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研究生(外文):Wen-Ping Wu
論文名稱(外文):Effects of different prior knowledge and media presentations on learning performance based on meaningful learning
外文關鍵詞:meaningful learninglearning performance basedprior knowledgemedia instruction
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本研究嘗試以Ausubel(1968)所提出的「有意義學習理論」觀點,進行實驗研究,依據Ausubel有意義的學習基礎,強調新的學習必須能與學習者原有認知結構中的先備知識(prior knowledge)相互聯結才是有意義學習,另外,不同先備知識的學習者,經由不同媒體呈現的設計如何才能達到提升學習效果,因此,本研究旨於探討「不同先備知識」的學習者與不同「媒體呈現方式」之學習成效是否有關係。
實驗於高職資訊科基本電學課程中,研究設計以90位資訊科學生作為研究對象,採用複因子試驗(factorial experiment),運用實地實驗法(field experiments)方式驗證。學習者型態依不同先備知識,採受測者國中基本能力測驗成績分為「高先備知識」與「低先備知識」二種進行學習;在媒體呈現方式則採用「純文字」、「文字+圖片」及「文字+動畫」三種不同型態組合做為訓練教材,藉以了解不同先備知識、媒體呈現方式對於學習成效是否會相互影響,實驗結果將提供未來教學研究的參考。

There are connected to one another of the learning tactic, materials and effects. Because of each student has their own background and personality, teachers must consider that when they design the instruction. As a result of developing of information technology, the diversification of instruction which can reduce the learning pressure could achieve a multiplier effect.
The study was on the basis of “Ausubel''s meaningful learning theory". It emphasize that new learning must be associated the original cognitive structure with each learner’s prior knowledge. In addition, how to achieve enhancing learning effect through the design of different media presentation in different prior knowledge of learners. The aim of this study was to investigate whether the relationship between "different prior knowledge" of learners and different "media presentation".
The experiment was proceeded in fundamentals of electrical Engineering of Department of Computer Science of High school vocational school. Study design was with factorial experiment, field experiment, and using 90 students. According to different types of learners’ prior knowledge, divided their scores of the basic competence test for junior high school students into "high prior knowledge" and "low prior knowledge". In the media instruction was using "text", "text + image" and "text + animation" as a combination of three different types of training materials. In order to understand the different prior knowledge, the media instruction of learning whether the interaction between the experimental results will provide reference for future teaching and research.

中文摘要 ...............i
英文摘要 ...............ii
目  錄 ...............iii
表 目 錄 ...............iv
圖 目 錄 ...............v
一、緒論 ...............1
1.2研究目的 ...............2
1.3名詞釋義 ...............3
1.4研究流程 ...............4
1.5論文架構 ...............6
二、文獻探討 ...............8
2.1有意義的學習 ...............8
2.3先備知識 ...............25
三、研究方法 ...............29
3.1研究方法 ...............29
3.2研究架構 ...............30
3.3研究變數設計 ...............31
3.4實驗樣本 ...............31
3.5實驗環境 ...............33
3.6系統介紹 ...............34
3.7實驗工具 ...............36
3.8實驗規劃 ...............38
4.1樣本資料分析 ...............43
五、結果與建議 ...............59
5.1研究結論 ...............59
5.2研究限制 ...............60
5.3教學上的建議 ...............61
5.4未來研究方向 ...............62
參考文獻 ...............64

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