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研究生(外文):Hung-Wei Huang
論文名稱(外文):Event-Driven Mobile Assistant Control Scheme of Wireless Sensor Networks
指導教授(外文):Fang-Yie Leu
外文關鍵詞:event-driven WSNmobile nodenode densitynetwork lifetimecontrol scheme
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In wireless sensor networks (WSNs), energy is one of the most important resources that should be economically used so as to prolong a powered-by-battery WSN’s lifetime. Currently most routing approaches deployed by WSNs are hop-by-hop relay schemes, causing sensors along a routing path should not only collect its environmental data, and then send the data to base station, but also relay data received from its neighbors toward the base station. This will result in an unbalanced energy consumption problem for WSNs. In an event-driven environment, if events frequently occur in a node’s upstream area, the node’s energy will consume very quickly, particular for those nodes near the base station. Hence, how to prolong network lifetime is one of the most important issues in WSN’s research topics. In this paper, we propose a node’s call-for-assistant scheme, named An Event-Driven Mobile Assistant Control Scheme (EDMAC for short), with which when a node N is going to exhaust its energy, it calls for mobile nodes to help it to relay packets so the tasks of sensing environment or environment change and relay packets for upstream nodes can be proceeded. This can avoid energy-hole problem. Experimental results show that this approach can effectively prolong node utilization rate and network lifetime.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
誌謝 iii
List of Contents iv
List of Figures vi
List of Tables viii
Chapter 1. Introduction 1
Chapter 2. Background and Related work 3
2.1 Density Control 3
2.2 Node Mobility 3
2.3 Overhearing Avoidance 4
2.4 Energy Hole Avoidance 4
2.5 Energy-Efficient Design 5
2.6 Control protocol 6
Chapter 3. The Proposed Scheme 7
3.1 Establishing a Routing Path 8
3.2 An Effective Assistant Zone 9
3.3 Packets Involved 9
(1) A RAP packet 10
(2) A RAP-reply packet 10
(3) A call-for-substitution packet 11
(4) A help packet 12
(5) A re-routing request packet 12
(6) A path-release packet 13
(7) A dying-notification packet 14
3.4 A Mobile Node Substitution 15
3.5 Algorithms performed by a Node 17
Chapter 4. Experiments and Discussion 27
4.1 Experiment Environment 27
4.2 Uniform Node Density and Uniform Initial Node Energy 28
(1). Nodes were Randomly Distributed and Triggered Nodes were Randomly Selected 28
(2). Uniform Environments on Different Node Densities 30
4.3 Non-uniform Node Density and Uniform Initial Node Energy 32
4.4 Uniform Node Density and Non-uniform Initial Energy 34
4.5 Non-uniform Node Density and Non-uniform Node Initial Energy 35
4.6 System Lifetime on Different Ratios of failed Nodes 36
(1) Non-uniform Node Density and Uniform Initial Node Energy 37
(2) Uniform Node Density and Non-uniform Initial Energy 39
(3) Non-uniform Initial Energy and Node Density 42
Chapter 5. Conclusions and Future Research 44
References 46

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