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研究生(外文):Ming-Wei Shiu
論文名稱(外文):Design an Electronic Ballast for Short-Arc Xenon Lamps
外文關鍵詞:Short-arc Xenon lampHigh-voltage igniting circuitResonant converter
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In this thesis, a dimmable electronic ballast for a 500W short-arc Xenon lamp is proposed with its lighting capability ranging from 32% to 100%. To start a short-arc Xenon lamp, a pulse voltage near 20 kV is required and, successively, a stable voltage must be maintained to keep the lamp lighting steadily. Therefore, the electronic ballast of a short-arc Xenon lamp primarily comprised a high-voltage igniting circuit and a DC power supply for energizing the lamp. The high-voltage igniting circuit is composed of a two-stage voltage booster to furnish high enough voltage for ignition. The DC power supply is designed by making use of a resonant converter to generate a high frequency power source, which is rectified and filtered to produce a smooth and stable DC voltage to furnish the lamp with steady current.
By comparing the proposed short-arc Xenon lamp electronic ballast with the conventional one, the advantages of the proposed new design include: 1. Use of a two-stage voltage booster design of high-voltage igniting circuit effectively reduces the size of transformer; 2. Zero-voltage-switching on converter design leads to decreasing of device size and lowering of switching losses; 3. Application of frequency-modulation technique results in easy adjustment of lighting without needing any extra dimmer circuit cost. Finally, a prototypical dimmable electronic ballast for a 500W short-arc Xenon lamp is designed and realized. The validity is confirmed by comparing the practical measurement results and the IsSpice simulation ones.

第一章 緒論..........................................1
1.1 研究動機及目的...................................1
1.2 論文架構.........................................2
第二章 氙燈與電子安定器..............................3
2.1 氣體放電燈基本原理...............................3
2.2 氙燈.............................................5
2.3 短弧氙燈工作特性.................................9
2.4 安定器之基本架構.................................11
第三章 高壓點火與直流電源供應電路....................14
3.1 高壓點火電路.....................................14
3.2 短弧氙燈直流電源供應器...........................20
3.3 諧振式轉換器介紹.................................22
3.4 電路動作原理分析.................................29
3.5 串並聯諧振轉換器參數分析.........................34
3.6 功率開關驅動電路設計.............................45
第四章 電子式安定器模擬與實作量測....................48
4.1 參數選擇.........................................48
4.2 短弧氙燈電子式安定器參數模擬與實作量測...........50
4.3 短弧氙燈穩態與暫態之特性.........................57
4.4 保護電路之設計...................................63
第五章 結論與討論....................................67
Extended Abstract

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