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研究生(外文):Ming-Guo Li
論文名稱(外文):The Mechanochemical Milling Effect on Heavy Metal Stabilization and Sintering Recovery for Municipal Solid Waste Incinerator Fly Ash
外文關鍵詞:MSWI fly ashwet millingmechanochemistryheavy metal stabilizationsintering recovery
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實驗結果顯示,濕式研磨能有效減少水萃飛灰粉體的粒徑至2 μm左右,濕式研磨對水萃飛灰的鉛最具穩定的作用,使用水研磨1小時即可抑制鉛TCLP溶出,從5.2 降至1.2 mg/L,研磨96小時鉛的TCLP溶出可減少96%;序列萃取結果也顯示研磨之後,鉛傾向形成較穩定的重金屬型態;推測研磨穩定鉛的機制是鉛在飛灰顆粒不斷的破碎及團聚的過程中被限制在粉體當中;XRD分析顯示研磨過程中粉體結晶缺陷會增加甚至趨向無結晶化,而鉛有機會擴散到缺陷組織內而不易溶出。研磨劑的選用對增進研磨穩定鉛效率有很大影響,選用乙醇及0.2 M磷酸在1小時研磨即有93%以上的穩定效率,選用水及0.02M磷酸則需要48小時的研磨時間才能達到90%以上的穩定效率。水萃飛灰與調質材料共同研磨的燒結實驗結果則顯示燒結體重金屬鉛、鋅、銅、鉻及鎘的揮發率皆可抑制在20%左右甚至更低,由SEM分析發現適當調質研磨能促進液相燒結的形成,使燒結體緻密化,進而促進燒結體的工程特性及降低重金屬揮發作用,是一種深具潛力的飛灰無害化與資源化的處理技術。

Municipal solid waste incinerator (MSWI) fly ash has complex composition and contains plenty of heavy metals, which has become a thorny issue in solid waste management. However, new landfill sites are hardly to be set in Taiwan, looking for suitable technologies to detoxify and recycle the fly ash is a tendency at present. In this study, ball milling technology was applied in the treatment after water-extraction. The different milling solutions included water, ethanol and phosphoric acid were used to explore the mechano-chemical mechanism on the effect of heavy metals stabilization. Finally, the mutual milling of the fly ash, adjusting materials of water-treatment sludge and waste cullet, and sintering process were conducted to investigate the mechanism and effect of the engineering characteristics of sintering specimens and reducing of heavy metals evaporation. Laser particle diameter analyzer was used to analyze the diameter variation of fly ash during milling. The stabilization and leaching behavior of heavy metals were determined by TCLP and sequential extraction procedure (SEP); the surface microstructure was observed by field emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM), and the crystalline structure was identified by X-ray diffraction (XRD).
The results showed that wet milling has great effect to stabilize Pb within the water-extracted fly ash. The TCLP concentration of Pb was inhibited from 5.2 to 1.2 mg/L after 1 h of milling when water be the milling solution. And after 96 h of milling, the releasing was reduced about 96%. The SEP analysis also showed that Pb tended to become more stable phase after milling. The median size of the fly ash was significantly reduced from 36 to 5 μm after 0.5 h of milling, and then only slightly reduced from 5 to 2 μm by milling from 0.5 to 95 h as a result of the concurrent actions of fragmentation and/or agglomeration. The mechanism of the stabilization of Pb by milling was possibly that Pb was bound in the milled fly ash during the fragmentation and agglomeration of particles. The results by XRD analysis also showed that defect structure of crystalline particle increased by milling process and even tended to be amorphous structure which led the diffusivity of Pb into the matrix of the fly ash to result in stabilization. The choice of milling solutions has apparently influence on stabilization efficiency of Pb. When milling with ethanol or 0.2 M phosphoric acid, the stabilization efficiency exceed 93% after 1 h of milling. However, it needs 48 h to exceed 90% when used water or 0.02 M phosphoric acid. The results of the sintering for the mutual milling of the water-extracted fly ash and the adjusting materials shows that the evaporation rate of Pb, Zn, Cu, Cr and Cd could all be inhibited fewer than 20%. The observation of SEM indicates that milling with proper adjusting the composition could enhance the development of liquid phase sintering, which will dense the sintered specimen thus improve the engineering properties and reduce the evaporation of heavy metals.

