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研究生(外文):Xi-Ming Huang
論文名稱(外文):Applyimg AHP to Performance Evaluation for New Product Developer
外文關鍵詞:New ProductDeveloperPerformance EvaluationAHP
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Under the markets and environment with increasing violent competition gradually, the development of new products is something much more than important core values of enterprises.
This research aims to create a set of complete structure for performance evaluation on the developers of new products. The reference can be given to high technological enterprises with the performance evaluation available for developers engaging in new product development. This research is conducted with experimental subjects from local power supply device makers in Taiwan. It aims to create a reasonable evaluation model. This model is also compiled by reviewing local and international scientific lectures and conducting expert interviews. It is further operated with AHP to design questionnaires and implement questionnaire analysis. It is expected the important indicators for the developers of new products can be created with performance evaluation principles available. By means of such compilation, the indicators for performance evaluation on new product developers together with indicator weightings can be compiled with the reference available for performance evaluation on R&D developers of power supply device makers.


中文摘要 ------------------------ i
Abstrast ------------------------ ii
誌謝 ------------------------ iii
表目錄 ------------------------ vi
圖目錄 ------------------------ vii
第一章 緒論-------------------- 1
1.1 研究背景與動機---------- 1
1.2 研究目的--------------------- 2
1.3 研究範圍與限制------------------ 3
1.4 研究方法與流程------------------ 5
第二章 文獻探討--------------------- 6
2.1 新產品相關文獻------------------ 6
2.1.1 新產品的定義------------------- 6
2.1.2 新產品開發定義------------------ 9
2.1.3 新產品開發類型------------------ 11
2.1.4 新產品開發流程------------------ 12
2.2 開發人員才能的定義與構面相關文獻---- 13
2.2.1 開發人員才能的定義---------------- 13
2.2.2 開發人員才能的構面---------------- 17
2.3 績效評估相關文獻----------------- 20
2.3.1 績效評估定義------------------- 21
2.3.2 績效評估目的------------------- 22
2.3.3 績效衡量之指標------------------ 24
2.3.4 績效評估方法------------------- 27
2.3.5 績效評估系統與程序---------------- 28
第三章 研究方法--------------------- 32
3.1 新產品開發人員績效評估指標----------34
3.2 層級分析法的概念、架構與應用---------35
3.2.1 AHP之基本假設----------------- 35
3.2.2 分析層級程序法的架構--------------- 36
3.2.3 分析層級程序法的流程--------------- 37
3.2.4 AHP之應用程序----------------- 39
3.2.5 AHP之優點------------------- 43
3.2.6 AHP之應用------------------- 43
3.3 問卷設計--------------------- 44
3.31 問卷設計的概念------------------ 44
3.3.2 問卷設計--------------------- 44
3.3.3 調查母體及問卷回收---------------- 45
3.3.4 研究設計操作模式----------------- 45
第四章 資料分析與實證研究---------------- 46
4.1 個案背景說明------------------- 46
4.2 層級準則重要性分析---------------- 48
4.2.1 績效評估準則構面建立--------------- 48
4.2.2 績效評估次準則構面建立-------------- 49
4.3 AHP分析-------------------- 50
4.3.1 基本統計分析------------------- 52
4.3.2 評估指標之分析結果---------------- 52
4.3.3 權重分析彙整及指標權重說明----------56
第五章 結論與建議-------------------- 61
參考文獻 -------------------------- 65
附錄一 A電子公司新產品開發流程圖----------- 72
附錄二 問卷------------------------ 74
Extended Abst

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