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論文名稱(外文):Vertical Stability Training Effects on Cervical Fitness of the Female Volleyball Players
外文關鍵詞:Neck vertical stability training、Neck pain、Neck range of motion、Neck isometric strength
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研究方法:受試者為25位來自同一球隊之女性排球運動選手,隨機分為先訓練A組13位及後訓練B組12位 (實驗中各流失一位受試者)。前測利用microFET 3來測試頸部六個方向(伸展、屈曲、左/右側屈和左/右旋轉)的主動關節活動度和最大等長肌力,前測結束後開始第一階段六週訓練, A組進行頸部垂直穩定性訓練,包括頭頂2公斤訓練包同時原地跑步訓練,B組則僅以原地跑步作為控制訓練,六週結束後進行間測(方法同前測),間測後進行第二階段六週訓練,A、B組訓練內容對調,第二階段訓練結束後進行後測 (方法同前、間測)。
本研究使用SPSS for windows 14.0版統計套裝軟體進行統計分析,第一階段資料以二因子重複量測變異數分析及事後分析,第二階段以敘述統計呈現,所有統計之顯著水準α值設定為0.05。

Purpose: The purpose of this study is to explore the vertical stability training effects on active cervical flexibility and maximal isometric strength of the female volleyball players.
Methods: This study surveyed 25 players from a volleyball team、randomly assigned into group A and group B. The group A included 13 volleyball players and the group B 12 (each group was dropped out one subject). Neck active range of motion (ROM) and maximal isometric strength in six directions were measured by microFET 3 before each session of training and after the end of the 2nd session. In the 1st session of training、group A started vertical stability training and group B did control training for six weeks. In the 2nd session of training、groups A and B were switched the training program for another six weeks. We used SPSS 14.0 for data analysis. Data of 1st session were collected and compared by using two-way ANOVA with GLM repeated measures. Data of 2nd session were shown by descriptive statistics. The level of significance was set at α = 0.05 for all tests.
Results: In the 1st session: 1. Significant difference was shown in VAS scroe in group A. 2. Significant differences were shown in active ROM in flexion、right side bending、and bilateral side rotation. 3. Significant differences were shown in maximal isometric strength in all directions. In the 2nd session: 1.The VAS score tended to increase in group A but decrease in group B. 2. The active ROM tended to decrease in six directions of group A but increase in all directions except right-side rotation of group B. 3. The maximal isometric strength tended to maintain in group A but increase in group B.
Conclusion: Six weeks vertical stability training can relieve neck pain effectively in female volleyball players. And it also can increase neck fitness in certain directions. The vertical stability training may be physically beneficial to active ROM、maximal isometric strength、and conseguently sport performance of female volleyball players.

Keywords: Neck vertical stability training、Neck pain、Neck range of motion、Neck isometric strength

第壹章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第三節 研究目的 3
第四節 研究假設 4
第五節 研究範圍與限制 5
第六節 名詞解釋與操作型定義 6
第貳章 文獻探討 7
第一節 排球運動 7
第二節 頸部結構與功能 10
第三節 頸部傷害 12
第四節 頸部關節活動度 15
第五節 頸部肌力 16
第六節 文獻總結 17
第參章 研究方法 18
第一節 研究對像 18
第二節 實驗流程與流程圖 18
第三節 實驗時間與地點 21
第四節 研究設備與測量 22
第五節 資料處理與統計分析 32
第肆章 結果與討論 33
第一節 受試者基本資料 34
第二節 疼痛視覺指數 35
第三節 頸部主動關節活動度 36
第四節 頸部最大等長肌力 42
第五節 討論 47
第五章 結論與建議 51
第一節 結論 51
第二節 建議 51
參考文獻 53
附錄一 人體試驗暨倫理計畫審查證明書 59
附錄二 複合式手握測量儀信度受試者同意書 60
附錄三 受試者同意書 62
附錄四 受試者基本資料問卷 64
附錄五 疼痛視覺指數量表 66
附錄六 初步研究資料 68
附錄七 各方向前測、間測與後測顯著性.............................................70


表3-1 頸部主動關節活動度測試時儀器放置位置............................. 25
表3-2 頸部最大等長肌力測試時儀器放置位置................................. 28
表3-3 頸部垂直穩定性訓練處方......................................................... 30
表4-1 受試者基本資料......................................................................... 34
表4-2 頸部疼痛視覺指數..................................................................... 35
表4-3 頸部主動關節活動度資料......................................................... 37
表4-4 第一階段頸部主動關節活動度之比較..................................... 38
表4-5 頸部主動關節活動度不同訓練前後標準化之比較................. 41
表4-6 頸部最大等長肌力資料............................................................. 42
表4-7 第一階段頸部最大等長肌力之比較......................................... 43
表4-8 頸部最大等長肌力不同訓練前後標準化之比較..................... 46


圖2-1 頸部橫切面上面觀..................................................................... 11
圖2-2 頸因性頭痛症候群影響部位..................................................... 12
圖3-1 實驗流程圖................................................................................. 20
圖3-2 microFET 3................................................................................. 22
圖3-3 頸部垂直穩定性訓練訓練包..................................................... 23
圖3-4 頸部主動關節活動度各方向測試姿勢..................................... 26
圖3-5 頸部最大等長肌力各方向測試姿勢......................................... 29
圖3-6 頸部垂直穩定性訓練動作......................................................... 31
圖4-1 疼痛視覺指數趨勢圖................................................................. 36
圖4-2 頸部主動關節活動度趨勢圖..................................................... 39
圖4-3 頸部主動關節活動度雷達圖..................................................... 40
圖4-4 頸部最大等長肌力趨勢圖......................................................... 44
圖4-5 頸部最大等長肌力雷達圖......................................................... 45

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