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研究生(外文):Xin-rong Wu
論文名稱(外文):Gears Condition Monitoring and Analysis
外文關鍵詞:Spectrum AnalysisGear Mesh FrequencyVibration
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Due to the complexity of gear manufacturing process, the machining and assembly errors are two main factors in gear vibration and the associated noise. This thesis focuses on the investigation of gears vibration applying signal processing techniques. The signals play an important role in detecting the gears faults. Owing to the relations among spectral characteristics of the gears, rotational harmonics, the Gear Mesh Frequency(GMF), and the GMF harmonics and their sidebands, spectrum analysis can be applied in the gear vibration detection technologies. Different conditions are set in the experiment to study the vibrations. In the eperiment, effects of different teeth numbers of the gears, backlash, small iron shaving or mass attached on the gears surface, are studied by the FFT spectrum.

中文摘要---------------------------------------------- i
英文摘要---------------------------------------------- ii
誌謝 ------------------------------------------------- iii
目錄 ------------------------------------------------- iv
圖目錄------------------------------------------------ vii
表目錄 ----------------------------------------------- x
第一章 緒論
1.1 前言-------------------------------------------- 1
1.2 文獻回顧------------------------------------------ 1
1.3 齒輪及齒輪箱診斷技術現況------------------------ 3
1.4 目前齒輪箱故障診斷存在的問題-------------------- 5
第二章 齒輪及齒輪箱振動噪音產生的原理
2.1 介紹-------------------------------------------- 6
2.2 齒輪振動原理分析-------------------------------- 6
2.3 齒輪及齒輪箱振動信號處理方法------------------- 8
2.3.1 振動信號---------------------------------- 8
2.3.2 頻譜分析與離散頻譜分析-------------------- 9
2.3.3 頻域分析---------------------------------- 13
2.4 齒輪箱故障信號分析處理-------------------------- 17
2.4.1 嚙合頻率及其各次諧波---------------------- 17
2.4.2 齒輪嚙合頻率及其諧波的故障特徵------------ 18
2.4.3 齒輪固有頻率為截波的共振調制-------------- 18
2.4.4 箱體固有頻率為截波的共振調制------------- 19
2.4.5 激勵能量對不同調制振動的影響-------------- 19
第三章 窗型函數
3.1 窗型函數---------------------------------------- 22
第四章 齒輪振動之量測設備及測試規劃
4.1 泛用型齒輪測試機之建構-------------------------- 31
4.2 實驗設備---------------------------------------- 31
第五章 齒輪及齒輪箱故障診斷實例
5.1 齒輪箱故障的振動診斷策略------------------------ 43
5.1.1 齒輪振動振動噪音產生機制理論-------------- 45
5.2實驗機床振動診斷--------------------------------- 46
5.2.1 單齒腹測試機台頻率------------------------ 49
5.2.2 研磨41齒齒輪振動頻率---------------------- 50
5.2.3 背隙對振動頻率的影響---------------------- 53
5.2.4 37齒齒輪振動頻率----------------------------- 59
5.2.5 考慮背隙時之37齒研磨齒輪振動頻率---- 62
5.2.6 41齒齒輪小質量振動頻率-------------- 68
5.2.7 37齒齒輪小質量振動頻率-------------- 72
5.2.8 41齒齒輪偏擺振動頻率---------------- 76
5.2.9 37齒齒輪偏擺振動頻率---------------- 84
5.2.10 41齒齒輪鐵屑振動頻率---------------- 91
5.2.11 37齒齒輪鐵屑振動頻率---------------- 96
第六章 結論與未來展望
6.1 結論 -------------------------------------------- 101
6.2 未來展望------------------------------------------ 102
參考文獻---------------------------------------------- 103
Extended Abstract

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