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研究生(外文):Chen, Chih-Ping
論文名稱(外文):The Effects of On-line E-book Instructional Program on EFL Learners’ Vocabulary Learning and Perceptions toward Reading
指導教授(外文):Hung, Chuan-Hsiu
口試委員(外文):Chen, Shu-ChuLai, Jin-Chyan
外文關鍵詞:on-line e-bookEnglish vocabulary learningEnglish reading perceptions
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本研究目的旨在探討線上電子書教學課程對英語非母語學習者的單字學習和對閱讀的看法之影響。參與者的學校採英語能力分組教學,並將學生程度分成A及B兩組。本研究以合目標抽樣方式遴選研究對象六位,他們均來自屬英語低成就的B組班級。六位參與學生中,三位參與者分派在實驗組,以線上電子書為教材;其他三位參與者在對照組,以傳統的大書(Big Book) 為教材。前、後測的實施是用來評量學生在認字(word recognition)、唸字(single word reading )、單字知識(vocabulary knowledge)及對閱讀看法(reading perceptions)的進步情形。在教學後,研究者對這六位參與者實施訪談來瞭解其對閱讀的看法。以內容分析法(content analysis)和持續比較法(constant comparative method)來描述和解讀研究者的教學反省日誌(teacher’s reflective teaching journal)及課室觀察(classroom observation)記錄。研究結果顯示,所有的參與者在認字、唸字、單字知識及對閱讀看法的後測上均有明顯地進步。雖然兩組在認字測驗上的平均很接近但線上電子書教學課程組的學生在唸字及單字知識上的表現均優於大書教學課程組的學生。線上電子書教學課程組的學生也有明顯的正面閱讀態度;而大書教學課程組的學生則較少有正面的閱讀態度。
研究者提出一項稱為”摩天輪理論”用來詮釋線上電子書教學課程的主要發現。研究結果顯示線上電子書能促進學習者的動機、閱讀學習(reading learning)、單字學習和樂趣閱讀(pleasure reading)。另外,線上電子書再教學上具有下列特點,包括: (a)增進學習者的單字學習,尤其在唸字上更有其助益;(b)旁白和單字聚焦的特點幫助學生自己學習以建立其閱讀的成功經驗;(c)能引起學生動機的重要媒介; (d)當作訓練說故事的教材和矯正發音的媒材。

The purpose of the research was to explore whether On-line E-book instructional program can promote foreign language learners’ words learning and reading perceptions. In participants’ school, there were two English ability groups- Class A and Class B. Six student participants from Class B (English low-achievers) were selected based on purposeful sampling. They were evenly assigned to two groups: three students in the experimental group which used the on-line e-book and three were in the control group, receiving traditional big book instructional program. Pre- and posts were assigned to assess the progress of their performance on word recognition, single word reading, vocabulary knowledge and reading perceptions. After the instruction, researcher interviewed six participants to evaluate their perceptions toward reading. Researcher’s reflective teaching journals and classroom observations were also collected to describe and interpret the data by using content analysis and constant comparative method. The results showed that all participants had greater performance on post-tests in all aspects: word recognition, single word reading, vocabulary knowledge and reading perceptions. Although both groups had the nearly mean percentage correct scores on word recognition, students in On-line E-book instructional program perform better on single word reading and vocabulary knowledge than those in Big Book instructional program. Also, On-line E-book instructional students had obvious positive reading attitude whereas those in Big Book program showed less positive attitude toward reading.
A ferry wheel model based on the major findings in the present study was constructed to describe the findings of On-line E-book instructional program. The on-line e-book may foster learners’ motivation, reading learning, vocabulary learning and pleasure reading. For pedagogical implications, they were categorized as four characters: (a) On-line E-book instructional program may foster learners’ vocabulary learning especially for words reading; (b) the feature of spoken narration and words highlighting facilitate learners to learn on their own to build up their successful English reading experience; (c) the on-line e-book is of importance to play a role as a media to arouse learners’ motivation; (d) the on-line e-book is suitable for teachers to use it as storytelling training materials and pronunciation refining materials.

Background of the Study 1
Purpose and Questions of the Study 5
Definition of Terms 6
Significance of the Study 10
Summary 11
The Importance of English Vocabulary for English Reading 13
Reading and Vocabulary Learning 14
Vocabulary Instruction 14
Attitude and Motivation 16
Theories Related to Reading and Vocabulary Learning 19
Dual Coding Theory 19
Multimedia Learning Theories 20

Previous Studies on Visual-Audio Links and English Vocabulary Learning 23
Computer Technology and English Vocabulary Learning 24
The Effects of Technology on Learner’s Educational Progress 25
Computer-Assisted Language Learning 26
Multimedia Assisted Learning of Reading 27
Previous Studies on Computer-Based Multimedia Learning and English Vocabulary Learning 29
Summary 32
Research Design 35
Pilot Study 37
Main Study 38
Selection of Participants 38
Sample of Participants: The Students 39
Instructional Materials 41
Instruments 42
Target Vocabulary Words 43
Data Collection Methods 44
Word Recognition Test 44
Single Word Reading Test 47
Vocabulary Knowledge Scale 47
Elementary Students’ Reading Attitude Survey 49
The Teacher’s Classroom Observations and Reflections 51
Students’ Reading Perceptions Interviews 52
Data Collection Procedures 52
Data Analysis 54
Summary 56
Pretest and Posttest 59
Word Recognition 60
Single Word Reading Test 62
Vocabulary Knowledge Scale 65
Elementary School Students’ Reading Attitude Survey 66
Students’ Reading Perceptions 70
The Teacher’s Classroom Observations and Reflections 70
Students’ Reading Perceptions Interview 76
Summary 86
Development of a Model 88
Discussion 90
Word Recognition Test 90
Single Word Reading Test 91
Vocabulary Knowledge Scale 91
Elementary School Students’ Reading Attitude Survey 92
Students’ Reading Perceptions 93
The Teacher’s Classroom Observations and Reflections 93
Students’ Reading Perceptions Interview 94
Pedagogical Implications 95
Limitations of the Study 97
Suggestions for Future Research 97

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