目 錄
中文提要 I
英文提要 II
圖目錄 VI
表目錄 IX
第一章 前 言 1
1-1 研究緣起與目的 1
1-2 研究內容 2
第二章 文獻回顧 3
2-1 焚化飛灰特性 3
2-1-1 物理特性 3
2-1-2 化學特性 4
2-1-3 重金屬含量、萃取及溶出特性 4
2-2 機械化學之研究 6
2-2-1 機械化學定義 6
2-2-2 機械化學的作用 7
2-2-3 機械化學的機制 9
2-2-4 研磨穩定重金屬之研究 13
2-3 磷酸穩定重金屬之研究 15
2-4 燒結之研究 17
2-4-1 燒結原理 17
2-4-2 影響因子 17
2-4-3 燒結資源化之研究 18
第三章 研究方法、材料與設備 20
3-1 研究方法與流程 20
3-1-1 水萃混合飛灰濕式研磨參數試驗 20
3-1-2 水萃混合飛灰濕式研磨穩定重金屬之研究 22
3-1-3 水萃反應灰濕式研磨穩定重金屬之研究 24
3-1-4 研磨對飛灰燒結再利用影響之研究 24
3-1-5 研究流程 26
3-2 實驗材料、藥品 27
3-2-1 實驗材料 27
3-2-2 實驗藥品 28
3-3 實驗設備 29
3-4 分析方法 31
3-5 分析設備 35
第四章 濕式研磨對焚化飛灰粉體特性影響及重金屬穩定之探討 37
4-1濕式研磨參數試驗 37
4-1-1 鍋爐灰、反應灰及水萃混合飛灰特性分析 37
4-1-2 研磨粉體的粒徑d50變化 42
4-1-3 研磨粉體的微觀特性分析 43
4-1-4 研磨粉體的XRD分析 45
4-2水萃混合飛灰之研磨穩定探討 54
4-2-1 重金屬鉛穩定現象 54
4-2-2 重金屬鉛穩定之可能機制 56
4-3水萃混合飛灰添加氧化鉛之研磨穩定探討 62
4-3-1 研磨液及TCLP萃出液pH變化 62
4-3-2 研磨液鉛濃度變化 64
4-3-3 研磨灰TCLP鉛溶出變化 65
4-3-4 研磨穩定鉛效率計算 65
4-3-5 鋅、銅、鉻、鎘研磨穩定現象 68
4-3-6 研磨灰XRD分析 76
4-4水萃反應灰之研磨穩定探討 81
4-4-1 反應灰及水萃反應灰基本特性分析 81
4-4-2 水萃液及研磨液重金屬濃度變化 84
4-4-3 研磨灰TCLP重金屬溶出變化及序列萃取結果 84
4-4-4 質量平衡分析結果 87
第五章 濕式研磨提升飛灰以燒結再利用效果之探討 89
5-1 燒結原料特性分析 89
5-2 調質燒結實驗結果 92
5-2-1 燒結體抗壓強度 92
5-2-2 燒結體健度 93
5-3 研磨對燒結體工程特性的影響 94
5-3-1 研磨後的粉體特性變化 94
5-3-2 燒結體抗壓強度 95
5-3-3 燒結體健度 97
5-3-4 燒結體體積收縮率 98
5-3-5 燒結體燒失量 99
5-3-6 燒結體XRD分析 100
5-3-7 燒結體SEM微觀分析 105
5-3-8 燒結體重金屬TCLP溶出及揮發 112
第六章 結論與建議 118
6-1 結論 118
6-2 建議 119
參考文獻 120

Fig. 2–1 Ball-powder-ball collision of powder mixture during mechanical alloying. (Suryanarayana 2001) 11
Fig. 2–2 Schemaitc illustration of activation energy. (Lu and Lai 1995) 12
Fig. 2–3 Dependence of D on surface, grain boundary and lattice duffusion at different temperatures. (Lu, Lai et al. 1997) 13
Fig. 3–1 The diagram of milling situation at critical rotation speed. 22
Fig. 3–2 Flow chart of the research 27
Fig. 3–3 Ball milling machine 29
Fig. 4–1 Particle size distribution of raw fly ash and water-extracted ash 38
Fig. 4–2 XRD results for (a) boiler ash, (b) reaction ash and (c) water-extracted ash 41
Fig. 4–3 Median particle size after the various grinding periods with 93 rpm rotation (a) water (b) ethanol as the milling solution. 43
Fig. 4–4 SEM observation results of ground fly ash with 5 mm milling balls by 10 kX magnification (a) water, 24 h, (b) water, 96 h, (c) ethanol, 24 h, (d) ethanol, 96 h. 44
Fig. 4–5 SEM observation results of ground fly ash with 5 mm milling balls by 100 kX magnification (a) water, 24 h, (b) water, 96 h, (c) ethanol, 24 h, (d) ethanol, 96 h. 45
Fig. 4–6 XRD patterns of milled samples which used water as milling solution. (a) all 5 mm, (b) all 15 mm, (c) 2:1, (d) 1:2, and (e) 1:1. 48
Fig. 4–7 XRD patterns of milled samples which used ethanol as milling solution. (a) all 5 mm, (b) all 15 mm, (c) 2:1, (d) 1:2, and (e) 1:1. 51
Fig. 4–8 Change in X-ray amorphization degree of water-extracted fly ash with grinding time. (a) water, (b) ethanol. 53
Fig. 4–9 SEP results for water-extracted ash after the various grinding periods: (a) water, (b) ethanol. 56
Fig. 4–10 Median particle size after the various grinding periods. 57
Fig. 4–11 Particle-size distribution after the various grinding periods which use water as milling solution with combination of 1:1 milling ball: (a) 0-2h; (b) 2-24h; (c) 24-96h. 58
Fig. 4–12 Particle-size distribution after the various grinding periods which use ethanol as milling solution with combination of 1:1 milling ball: (a) 0-2h; (b) 2-8h; (c) 24-96h. 59
Fig. 4–13 SEM observation results of ground fly ash which used water as milling solution with combination of 1:1 milling balls for: (a) 0 h, water-extracted mixed fly ash at 5kx;(b) 24 h at 5kx;(c) 96 h at 5kx;(d) 0 h, water-extracted mixed fly ash at 50kx; (e) 24 h at 50kx;(f) 96 h at 50kx. 60
