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論文名稱(外文):A study on the mechanisms of Forward Motion Compensation for UAVs
外文關鍵詞:Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)Quality Function Deployment(QFD)Forward Motion Compensation(FMC)image compensation
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本文從無人飛行載具之飛行運動,獲知飛行中與模糊補償之相互關係著手,再參考已發表之文獻、論文及專利,分析優劣,作為使用者之需求。依循工程設計中品質機能展開法(QFD,Quality Function Deployment)方式,將使用者需求轉換為工程需求等步驟,依序建構飛行器取像模組之正向運動補償機構之品質屋,並經由品質屋之研討分析,訂定產品之量化數值規格及工程目標。且經由概念產生及概念評估的設計法則,來建構補償機構之概念設計。後續將概念設計成果轉化為細部設計,產出具體化之實質產品,對實質產品之樣本進行測試、分析,作為產品之改善依據,經重覆的測試、修正,以期滿足使用者需求之完善產品。

According to the information variations on the battlefield, it is very important to know the situations during the warfare. The use of the surveillance devices become one of the key points in modern weapon development. Therefore, this study focuses on the design of the mechanisms on forward motion compensation. These mechanisms can be used to compensate images and capture stable images on the flight.
This thesis starts with the review of published documents and patents to analyze the characteristics of the current design. Follow the engineering design method with Quality Function Deployment (QFD), the customers’ requirments can be realized. Then, customers’ requirements were be changed into engineering specifications. Finally, the House of Quality of the mechanism can be set up, and also the design targets can be determined. The following step is the comceptul design includeing comcept generations and comcept evaluations. According to the results of the comceptul design, detailed designs of the mechanisms were realized in the Pro/E software, and the prototype of the mechanism can be manufactured. Then, the prototype was tested by the specifications established in the QFD house, and the original designs were be evaluated and improved by the test results. Eventually, the ideal product that meets the customer’ can be created.

誌謝 ii
摘要 iii
目錄 v
表目錄 ix
圖目錄 x
1. 緒論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 研究動機與目的 4
1.3 研究方法 4
1.4 文獻回顧 6
1.4.1 正向運動補償機構相關國內碩博士論文 6
1.4.2 酬載取像模組之正向運動補償機構研究相關專利 9
1.4.3 酬載取像模組之正向運動補償機構研究相關期刊論文 15
1.4.4 相關文獻討論 16
1.5 論文架構 18
2. 工程設計流程介紹 19
2.1 QFD介紹 19
2.1.1 規格發展與制訂(Specification Development/Planning) 19
2.1.2 QFD表格建立(QFD House Setup) 20
2.2 概念設計(Conceptual Design) 22
2.2.1 概念產生(Generate Concepts) 24
2.2.2 概念評估(Evaluate Concepts) 26
2.3 細部設計(Detailed Design) 29
2.4 試樣(Prototyping) 29
2.5 測試(Testing) 29
3. 飛行取向取像模組正向運動補償設計 31
3.1 QFD表格建立(QFD House Setup) 31
3.1.1 定義顧客為誰(Who)、確立顧客需求(What)、及其相對重要性(Who vs. What) 31
3.1.2 市場評估與競爭對手分析(Now、Now vs. What) 34
3.1.3 決定顧客需求(How)與工程規格之關連性(How vs. What) 36
3.1.4 訂定工程目標(How Much)及各工程規格相互間之關係(How vs. How) 38
3.1.5 飛行取向取像模組正向運動補償設計品質屋 40
3.2 概念設計(Conceptual design) 41
3.2.1 概念產生(Concept generation methods) 42
3.2.2 概念評估(Concept evaluation) 47
3.3 細部設計 51
3.4 試樣 52
4. 軟、硬體介紹 53
4.1 軟體架構之介紹 53
4.1.1 LabVIEW簡介 53
4.2 硬體架構簡介 54
4.2.1 RS-232串列埠介面 55
4.2.2 步進馬達之介紹 58
4.2.3 壓電平台介紹 59
4.2.4 光學尺介紹 59
4.2.5 隔震系統介紹 59
4.2.6 六軸平台介紹 60
5. 測試與分析 62
5.1 測試設備建立 62
5.1.1 控制流程介紹 62
5.1.2 控制流程作業 63
5.2 單軸平移台測試 65
5.3 旋轉軸測試 65
5.4 飛行Data測試 66
5.5 飛行取相模組正向運動補償機構測試與結果 68
5.6 小結 69
6. 結論與未來方向 70
6.1 結論 70
6.2 研究應用方向 70
6.2.1 專利申請 71
6.2.2 Single Board RIO 71
6.3 未來研究方向 71
6.3.1 多功能設備 71
6.3.2 六軸平台裝設 71
參考文獻 73
附錄A1 76
飛行取向正向運動補償機構-美國專利檢索結果 76
附錄A2 83
Forward Motion Compensation-期刊檢索結果 83
附錄A3 84
Forward Motion Compensation-論文檢索結果 84
附錄A4 86
國內專利檢索篩選結果列表 86
附錄B 87
RS-232控制指令 87
附錄C 90
馬達控制器規格 90
附錄D 91
壓電平台規格表 91
附錄E 92
光學尺規格表 92
附錄F 93
平移台與旋轉台規格表 93
自傳 95

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