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研究生(外文):Chi-Yuan Wang
論文名稱(外文):Design of Grid-Connected Hybrid Multilevel Inverter
指導教授(外文):Jyh-Wei Chen
外文關鍵詞:Hybrid Multi-level InverterGrid-tied system
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本文提出混合多階換流器以3個不同直流鏈電流換流器利用串聯方式產生13階的電壓階層,以降低輸出電壓和電流失真及功率晶體的電壓應力與切換速度,進而減少電磁干擾(EMI, Electro Magnetic Interference)對負載輸出時所產生正弦波的干擾。

This thesis proposed a hybrid multi-level inverters having 3 inverters in series with distinct dc link voltages to generate 13 voltage levels in order to reduce output voltage and current distortion and power switch stress and switching frequency. Therefore, EMI (Electro Magnetic Interference) can be alleviated due to lower switching frequency.
The experiments are conducted to show the performance of the proposed hybrid multi-level inverters that in stand-alone system to reduce the voltage distortion significantly in load-variation, rectifier load, and phase-controlled load conditions; for the grid-tied system, the output current is closed to sinusoidal waveform and current ripple is reduced as well.

摘要.............. i
Abstract.......... ii
誌 謝............. iii
目錄.............. iv
表目錄............ vii
第一章 緒論.......1
1.1 研究動機與目的 ..1
1.2 文獻探討........1
1.3 論文大綱........3
第二章 多階換流器應用特性與架構....4
2.1 前言............4
2.2 多階換流器之介紹...............6
2.2.1 二極體鉗位式多階換流器.......6
2.2.2 飛輪電容式多階換流器.........8
2.2.3 串聯式多階換流器.............15
2.3 脈波寬度調變之介紹.............17
第三章 混合多階換流器與市電併聯之方法與設計...18
3.1 多階換流器之改良..........................18
3.2 混合多階換流器之運轉方式..................19
3.2.1 PWM輸出形態設計.........................19
3.2.2 PWM輸出開度設計.........................24
3.3 混合多階換流器與市電併聯之運轉方式........25
第四章 系統軟體規劃與硬體電路設計.............29
4.1 前言..........29
4.2 系統軟體規劃..29
4.2.1 系統主流程..29
4.2.2 電流回授程式流程.....30
4.2.3 電壓回授程式流程.....31
4.3 系統硬體規劃...........32
4.3.1 硬體電路設計.........32
4.3.2 電壓偵測電路.........33
4.3.3 電流偵測電路.........34
4.3.4 鎖相迴路(PLL)電路....35
4.3.5 閘極驅動電路 .........35
4.3.6 相位控制負載電路.....36
4.3.7 整流性負載電路.......37
第五章 實驗結果與討論......39
5.1 實驗結果...............39
5.1.1 混合多階換流器輸出...40
5.1.2 混合多階換流器與市電併聯輸出............41
5.1.3 混合多階換流器與市電並聯輸出實測........42
5.2 實驗討論...............44
第六章 結論與未來展望......45
6.1 結論...........45
6.2 未來展望.......45
Extended Abstract

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