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研究生(外文):Lane, Chungting
論文名稱(外文):Design of Three-Dimensional Wireless Indoor Positioning Radar System Based on Sigma/Delta Angulation and FMCW Lateration Technologies
指導教授(外文):Chang, Chiachan
口試委員(外文):Chang, ShengfuhChang, ChiachanYang, ChingnungMa, Tzyhghuang
外文關鍵詞:FMCWMonopulseSigma/Delta RadarAngulationLaterationRadar
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本論文運用和差(Σ/Δ)角度量測雷達與連續調頻(Frequency modulation Contineous Wave, FMCW)雷達測距技術,設計一室內三維無線定位雷達系統。透過定位演算法之多組誤差檢測曲線降低多重路徑干擾,可得精準之空間二維角度定位,再利用FMCW提供距離資訊,實現三維定位之技術。
首先介紹傳統式單脈波(Monopulse)雷達之原理,再衍生至改良接收端比較器後的新型和差角度量測雷達,並介紹其多數決演算法執行之思考邏輯與定位方式,和差角度量測系統架構最為關鍵子電路即為二維比較器,由可調式相移器、3-dB枝幹耦合器以及薛夫曼相移器所組成,而接收端天線為配合演算法,乃採用2 2天線陣列組成,具有寬頻(2.1 GHz–2.5 GHz)與寬軸比特性(2.1 GHz時AR < 3 dB有86 )。寬頻特性支援FMCW mode 與Σ/Δ mode皆可運作。寬軸比特性除了使接收機圓極化天線陣列可偵測角度範圍增加,另一方面其圓極化特性亦可抑制部份多重路徑干擾。但和差角度量測雷達受限於自身特性,若要量測3-D 定位資訊則需要至少兩組以上系統,不僅成本過高,演算過程亦過於複雜,故加入FMCW之測距特性,並結合兩者系統產生新的定位系統架構,即可藉由一組收發系統便可測得3-D 定位資訊。
接著則因應天線陣列可偵測範圍受場型特性之影響,藉由改善多數決演算法之判斷機制,使其在N=8的誤差檢測曲線中,由判斷機制劃分為三個偵測區段,使40 之可偵測範圍擴大至60 。

Three-dimensional indoor positioning system based on Sigma/Delta angulation and FMCW lateration technologies is developed in this thesis. In the proposed positioning algorithm, multiple error detection curves are ultized not only to obtain the angle information of the target, but also to reduce the multi-path interference as well. The distance information can be achieved by using FMCW thchnology.
2-D comparator is the most important sub-circuit in Sigma/Delta angulation radar, which consists of tunable phase shifters、3-dB branch line couplers and schiffman phase shifters. Within this work, a circular polarization antenna is designed with features including wideband operation, wide beamwidth and wide-angle of low axial ratio, which can support Sigma/Delta mode and FMCW mode simutenously. The antennas are also assembled as a 1×4 antenna array for transmitter and a 2×2 antenna array for receiver
The field of view (FOV) of the proposed system is relative to the antenna pattern. To increase the FOV, the positioning algorithm is further modified with three seperated regions in the case of N=8 (number of detection curves) so that the resultant FOV is inceased from 40 to 60 .
The positioning ability of this system is tested in two environments with different level of interference. The case with low interference has 75% position error less than 22cm, while the case with high interference has 75% position error less than 25cm.

第一章 序論 1
1.1 研究動機 1
1.2 文獻探討 1
1.3 論文綱要 3
1.4 章節介紹 4
第二章 使用和差角度量測原理之二維無線室內定位雷達系統 5
2.1 簡介 5
2.2 傳統單脈波雷達定位原理與架構 5
2.3 和差角度量測雷達原理與系統架構 8
2.3.1 一維比較器與一維定位演算法 9
2.3.2 二維比較器與二維定位原理 14
第三章 連續調頻雷達系統設計 22
3.1 連續調頻雷達測距原理 22
3.2 多重路徑訊號反射干擾之分析 25
3.2.1 發射端子電路特性 26
3.2.2 接收端子電路特性 36
3.3 寬頻與寬軸比圓極化天線 49
3.3.1 單一圓極化天線 49
3.3.2 1 4圓極化天線陣列 55
3.3.3 2 2圓極化天線陣列 60
3.4 結合和差角度量測與連續調頻距離量測原理之雷達系統 70
第四章 三維無線室內定位雷達系統量測結果 76
4.1 量測環境介紹 76
4.2 定位角度誤差計算公式 80
4.3 不同環境下量測結果 82
4.3.1 低干擾環境量測結果 82
4.3.2 高干擾環境量測結果 88
4.4 結果分析與比較 97
第五章 結論與未來展望 100
參考文獻 101

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