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研究生(外文):Suen, Hao-Ren
論文名稱(外文):The Change of the Bush Administration’s Asian-Pacific Strategy Pre- and Post-“911”: An “Offensive Realism” Perspective
指導教授(外文):Johnny Shaw
外文關鍵詞:9/11Offensive realismAsian-pacific strategy
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2001年,美國布希政府上台後,鑑於亞太區域安全之不確定因素,以及崛起的中國可能成為美國未來在亞太區域的競爭對手,故以「戰略競爭者」(Strategic Competitor)來定義美-中之間的關係,並為其亞太安全戰略之主軸。「911」後,布希政府因應反恐所需,拉攏包含中國在內的亞太強權組成反恐聯盟。然而,在反恐結盟後,布希政府不僅於中國的後院「中亞」駐紮兵力,而且在其2006年《國家安全戰略報告》中,更針對中國之戰略動態,提出亞太地區強權國家可能引發的挑戰。

Upon assuming the office in 2001, facing with the security uncertainty in the Asia-Pacific region and the rise of China that might become the U. S.’s potential rivalry in the region prompted the Bush’s Administration to treat China as both a “strategic competitor” in the U. S.-Sino relationship and a primary axis of its Asia-Pacific security strategy. After the “9/11” incident and under its necessity to fight terrorism, the Bush government sought cooperation from the great powers in the Asia-Pacific region, including China, to form anti-terrorism coalitions. However, with the coalitions, the Bush government later garrisoned military forces in China’s backyard—the Central Asia, and suggested, in its 2006 National Security Strategy report, the potential threats from the great powers due to China’s military development in the region.
This research explores the Bush Government’s cooperating and competing policy strategy, the contributing factors, and the change of its Asia-Pacific strategy after the “9/11 incident” within the realm of “Realism” and based on the core concept of the “Offensive Realism” approach, such as the unpredictable intentions among nations, the unavoidable conflicts, and regional hegemonies’ adoption of the “Offshore Balancing” strategy on external affairs. Under the “Offensive Realism” framework, it examines the revision of the Bush government’s Asia-Pacific strategy that embraced three major issues: 1) strengthening the U.S.-Japan relationship as specified in the Treaty of Mutual Cooperation and Security between the United States and Japan; 2) solving the nuclear weapon crisis of the North Korea; and 3) coping with China’s rise, along with the residual effect of its Asia-Pacific strategic deployment. The research finds that, after the “9/11”, the U. S. relied more and more on its “Offshore Balancing” policy given its geographic feature and economic downturn. The Administration’s phased anti-terrorism coalition and cognitive Asian-Pacific strategy based on the “Offensive Realism” had not only aroused high concerns from China, the Central Asia, and the Southeast Asia, but also become its objective of containing the great powers in the Asia-Pacific region.

The Change of the Bush Administration’s Asian-Pacific Strategy Pre¬¬¬- and Post-“911”: An “Offensive Realism” Perspective
目 錄
第一章 緒 論-----------------------------------------------1
第一節 研究動機與目的----------------------------------1
第二節 研究途徑與方法----------------------------------6
第三節 研究架構與章節安排------------------------------8
第四節 研究範圍與限制---------------------------------12
第二章 相關理論文獻回顧與整合分析-------------------------15
第一節 「現實主義」理論之概述--------------------------15
第二節 「攻勢現實主義」理論-----------------------------28
第三節 「攻勢現實主義」與美國亞太戰略-------------------35
第四節 相關理論研究觀點之整合分析--------------------37
第三章 美國布希政府「911」前後的亞太戰略之轉變-------------45
第一節 布希政府「911」前的亞太戰略方針-----------------45
第二節 布希政府「911」後亞太戰略之調整-----------------51
第三節 小結-------------------------------------------56
第四章 「攻勢現實主義」思維下的美國亞太戰略---------------57
第一節 鞏固美日安保同盟-------------------------------57
第二節 處理北韓核武機---------------------------------60
第三節 因應中國崛起-----------------------------------66
第四節 布希政府的因應策略之分析-----------------------72

第五節 小結------------------------------------------79
第五章 「攻勢現實主義」對美國亞太戰略之衝擊和影響-----------81
第一節 「攻勢現實主義」對布希政府亞太戰略之效應---------81
第二節 理論與實務之評價------------------------------86
第三節 小結------------------------------------------92
第六章 結論-----------------------------------------------95
第一節 研究發現---------------------------------------95
第二節 研究建議與心得---------------------------------97


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