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研究生(外文):Lin, Kunhong
論文名稱(外文):The study of inkjet printing metallic lines applied onto ITO substrate
指導教授(外文):Ger, Mingder
口試委員(外文):Chang, ChangpinLin, YuehuiOu, JinluSung, Yu
外文關鍵詞:Inkjet printingMetallizationSolar cell
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This study was focused on fabrication of higher-resolution metallic line on ITO substrate using inkjet printing. The thermal-responsive Pd catalyst used as printing ink for catalytic line on ITO, which allows to from the and metallic line as performing electrolesss deposition. The parameter of printing contain space of drop and voltage was change in order to formed high-resolution pattern. The result of OM analysis show the continuous pattern formed when printing voltage was about 37 V and space of drop was about 45μm. Besides, the coffee effect was significant improve by controlled temperature of substrate and the uniform and continuous line was formed at 50℃.By this way, the high- -resolution metallic line was formed easily and quickly. It will provide a higher potential for metallic line of solar cell in the future.
致謝 ii
摘要 iii
目錄 v
表目錄 viii
圖目錄 ix
1. 前言 1
1.1研究動機 4
2. 文獻回顧 5
2.1金屬化製程技術回顧與應用 5
2.1.1乾式鍍膜技術 11物理氣相沉積技術 12化學氣相沉積技術 16
2.1.2濕式鍍膜技術 17 電鍍 18無電電鍍 19
2.2噴墨印刷技術回顧與應用 25
2.3奈米金屬墨水發展 32
2.3.1有機-金屬複合墨水 33
2.3.2奈米金屬粒子墨水 35
3. 實驗 37
3.1實驗藥品與設備 37
3.1.1實驗藥品 37
3.1.2實驗儀器設備 38
3.2實驗流程 39
3.2.1噴印金屬化流程 40
3.2.2鈀奈米粒子/高分子複合材之墨水製備 41
3.2.3基材粗化處理 41
3.2.4金屬化程序 42
3.3噴印奈米鈀觸媒墨水以及金屬化程序 42
3.4噴墨圖形金屬化之研究設備 43
3.4.1噴墨列印設備 43
3.4.2化學鍍裝置 44
3.4.3 檢測分析儀器 45
4. 結果與討論 46
4.1奈米觸媒金屬墨水 47
4.2不同粗糙度基材金屬化測試 49
4.3噴墨列印導線參數的建立 54
4.3.1以不同間距為變數做噴墨列印觀察及分析 54
4.3.2 噴墨列印基材溫度的影響 60
4.3.3 化學鍍鎳條件對金屬導線之影響 66
4.3.4 金屬化附著力測試 70
5. 結論 74
6. 文獻 75
自傳 83

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