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研究生(外文):Chia-wei Hsu
論文名稱(外文):Robust Design Minimizing the Drag of a Trimaran Model
指導教授(外文):Sheng-ju Wu
口試委員(外文):Der-wei ChenJeng-Horng Chen
外文關鍵詞:TrimaranTaguchi's methodNeural networkGenetic algorithm
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In this work, metamodeling techniques have been used to study a high-speed trimaran model of a scale of 1:100 that was experimented in a circulating water channel. The parametric analysis was investigated to obtain a robust design of minimizing the drag of the ship model. There are three control factors, that is, transverse span, longitudinal position and draft, and one noise factor-ship speed, which were used to conduct the parameter design in this work. An integrated approach, in which orthogonal arrays are combined with artificial neural networks and a genetic algorithm, is proposed seeking for the optimum parameter conditions. This approach can improve the shortcoming while one uses the Taguchi’s method alone, that is, the real optimum parameter values could not be obtained. The primary predicted values and parametric conditions for a minimum drag should be acquired by the Taguchi's method first. Then, treatment of each row in the orthogonal array together with its relative response is used to establish a set of training data (input/target pair) to the artificial neural network. The network by training with the data can describe precisely the nonlinear relationship between inputs and targets. Based on the nonlinear model estimated by the neural networks, a genetic algorithm is adopted to seek for the real optimum parameter levels. The result shows that the effect of the transverse span is of significance to the drag of the trimaran model, and the interaction between the transverse span and longitudinal position would be considered to the sensitivity of the drag. Finally, we were going to carry out the experiments on the confirmation to verify the optimum conditions whether it has reliability.
致謝 ii
摘要 iii
表目錄 viii
圖目錄 x
符號說明 xiii
1. 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 各種高性能船舶介紹 3
1.3 三體船發展史 5
1.4 文獻回顧 6
1.5 研究目的與方法 12
1.6 本文研究架構 13
2. 實驗設備與方法 16
2.1 水準式環流水槽 16
2.2 流速量測裝置與校準 17
2.3 阻力量測裝置與校準 21
2.4 高速三體船模設計與計算 24
2.5 高速三體船模重要諸元及設備架設 26
2.6 實驗方法 28
3. 實驗設計 30
3.1 實驗設計之背景 30
3.2 實驗計劃法簡介 31
3.3 實驗設計與分析 31
3.3.1 決定品質特性(Quality Characteristics) 32
3.3.2 判定品質之理想機能 32
3.3.3 列出所有影響品質特性之因子 34
3.3.4 控制因子(Control Factor)及標示因子之選定 35
3.3.5 控制因子水準選擇與設計 35
3.3.6 直交表的使用與選擇 35
3.3.7 進行實驗及數據整理 38
3.3.8 實驗儀器及各參數之不準確度分析 38
3.3.9 無因次參數分析及不準確度之估算 41
3.3.10數據分析 42
3.4 高速三體船不同速度域之分析 52
3.4.1 高速三體船中低速範圍分析 52
3.4.2 高速三體船全域速度範圍分析: 54
3.4.3 確認實驗(Confirmation Experiment) 57
3.4.4 高速三體船不同速度範圍之比較 58
4. 智慧型參數設計 59
4.1 元建模技術架構 59
4.2 類神經網路 61
4.2.1 神經元介紹 61
4.2.2 類神經網路架構介紹 63
4.2.3 倒傳遞(BPNN)建模 64
4.2.4 改善網路廣義化的能力 66
4.2.5 徑向基底網路(RBN)簡介 69
4.2.6 類神經網路元模型檢定與收斂指標 71
4.3 基因演算法 72
4.3.1 基因演算法運作說明 74
4.4 倒傳遞網路結合基因演算法 75
4.5 徑向基網路結合基因演算法 81
5. 結果與討論 87
5.1 田口法、智慧型參數設計分析結果之綜合討論 87
5.2 無因次化分析與各種船型比較 90
5.3 方艉船型之水動力特性探討 91
5.4 阻力之分析與比較 94
5.5 各種船型有效馬力之比較 98
6. 結論與未來展望 100
6.1 結論 100
6.2 未來展望 101
參考文獻 102
自傳 106

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