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研究生(外文):Poting Chen
論文名稱(外文):Lattice Boltzmann Model for Electromagnetic Waves in Dispersive Media
指導教授(外文):Jeng-Rong Ho
口試委員(外文):Chin-Tu LuChen Bih-CherngJeng-Rong Ho
外文關鍵詞:Lattice Boltzmann modelElectromagnetic Wavedispersive media
  • 被引用被引用:1
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An extended lattice Boltzmann modeling with special forcing terms for one-dimensional Maxwell equations exerting on a dispersive medium is presented in this thesis. The time dependent dispersive effect is obtained by the inverse Fourier transform of the frequency-domain permittivity and is incorporated into the evolution equations of LBM via an equivalent forcing effect. The Chapman-Enskog multi-scale analysis is employed to make sure the proposed scheme is mathematically consistent with the targeted Maxwell’s equations. The numerical accuracy was then confirmed by comparing the LBM results with those from the FDTD. Results show that the numerical values for the frequency-dependent reflection coefficients at the air/water interface as well as the reflection and transmission coefficients at the vacuum/plasma interface obtained by these two methods were all in excellent agreement compared with the exact solutions. The present model can be used for dispersive media described by the Debye, Drude and Lorentz models.
誌謝 i
中文摘要 ii
Abstract iii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 vii
表目錄 ix
符號表 x
Chapter 1 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 論文架構 2
Chapter 2 電磁波理論與色散介質 3
2.1 古典電磁波理論 3
2.2 色散介質及其種類 4
2.2.1 色散介質基本介紹 4
2.2.2 色散介質的種類 5
2.3 色散介質之傳統數值方法回顧 6
2.3.1 時域有限差分法 7
2.3.2 時域有限元素法 7
2.4 晶格波茲曼方法應用於波動方程式及電磁波方程式 8
2.4.1 波動方程式 8
2.4.2 電磁波方程式 10
2.5 小結 13
Chapter 3 晶格波茲曼方法之電磁波於色散介質傳輸機制 14
3.1 波茲曼傳輸方程式 14
3.2 晶格波茲曼方法 15
3.3 電磁波晶格波茲曼法 17
3.4 特殊外力項 18
Chapter 4 數值模擬方法 21
4.1 初始條件、邊界條件 21
4.2 程式流程 22
4.3 程式驗證 24
Chapter 5 研究結果與討論 30
5.1 外力項之離散 30
5.2 電磁波在德拜介質中的傳播情形 33
5.3 模擬電磁波在杜德介質中的傳播情形 39
5.4 電磁波頻率對於脈衝與固體電漿作用結果之討論 44
Chapter 6 結論與未來工作 48
6.1 結論 48
6.2 未來工作 49
參考文獻 50
論文口試問題總整理 52
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