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研究生(外文):Jiang, Hao Wei
論文名稱(外文):Links and Defects in Network Temperature
指導教授(外文):Pen, Wei
口試委員(外文):Lee, Chin RongChen , Chien YenPen, Wei
外文關鍵詞:network temperaturesmall worldlinkdefectphase transitionthermodynamicsmagneticspinrandom network
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由熱力學的觀點來探討16原子網路結構中在加入額外連結以及缺陷所造成各節點間交互作用以及其影響,計算了網路結構模型中所有可能的組態 , 並利用Ising Model得出每個態的能量,進一步得到其 microcanonical ensemble下的熵。有了能量與熵後,便可得出溫度與熱容。比較經由不同拓普結構所產生的變量, 發現原16原子網路結構會有所有原子自旋方向由平行變反性平的相變,當原子間加入額外連結時,連結至奇數項原子便會使其失去相變。利用缺陷方式可直接由熱力學圖形上知道連結度最大與最小的原子為何者。以及由較接近現實網路的隨機網路結構熱力學圖型猜測大部分網路皆不易有相變的發生。
The thermodynamics of the interaction among nodes of 16-membered networks with extra links and defects is studied. We took all possible states of the networks to calculate the energy by using Ising Model and derived entropy by using microcanonical ensemble. With energy and entropy, the temperature and capacity are then derived. We compared these variables generated from different topologies. The original network structure of 16 atoms found in all atoms have become anti-parallel spin orientation of the flat phase transition, when adding additional links between atoms, the atom will link to the item to lose the odd phase transition. Defects can be directly used by the thermodynamic approach on the graph to know the maximum and minimum link degree why the atoms are. Closer to reality by the network and the random network structure of network thermodynamics graphics are easy to guess most of the phase transition has occurred.
致謝 I
摘要 II
Abstract III
第一章 緒論 1
1.2 研究動機 5
第二章 研究方法 6
第三章 結果 16
A :16環狀結構做一連結 16
A-1 :對稱性 (Link 3-8 and 15-10) 16
A-2 : 1 Link 17
B : 16環狀結構做兩連結 19
B-1 : 1 Link 3 and other 20
B-2 : 1 Link 4 and other 22
B-3: 1 Link 5 and other 24
B-4: 1 Link 6 and other 27
B-5. 2 Links Symmetry 29
C: 16環狀結構做對稱連結 31
C-1: 八邊形 31
C-2: 十字型 33
C-3: 五邊形 35
D : Link Max and min 37
D-1 : 10 atom 37
D-2 : 16 atom 40
第四章 討論 42
a. odd no symmetry in SE : 43
b. 1 Link continuity in TE and CT 44
c. 隨機網路 45
第五章 結論 46
參考文獻 48

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