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研究生(外文):Chang, Jia-Hou
論文名稱(外文):A Panoramic Video Stitching System and Its Realization on an Embedded System
指導教授(外文):Guo, Jiun-In
口試委員(外文):Su ,Qing-LongLin, Tai-JiZhen, Guan-Hong
外文關鍵詞:Panoramic Video Stitching
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This thesis presents a low-complexity panoramic video stitching algorithm. With the proposed algorithm, users can stitch two videos into a high-resolution, smooth, seamless panoramic video. In related works, the processing can be divided into several stages, including image alignment, image repairing, and so on. In image alignment stage, the linear relationship of source videos can be found by various methods, such as using camera parameter, edge-correlation, feature-based matching, etc. After the initial stitched frame is obtained, the distortion occurred in the initial stitched frame would be eliminated in Image Repairing stage. The problems include the holes, clear seam, and artifacts caused by moving objects in video stitching. Most of the relative literatures are focusing on the single image stitching and consume a lot of time so that they are not suitable to be applied to real-time video stitching. To solve these problems, the thesis proposes an algorithm that can stitch several videos captured from normal cameras into one panoramic video with high quality. For realization on an embedded system, this thesis implements several methods such as the complexity reduction and multithreading. This thesis can be applied to various applications and products with multiple views, such as tachograph, car rearview, surveillance system, and so on.
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Background: What is Panoramic Image/Video Stitching? 1
1.2 Motivation 3
1.3 Organization of Thesis 4
Chapter 2 Related Works 5
2.1 Overview 5
2.2 Image Alignment 5
2.2.1 Multi-scale Edge Correlation Method [2] 6
2.2.2 FFT-based Image Registration [3] 7
2.2.3 Block Matching and M-estimation Method [4] 7
2.2.4 Scale-Invariant Feature Transform [6] 8
2.2.5 Edge-based Stitching Algorithm [7] 13
2.3 Image Repairing and Blending 15
2.3.1 A Two-phase Image Blending Scheme [8] 15
2.3.2 A Fast-to-complexity Blending Algorithm [9] 17
2.3.3 Fade In-out Blending Image Fusion Approach [11] 18
2.3.4 Foreground Detection and Selection Method [13] 19
Chapter 3 Proposed Algorithm 22
3.1 Overview 22
3.2 Block-based Image Alignment Estimation 23
3.3 Image Projection and Blending 26
3.4 Image Repair and Blending 27
3.4.1 Texture-based Repairing 28
3.4.2 Dynamic Optimal Seam Adjustment 30
3.4.3 Brightness Adjustment 32
3.5 Video Stitching with Multiple Cameras 34
3.6 Vertical and Four-channel Video Stitching 35
Chapter 4 Realization on an Embedded System 38
4.1 Simulation Environment 38
4.2 Optimization of the Proposed Algorithm 40
4.2.1 Dynamic Down-sampling 40
4.2.2 Multithreading of Video Stitching Algorithm 42
Chapter 5 Performance Evaluation and Demonstration 44
5.1 Performance Evaluation 44
5.2 Demonstration 46
Chapter 6 Conclusion and Applications 50
6.1 Conclusion 50
6.2 Applications 51
6.2.1 Panoramic Tachograph 51
6.2.2 Panoramic Surveillance System 52
Reference 53
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