析……………………………………….………66
5.4 應用倒傳遞類神經網路預測……………………….……………71
5.4.1 數值正規化…………………………………………………..71
5.4.2 決定類神經網路模式…………………………….………….73
5.4.3 檢驗其預測結果……………………………………………..75
第六章 結論與未來研究方向………………………………...……...78
6.1 結論……………………………………………………….………78
6.2 未來研究方向………………………………………………….…79

圖2.1 電漿模組結構圖………………………………………………10
圖 3.1 設計系統表示圖.………………………………………….….15
圖3.2 煞車系統表示圖………………………………………………16
圖 3.3 二次品質損失函數…………………………………………...22
圖3.6 極大值(右)和極小值(左)反應曲面圖………………………...38
圖4.1 低應力複合阻氣膜設備圖……………………………………43
圖4.2 低應力複合阻氣膜人機操作介面……………………………47
圖4.3 設定基板位置顯示圖……………………………………...….47
圖4.4 設定溫度顯示圖…………………………………………..…..48
圖4.5 設定通入氣體流量顯示圖……………………………………48
圖4.6 設定泵浦開關顯示圖................................................................49
圖4.7 Dektak 6M表面輪廓儀..............................................................50
圖4.8 α-step膜厚量測示意圖..............................................................50
圖4.9 實驗步驟圖……………………………………………………52
圖4.10 實驗設計流程圖……………………..………………………53
圖5.1 薄膜厚度的SN比回應圖……………………………………..58
圖5.2 鍍膜範圍示意圖……………………………………………....61
圖5.3 薄膜厚度均勻度的SN比回應圖……………………………..63
圖5.4 倒傳遞結合LM演算法網路架構圖………………………….74
圖5.5 MSE收斂圖………………………………………………….75

表 3.1 L9(34) 直交表…………………………………………………17
表 3.2 L18(21×37)直交表……...………………………………………18
表 3.3 標準直交表………………………………..………………….20
表5.1 控制因子及其水準值…………………………………………54
表5.2 實驗水準值配置於L18直交表………………………………..55
表5.3 薄膜厚度實驗結果數據表……………………………………57
表5.4 薄膜厚度的SN比回應表……………………………………..58
表5.5 薄膜厚度變異數分析表………………………………………60
表5.6 薄膜厚度均勻度實驗數據表…………………………………62
表5.7 薄膜厚度均勻度的SN比回應表…………………………….63
表5.8 薄膜厚度均勻度變異數分析表………………………………65
表5.9 膜厚和膜厚均勻度之S/N比表……………………………….66
表5.10 膜厚和膜厚均勻度的灰關聯度排序表……………………..67
表5.11 灰關聯度變異數分析………………………………………..68
表5.12 薄膜厚度最佳參數結果表…………………………………..70
表5.13 薄膜厚度均勻度最佳參數結果表…………………………..71
表5.14 低應力複合阻氣膜設備參數表……………………………..72
表5.15 製程參數正規化……………………………………………..72
表5.16 品質數據正規化……………………………………………..73
表5.17 薄膜厚度實際值與預測值之驗證…………………………..76
表5.18 薄膜厚度均勻度實際值與預測值之驗證…………………..76
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