Fig. 4–14 The pH of the different milling solutions (ethanol, water, 0.02M and 0.2M H3PO4) during the milling process. 63
Fig. 4–15 The pH of the different extracted solutions (ethanol, water, 0.02M and 0.2M H3PO4) after TCLP for the milled samples of different milling time. 63
Fig. 4–16 The efficiency of the treatment for Pb in fly ash with different milling solutions (ethanol, water, 0.02M H3PO4 and 0.2M H3PO4) at different milling times. 67
Fig. 4–17 SEP results of Pb for fly ash ball milled with (a) ethanol; (b) water; (c) 0.02M and (d) 0.2M H3PO4 milling solutions, at different milling times. 68
Fig. 4–18 SEP results of Zn for fly ash ball milled with (a) ethanol; (b) water; (c) 0.02M and (d) 0.2M H3PO4 milling solutions, at different milling times. 74
Fig. 4–19 SEP results of Cu for fly ash ball milled with (a) ethanol; (b) water; (c) 0.02M and (d) 0.2M H3PO4 milling solutions, at different milling times. 74
Fig. 4–20 SEP results of Cr for fly ash ball milled with (a) ethanol; (b) water; (c) 0.02M and (d) 0.2M H3PO4 milling solutions, at different milling times. 75
Fig. 4–21 SEP results of Cd for fly ash ball milled with (a) ethanol; (b) water; (c) 0.02M and (d) 0.2M H3PO4 milling solutions, at different milling times. 75
Fig. 4–22 XRD results for the added compound of lead. 76
Fig. 4–23 XRD results for water-extracted mixed fly ash with added PbO after milling treatment with different milling solutions: (a) ethanol; (b) water; (c) 0.02 M H3PO4 and (d) 0.2 M H3PO4. 79
Fig. 4–24 XRD comparison between standard pattern of lead and 96 h milled ash which use water as milling solution. 80
Fig. 4–25 Identification of XRD patterns for raw reaction fly ash. 82
Fig. 4–26 Identification of XRD patterns for water-extracted reaction fly ash. 82
Fig. 4–27 Median particle size after the various grinding periods. 83
Fig. 4–28 Particle-size distributions after the various grinding periods: (a) 0-4h; (b) 4-48h. 83
Fig. 4–29 SEP results of Pb. 86
Fig. 4–30 SEP results of Zn. 86
Fig. 4–31 SEP results of Cu. 86
Fig. 4–32 SEP results of Cr. 87
Fig. 4–33 SEP results of Cd. 87
Fig. 5–1 Particle size distribution for water treatment sludge (WTS), Cullet and water-extracted reaction fly ash. 90
Fig. 5–2 SEM observation results of (a) water-extracted reaction fly ash, 10 kX (b) water treatment sludge, 10 kX, (c) cullet, 10 kX. 91
Fig. 5–3 The compression strength of the sintered specimen for different sintering temperature and mixed proportion. 93
Fig. 5–4 Particle size distribution for different mixture composition with 1 h of milling treatment. 95
Fig. 5–5 The compression strength results of sintered specimen with milling. 97
Fig. 5–6 The volume shrinkage rate of sintered specimen for (a) non-milled sample and (b) milled sample. 99
Fig. 5–7 The weight loss of sintered specimen for (a) non-milled sample and (b) milled sample. 100
Fig. 5–8 XRD comparison results for scheme 442. 102
Fig. 5–9 XRD comparison results for scheme 361. 102
Fig. 5–10 XRD comparison results for scheme 334. 103
Fig. 5–11 XRD comparison results for scheme 244. 104
Fig. 5–12 XRD comparison results for scheme 424. 105
Fig. 5–13 SEM micrographs of sintered specimens for scheme 442: (a) non-milled 1 kX, (b) non-milled 30 kX, (c) milled 1 kX, (d) milled 30 kX. 107
Fig. 5–14 SEM micrographs of sintered specimens for scheme 361: (a) non-milled 1 kX, (b) non-milled 30 kX, (c) milled 1 kX, (d) milled 30 kX. 107
Fig. 5–15 SEM micrographs of sintered specimens for scheme 334: (a) non-milled 1 kX, (b) non-milled 10 kX, (c) non-milled 1 kX, (d) milled 1 kX, (e) milled 10 kX, (f) milled 5 kX. 109
