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研究生(外文):Chi. Che. Tang
論文名稱(外文):Design and Analysis for Machine Tool Structure by Heat Balance Concept
指導教授(外文):S. Y. Lin
外文關鍵詞:thermal deformationheat symmetryfinite element methodheat balance
  • 被引用被引用:3
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Thermal deformation of the structure due to temperature rise in high-speed cutting process becomes a challenge that should be overcome at present for machine tools. In recent years, the real-time online technology for thermal compensation system has been largely progressed. Although, the positioning accuracy of a feed-drive system has been increased, but it still can not solve the nonlinear thermal deformation of the structure thoroughly. This study focuses on the heat source generation in a vertical machining center during operation and tries to perform a structure design of heat symmetry and thermal suppression via cooling. The goal is to achieve a heat balance structure, reduce the effect of thermal deformation on machining accuracy and promote the thermal stability of a machine tool structure.
First of all, a thermal study is performed on some major parts in a machine tool including headstock, bearing housing and ball screw, which the thermal deformation is easily to occur within them. The effect of heat source on these structure deformations is also investigated. Using the concepts of heat symmetry, isolation and cooling characteristics to conduct a structure design fulfilling a heat balance requirement for machine tool. The temperature data measured from the spindle run-in test is utilized as the boundary conditions which are combined with heat conduction theory for finite element analyses on those major parts just mentioned above. Based on the analysis results, the geometrical dimensions of those major parts in a machine tool are modified repeatedly and the base part including plate and rib dimension arrangements in this design are specially emphasized to keep a sufficient structural rigidity. It tries to change and control the heat conduction direction and contact area, which results in a symmetrical temperature distribution state based on a design concept of heat symmetry, and the influence of uneven thermal deformation will be greatly reduced. Finally, heat conduction and temperature distribution simulation are performed on this entire machine tool structure just designed completely and to investigate the thermal deformation behavior after this improvement design. In addition, a mechanical force is applied on this structure to investigate its rigidity, strength, modal shape. The rigidity and thermal stability are also investigated for this design structure with heat symmetry under the coupling action between both the mechanical and thermal loads. The results show that the deformation of a machine tool structure is mainly contributed from the thermal deformation. The design structure with heat symmetry exhibits a symmetrical deformation in thermal displacement which may also be reduced effectively by an appropriate cooling suppression strategy. The position stability and accuracy for each center point in the structures can thus be kept and the design machine tool structure fulfills the heat balance demand in industry.

目 錄
中文摘要 .............................................i
英文摘要 ............................................. iii
誌謝 ............................................. v
目錄 ............................................. vi
表目錄 ............................................. viii
圖目錄 ............................................. ix
第一章 前言......................................... 1
1.1 研究背景..................................... 1
1.2 研究動機與目的............................... 3
1.3 文獻回顧..................................... 6
1.4 論文為架構................................... 16
第二章 工具機熱變形理論............................. 17
2.1 工具機熱變形誤差............................. 17
2.2 熱傳遞方式................................... 19
2.3 熱變形的型態................................. 22
2.4 影響工具機熱變形的原因....................... 25
第三章 熱對稱結構設計.............................. 34
3.1 溫度分佈與熱傳導分析......................... 38
3.2 熱能計算基礎理論............................. 38
3.2.1 主軸軸承熱能計算............................. 39
3.2.2 滾珠導螺桿熱溫升值與變形量................... 40
3.2.3 熱傳導計算基礎.............................. 43
3.3 頭座熱平衡結構設計........................... 45
3.4 導螺桿油霧冷卻系統........................... 51
3.5 軸承座幾何對稱設計........................... 53
3.6 底座三點支撐設計............................. 54
第四章 工具機結構數值模擬分析....................... 57
4.1 數值模擬分析................................. 57
4.1.1 工具機結構模型建立與設定..................... 57
4.1.2 執行方法與步驟............................... 60
4.2 工具機結構溫度場數值模擬分析................ 62
4.3 結構剛性分析................................. 75
4.4 模態分析..................................... 81
4.5 熱結構耦合分析............................... 89
第五章 結論......................................... 96
參考文獻 ............................................. 99
附錄A ............................................. 103
附錄B ............................................. 106
作者簡歷 ............................................. 111

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