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研究生(外文):Geng-Hung Yang
論文名稱(外文):Design of PVDF Multi-Point Touch Panel Array Sensor
外文關鍵詞:Dental plaster model sensorSignal identificationBite forcePVDF film
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本研究主要為 PVDF(Polyvinylidene Fluoride)多點式觸碰陣列感測器與齒模感測器之設計與應用。為了架構完整多通道的量測系統,設計出幾組信號掃描電路將感測器每個通道的輸出進行信號掃描,再透過訊號處理電路將輸出訊號個別放大,完成了整個量測系統後使用Load cell對感測器進行校正,將校正過的感測器再搭配LabVIEW圖控軟體的輔助識別出感測器每個通道的力量與電壓的訊號,由軟體可清楚知道各感測點的值,最後應用於桌球各種球路的力道、落點量測以及在齒模感測器上應用於咬合力的分佈情形。
The main focus of the research falls on the design and application of PVDF multi-point touch panel array sensor and dental plaster model sensor. To build a complete measuring system, a couple sets of signal scanning circuits are designed. Each sensor output will be scanned and then amplified through signal processing circuit. After the measurement is finished, the sensors will be adjusted using Load cell. Assisted by the LabVIEW software, the adjusted sensors will thus identify each electric current strength and voltage signal. The result can be applied to table tennis, either to the measurement of the force of different plays, ball placements, or to the application of dental plaster model sensor on bite force.
第一章 緒論.............................................1
1-1 研究動機............................................1
1-1-1 壓電材料..........................................2
1-1-2 PVDF壓電薄膜......................................3
1-2 文獻回顧............................................6
1-3 研究方法............................................7
1-4 章節提要............................................9
第二章 PVDF陣列感測器..................................10
2-1 PVDF陣列感測器之介紹...............................10
2-1-1 雜訊處理.........................................11
2-1-2 信號處理.........................................11
2-2 PVDF多點式觸碰陣列感測器之設計與製作...............12
2-3 PVDF齒模感測器之設計與製作.........................17
3-1 信號掃描電路.......................................20
3-2 訊號處理電路.......................................24
3-2-1 訊號處理電路基本觀念.............................24
3-2-2 訊號處理電路之電路架構...........................26
第四章 校正方法與結果..................................31
4-1 校正方法...........................................31
4-2 校正結果...........................................32
第五章 列感測器之應用與信號識別........................37
5-1 實驗設備介紹.......................................37
5-2 LabVIEW人機介面與信號識別..........................39
5-3 PVDF陣列感測器之應用...............................43
第六章 結論與未來展望..................................55
6-1 結論...............................................55
6-2 未來展望...........................................55
Extended Abstract......................................59
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