Fig. 5–16 SEM micrographs of sintered specimens for scheme 244: (a) non-milled 200 X, (b) non-milled 10 kX, (c) non-milled 30 kX, (d) milled 200 X, (e) milled 10 kX, (f) milled 30 kX. 111
Fig. 5–17 SEM micrographs of sintered specimens for scheme 424: (a) non-milled 1 kX, (b) non-milled 10 kX, (c) milled 1 kX, (d) milled 10 kX. 112
Fig. 5–18 The influence of milling treatment on metal evaporation of sintered specimen, the hollow circle is without milling and the full circle is milling. 115
Fig. 5–19 SEM micrographs of sintered specimens for scheme 433 by 1 kX observation: (a) non-milled 900 oC, (b) non-milled 950 oC, (c) non-milled 1000 oC, (d) milled 900 oC, (e) milled 950 oC, (f) milled 1000 oC. 116
Fig. 5–20 SEM micrographs of sintered specimens for scheme 433 by 10 kX observation: (a) non-milled 900 oC, (b) non-milled 950 oC, (c) non-milled 1000 oC, (d) milled 900 oC, (e) milled 950 oC, (f) milled 1000 oC. 117

Table 2–1 Some divalent metal phosphate minerals and their solubility products. 16
Table 3–1 Mixture composition of experimental materials (dry weight) 26
Table 3–2 The used chemicals in the experiment 28
Table 3–3 The sieve and filter papers 29
Table 3–4 The SEP experimental conditions. 32
Table 4–1 The basic analysis of experimental materials. 37
Table 4–2 Chemical composition of the fly ashes. 39
Table 4–3 TCLP test results for fly ashes. 39
Table 4–4 TCLP results after milling (mg/L). 54
Table 4–5 The partitioning of Pb after 96 h of milling time. 55
Table 4–6 The Pb concentration for different milling solutions after milling treatment. 64
Table 4–7 Pb leaching TCLP results for different milling solutions after milling treatment. 65
Table 4–8 The statistical date of TCLP concentration of heavy metals in the fly ashes (mg/L). 69
Table 4–9 The Zn concentration for different milling solutions after milling treatment. 70
Table 4–10 The Cu concentration for different milling solutions after milling treatment. 70
Table 4–11 The Cr concentration for different milling solutions after milling treatment. 70
Table 4–12 The Cd concentration for different milling solutions after milling treatment. 70
Table 4–13 Zn leaching TCLP results for different milling solutions after milling treatment 71
Table 4–14 Cu leaching TCLP results for different milling solutions after milling treatment 71
Table 4–15 Cr leaching TCLP results for different milling solutions after milling treatment. 71
Table 4–16 Cd leaching TCLP results for different milling solutions after milling treatment. 72
Table 4–17 Chemical composition of the reaction fly ash. 81
Table 4–18 Concentration of heavy metals in the water-extracted and milling solutions. 84
Table 4–19 Concentration of heavy metals in TCLP test results for the water-extracted reaction fly ash after milling. 85
Table 4–20 Mass balance results for water-extracted reaction fly ash after 48 h of milling. 88
Table 5–1 The composition and heavy metals content of the experimental materials. 91
Table 5–2 The TCLP leaching concentration of the experimental materials. 92
Table 5–3 The soundness of sintered specimen. 94
Table 5–4 The TCLP leaching concentration for different mixture composition with 1 h of milling. 95
Table 5–5 The increased rate of compression strength after milling treatment. 96
Table 5–6 Soundness results for sintered specimen with milling pretreatment. 97
Table 5–7 The mark number of identification results for sintered specimen. 101
Table 5–8 The TCLP test concentration of sintered specimen for scheme 433. 113

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宋曉嵐、邱冠周、楊華明,機械化學及其應用研究發展,金屬礦山,2004(11): 34-38

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