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研究生(外文):I-Chun Liu
論文名稱(外文):Different Culture Merging Strategy Development for IM&A--The Selection and Adaptation of Different Cultural Fitting
指導教授(外文):Ren-Jye Liu, Kung-Tei Hu
外文關鍵詞:different cultural conflictdifferent cultural integration strategydifferent cultural adjusting dimensionsdynamic adjustable paths
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In practiced way companies scramble the mergers and acquisitions even though the failure rate of international mergers and acquisitions is around two-thirds. To integrated the scholars’ viewpoints, the reasons of failure include: the unsuccessful coordination in organizations and unsuccessful execute integration, unreliable management actions, and the different cultural conflicts which come from superficial understanding of culture disable to build supporting atmosphere and keep engage their employees in organizations. Therefore, this study will focus on the most unfamiliar issue which is culture. Try to find the strategy of different cultural integration to enhance the successful rate of international mergers and acquisitions.
In this study the different cultures fitting choice is a kind of strategy of different cultures integration which two different cultures choice strategy to adapt each other. The 2 X 2 matrix is inferred from the type of different cultures fitting choice and adjusting dimensions (external structure and internal value). This study suggested that when the strategy, different cultures fitting choice and structural adjustment reach the optimization, will help the company to successful integration. The dynamic adjustment makes company able to sustainable development.
In this research, the existence and necessity of different cultures fitting choice are confirmed by case studies. Furthermore, the different cultures fitting choice has means of dynamic adjustment also be proved. In short-term with same value in the organizations, there is no better one in the four types of different cultures fitting choice with organizational fitting, environmental fitting. However, in long-term development, the different cultures fitting choice has dynamic adjustable paths. The optimal models are reconcile culture and integrated culture as the best model. In this paper the different cultures fitting choice successfully make the different cultural integrated strategy be a part of mergers and acquisitions strategy and makes the structural adjustment (external structure, internal value) become the business decision-making considerations in an international merger of two companies on the integration. When they combine, the organizations are able to build atmosphere of supporting and keep engage with employees, have the positive force of international mergers, acquisitions and integration.

摘要 I
誌謝 IV
目錄 V
圖目錄 VII
表目錄 VIII
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究目的 3
1.3 研究方法與步驟 4
1.4 研究架構 5
第二章文獻探討 6
2.1 名詞定義 6
2.1.1 異文化 6
2.1.2 異文化契適選擇 6
2.2 理論整理 7
2.2.1 Hofstede的國家文化理論 7
2.2.2 Schien的企業文化理論 10
2.2.3 Hooijberg & Petrock的組織文化分類矩陣 12
2.2.4 Tung的文化適應模式 16
2.2.5 小結 18
2.3 異文化融合問題 18
2.3.1 異文化距離來源 19
2.3.2 異文化衝突成因 21
2.4 本研究的意義 23
第三章 理論模型建構 24
3.1 異文化契適調整構面 24
3.1.1 文化層級分類 24
3.1.2 推導本研究異文化契適調整構面 26
3.1.3 異文化契適─外部結構與內部價值調整構面要項 29
3.1.4小結 31
3.2 異文化契適類型 32
3.2.1 異文化融合類型 32
3.2.2 推導異文化契適選擇類型 34
3.3 異文化契適選擇 36
3.3.1 建立分析架構 36
3.3.2 分析架構1─異文化契適選擇 38
3.3.3 建立分析架構2─異文化契適選擇之動態調整 41
第四章個案探討 45
4.1 個案分析方式與研究對象 45
4.2 個案探討(一)Daimler-Chrysler 47
4.2.1 個案背景 47
4.2.2 Daimler與Chrysler的文化差距 49
4.2.3 Daimler-Chrysler的整合路 49
4.2.4 小結 55
4.3 個案探討(二)Lenovo & IBM PC 57
4.3.1 個案背景 57
4.3.2 中國Lenovo與美國IBM PC的異文化差距 59
4.3.3 Lenovo & IBM PC的整合路 60
4.3.4 Lenovo小結 69
4.4 討論 69
第五章結論 72
5.1 結論 72
5.1.1 異文化契適選擇與調整過程:調和型文化與整合型文化的提倡 72
5.1.2 異文化契適選擇要點 73
5.2 理論意涵 74
5.3 管理意涵 74
參考文獻 77

圖1.1 研究流程圖 5
圖2.1 個人心理歷程 9
圖2.2 企業文化發展歷程 10
圖2.3 CVF文化模式 13
圖2.4 AT&T 模式 14
圖2.5 美國、日本、中國的文化比較 15
圖2.6 競爭價值體系 16
圖2.7 文化適應模式 17
圖2.8 組織結構冰山模型 21
圖2.9 M&A─前進的冰山 21
圖2.10 M&A─碰撞的冰山 21
圖3.1 Schein的文化層級分類 25
圖3.2 組織文化的五個層級 26
圖3.3 內外在環境圖示 28
圖3.4 文化層級─洋蔥型 32
圖3.5 異文化契適調整構面─螺旋型 32
圖3.6 文化適應模式功能 34
圖3.7 文化契適分類矩陣 37
圖3.8 異文化契適選擇 38
圖3.9 異文化契適選擇之動態調整路徑 41
圖3.10 異文化契適選擇之動態調整成功路徑(一) 42
圖3.11 異文化契適選擇之動態調整成功路徑(二) 43
圖3.12 異文化契適選擇之動態調整成功路徑(三) 43
圖4.1 Daimler-Chrysler初始階段之異文化契適選擇 51
圖4.2 Daimler-Chrysler重整階段異文化契適選擇之動態路徑 55
圖4.3 Lenovo&IBM PC異文化契適選擇 61
圖4.4 Lenovo&IBM PC異文化契適選擇動態調整路徑 66
圖4.5 Lenovo設計文化整合流程 67
圖5.1 從鮮明走向混合 74

表2.1 Hofstede國家文化評分量表 8
表3.1 文化層級分類彙整 27
表3.2 文化行動方針 30
表3.3 外部結構與內部價值構面要項 31
表3.4 異文化契適類型 35
表3.5 異文化契適調整構面 37
表4.1 異文化契適選擇構面分析要點內容 46
表4.2 Daimler與Chrysler紀事 48
表4.3 Daimler-Chrysler初始階段的調整過程整理 52
表4.4 Daimler-Chrysler重整階段的調整過程整理 54
表4.5 Daimler-Chrysler調整過程彙整 56
表4.6 中國Lenovo大紀事 58
表4.7 HAY Group Survey 60
表4.8 Lenovo分開型文化調整方式 65
表4.9 Lenovo調和型文化調整方式 68
表5.1 IM&A企業─組織規模差異別 76
表5.2 IM&A企業─國家別 76

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