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研究生(外文):Chun-Hui Chou
論文名稱(外文):Extracting Dish Names from Chinese Blog Reviews Using Suffix Arrays and Conditional Random Fields Model
中文關鍵詞:條件隨機域 後綴陣列 專有名詞辨識
外文關鍵詞:Conditional Random Fields Suffix Arrays Name Entity Recognition
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除了純文字的詞綴特徵(affix features)以外,我們的模型還考慮其他網頁資訊特有的特徵值:引號標誌,顯示風格(字體/顏色)和圖像鄰近度。預期希望添加額外的特徵,能夠大幅提升了只有詞綴為特徵的效能。

Online blog reviews are a useful source of information for creating restaurant directories. An important step in mining restaurant review blogs is extracting dish names. In this paper, we propose a novel two-phase method for extracting dish names from Chinese language blog reviews.
In the first phase, we identify candidates using an unsupervised suffix array-based approach. In the second, we validate the extracted candidates using a CRF-based approach that can simultaneously model the correlation between sets of super/substring candidates.
In addition to affix features, our model also considers quotation marks, style (font/color/hyperlink) and image proximity. Our experimental results show that adding these extra features significantly improves affix-only baseline performance by as much as 8.05%.
Unlike traditional approaches that extract words from single documents, we use all review documents corresponding to a restaurant because we believe that using multiple documents will increase the frequency and style information for each dish name.

授權書 ..............................................iii
中文摘要 .............................................iv
英文摘要 ..............................................v
誌謝 .................................................vi
第1章 緒論 ............................................1
1.1 研究動機...........................................1
1.2 研究背景...........................................2
1.5 論文架構...........................................4
第2章 相關研究 ........................................5
2.1 規則導向(Rule-based) ..............................5
2.2 統計導向(Statistics-based) ........................5
2.2.1 非監督式 ........................................6
2.2.2 監督式 ..........................................6
2.3 中文專有名詞擷取與整合相關研究.....................7
第3章 系統處理流程與架構 ..............................9
3.1 系統介紹 ..........................................9
3.2 系統架構 ..........................................9
3.3 系統介面 .........................................10
第4章 候選詞辨識 .....................................13
4.1 使用後綴陣列識別菜餚名稱 .........................14
4.2 候選詞過濾(Candidate Filtering) ..................15
第5章 候選詞驗證 .....................................16
5.1 公式化(Formulation) ..............................16
5.2 條件隨機域(Conditional Random Fields) ............18
5.3 特徵選擇(Features) ...............................19
5.3.1 詞綴特徵(Affix Features) .......................19
5.3.2 顯示風格特徵(Style Features) ...................19
5.3.3 引號特徵(Quotation Features) ...................20
5.3.4 圖像鄰近度特徵(Image Proximity Features) .......21
第6章 實驗與評估 .....................................23
6.1 資料集 ...........................................23
6.2 實驗設計與評估方式 ...............................23
6.3 實驗結果 .........................................25
6.3.1 實驗1 ..........................................25
6.3.2 實驗2 ..........................................26
6.3.3 實驗3 ..........................................27
第7章 實驗結果分析與探討 .............................28
7.1 額外特徵的貢獻 ...................................28
7.2 條件隨機域的貢獻 .................................28
7.3 條件隨機域錯誤情況 ...............................29
第8章 結論與未來展望 .................................31
8.1 結論 .............................................31
8.2 未來展望 .........................................32
參考文獻 .............................................33

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