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研究生(外文):Sih-Ci Fan
論文名稱(外文):Three-Dimensional Dynamic Contact and Impact Analysis of Spiral Bevel Gear
指導教授(外文):Pei-Yu Wang
外文關鍵詞:Spiral bevel geardynamicimpactLS-DYNAmeshing-in and meshing-out
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Gears are the most important components of the transmission systems that support power carrying out and motion characteristics changing. Many researchers had applied AGMA standards to evaluate the strength of spiral bevel gear, presently. However, the elastic deformation of gear materials, dynamic meshing-in and meshing-out impact, and the surface hardening depth did not considered in AGMA standard. A great portion of research efforts on spiral bevel gear transmission errors is focused on contact stress and V/H values, while only a few investigate into the relations between transmission errors and rotational speeds. In this research, an approach for 3D dynamic contact and impact analysis of spiral bevel gear drives is addressed. The HyperMesh /LS-DYNA software is utilized to calculate the transmission errors, surface contact stresses and root bending stresses of a spiral bevel gear pair. The vibration behavior of actual gear set under dynamic loading conditions has been simulated in the dynamic model. The dynamic responses of the spiral bevel gear drives are obtained under the conditions of initial speed with driver and the resistance with driven. The stiffness and elastic deformation of the gear teeth are calculated by using the finite element method with actual geometry and positions of the gears. The influences of the transmission errors, initial speed, and the surface hardening depth on impact characteristics of the meshing teeth are analyzed. After the impact analysis, the numerical results of transmission errors, contact pressure, and effective stress involve with the transient and steady states that difference AGMA standards.

第一章 緒論...............................................1
1.1 研究動機與目的........................................1
1.2 文獻回顧..............................................2
1.3 研究方法..............................................6
第二章 LS-DYNA基礎理論....................................7
2.1 前言..................................................7
2.2 基本控制方程(Governing Equation)......................7
2.2.1 運動方程............................................8
2.2.2 邊界條件...........................................10
2.2.3 本構方程...........................................12
2.3 空間有限元離散化.....................................13
2.4 元素性質的選擇.......................................17
2.5 材料模型的選擇.......................................18
2.6 時間積分(Time Integration)...........................19
2.7 中央差分法(The Central Difference Method)............21
2.8 局部座標系設定.......................................22
2.9 接觸面的定義.........................................23
2.10 沙漏模態控制........................................24
2.11 LS-DYNA主程式處理...................................25
2.12 LS-PREPOST後處理器..................................25
第三章 LS-DYNA接觸碰撞理論...............................26
3.1 主(Master)和從(Slave)的概念..........................26
3.2 接觸算法的介紹.......................................27
3.3 接觸界面的條件.......................................31
3.4 接觸搜索的方式.......................................32
第四章 材料機械性質的改變和拉伸試驗結果..................39
4.1 材料拉伸試棒規格及硬度...............................39
4.2 材料拉伸試驗結果.....................................41
第五章 螺旋傘齒輪接觸碰撞與分析..........................51
5.1 螺旋傘齒輪之分析架構.................................51
5.2 有限元模型的建立.....................................52
5.3 網格劃分.............................................54
5.4 創建集合器(Collectors)...............................57
5.5 拘束條件設定.........................................59
5.6 速度扭矩設定.........................................60
5.7 範例一:分析模擬結果與AGMA標準公式驗證...............61
5.7.1 AGMA標準公式.......................................61
5.7.2 分析模擬結果.......................................68
5.7.3 模擬與標準公式比較討論.............................72
5.8 範例二:螺旋傘齒輪對之不同轉速比較...................73
5.8.1 傳動誤差的變化情形.................................74
5.8.2 傳動誤差的結果與討論...............................77
5.8.3 齒面接觸壓應力的變化情形...........................82
5.8.4 齒面接觸壓應力的結果與討論.........................85
5.8.4 齒面接觸等效應力的結果與討論.......................88
5.9 改變機械性質後的結果與比較...........................90
5.9.1 範例三:不同滲碳層深度的比較.......................90
5.9.2 不同滲碳層深度的結果與討論.........................91
5.9.3 範例四:不同表面硬度的比較.........................94
5.9.4 不同表面硬度之應變結果與討論.......................94
5.9.5 不同表面硬度之傳動誤差結果與討論...................97
5.9.6 範例五:相同轉速不同扭矩的比較.....................98
5.9.7 相同轉速不同扭矩之傳動誤差結果與討論...............98
5.9.8 相同轉速不同扭矩之等效應力結果與討論..............100
5.9.9 範例六:相同扭矩不同轉速的比較....................102
5.9.10 相同扭矩不同轉速之傳動誤差結果與討論.............103
5.9.11 相同扭矩不同轉速之等效應力結果與討論.............105
第六章 結論與未來研究方向..............................107
6.1 結論................................................107
6.2 未來研究方向........................................109
Extended Abstract

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