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研究生(外文):Chang, Meng-Kuei
論文名稱(外文):Design of Millimeterwave CMOS Phase Shifters with 180° and 360° Tuning Range
指導教授(外文):Chang, Sheng-Fuh
口試委員(外文):Horng, Tzyy-ShengChuang, Huey-Ru
外文關鍵詞:phase shiftermillimeterwave
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本論文設計K及V頻段CMOS 180°被動相移器,以及360°主動式相移器。其將用於實現毫米波相位陣列之動態波束掃描功能。傳統單端架構的CMOS被動反射式相移器,為了獲得360°的調控範圍,其植入損耗值和植入損耗變動量會過大。本論文提出具有相位反轉切換功能的差動結構,實現360°的相位調控範圍,僅需180°的相位調控,便可獲得360°相位調控效果,因此大幅降低植入損耗值和其變動量。
本論文設計四顆相移器,包含K頻段180°相移器,V頻段180°相移器,K頻段360°主動相移器,和V頻段360°主動相移器。K及V頻段180°差動反射式相移器,分別以TSMC 0.18 μm與90 nm製程技術實現。以增強互耦之方法設計差動正交耦合器與反射式負載,得以縮短其繞線路徑長度,降低植入損耗及佈局面積。K頻段180°相移器晶片在22–25 GHz的植入損耗為4.9±1.1 dB,晶片面積0.11 mm2。V頻段180°相移器晶片在50–60 GHz的植入損耗為5.9±0.6 dB,晶片面積0.1 mm2。
360°相移器是由180°差動相移器與具相位反轉之低雜訊放大器結合而成。藉放大器輸出路徑切換,達成0°/180°相位反轉之功效,其搭配原有180°的調控而構成360°全相位調控。K頻段360°主動式相移器操作於22至25 GHz,具12±2 dB之增益,雜訊指數5.5±0.5 dB,功率消耗為20.3 mW,晶片面積0.72 mm2。V頻段360°主動式相移器操作於50至60 GHz,具17.6±1 dB之增益,雜訊指數5.7±0.2 dB,功率消耗為32 mW,晶片面積0.59 mm2。實驗與模擬吻合,證實本論文提出相位反轉差動結構,達到低植入損失之360°相移器。
K-band and V-band CMOS 180° and 360° phase shifters are presented in this thesis, which will be applied to millimeter-wave beam-steering phased-array systems. To achieve a full 360° tuning range, a novel differential phase shifter configuration with switchable phase inversion is proposed such that only half of the phase range is required. Therefore, the proposed differential phase shifter configuration contains two key circuit blocks, which are 180° differential reflection-type phase shifter (DRTPS) and switchable active phase inverter. First, the 180° differential reflection-type phase shifters (DRTPSs) were designed at the K- and V-band in 180 nm and 90 nm CMOS process, respectively. The strong coupling lines are utilized to realize the quadrature hybrid. Thus the insertion loss is lowered and the hybrid chip size is reduced. The K-band CMOS DRTPS has the measured insertion loss of 4.9±1.1 dB from 22 to 25 GHz and its chip area is 0.11 mm2. The V-band CMOS DRTPS has the insertion loss of 5.9±0.6 dB from 50 to 60 GHz with the 0.1 mm2 chip area.
Second, the above 180° DRTPS is integrated with the switchable active phase inverter. The switchable active phase inverter is a differential low-noise amplifier with switch-controlled interconnection to output ports. Consequently the phase of output signal at one state can be switched to 180° lag to another state. Two 360° active phase shifters at K- and V-band were implemented. The K-band active phase shifter has a measured gain of 12±2 dB, noise figure of 5.5±0.5 dB from 22 to 25 GHz. The DC power consumption is 20.3 mW and the chip area of 0.72 mm2. The V-band 360° active phase shifter has a measured gain of 17.6±1 dB and noise figure of 5.7±0.2 dB from 5 0 to 60 GHz. It draws 32 mW DC power and has a 0.59 mm2 chip area. The measured results agree very well with the simulation, which demonstrate the proposed full 360° phase shifter configuration.
第一章 序論....................................1
1.1 研究背景..............................1
1.2 相位陣列基本原理.......................4
1.3 研究動機..............................6
1.4 論文架構..............................7
第二章 差動可調式反射相移器.....................8
2.1 相移器研究發展現況.....................8
2.2 K-Band CMOS差動反射式相移器............9
2.2.1 設計原理...........................9
2.2.2 電路佈局與量測考量..................17
2.2.3 模擬與量測結果......................18
2.3 V-Band CMOS差動反射式相移器............23
2.3.1 研究動機...........................23
2.3.2 電路佈局與模擬結果..................24
2.4 結論.................................28
第三章 360°主動相移器..........................29
3.1 並聯式相位陣列之相移架構................29
3.2 K-Band CMOS主動式相移器...............32
3.2.1 設計原理與電路架構..................33
3.2.2 電路佈局與量測考量..................36
3.2.3 模擬與量測結果.....................37
3.3 V-Band CMOS主動式相移器...............42
3.3.1 電路架構、晶片佈局與量測考量.........42
3.3.2 模擬結果...........................44
3.4 結論.................................48
第四章 結論...................................50
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