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研究生(外文):Ping-Rong Wang
論文名稱(外文):Decision Support in Library Book Acquisition: a Social Computing-based Approach
指導教授(外文):Fan WuYa-Han Hu
口試委員(外文):Kuo-yu WangCheng-kui HuangFan WuYa-Han Hu
外文關鍵詞:book acquisitionsocial networkrecommendationsocial computinglibrary science
  • 被引用被引用:1
  • 點閱點閱:558
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Due to the explosion of knowledge, many books (or e-books) are published a lot each year, the librarians need to make effective decisions in book acquisition under the limited budget. Since librarians can not fully realize the needs of readers, many libraries provide the book recommendation service such that the readers can recommend the books to the libraries. However, the readers may only recommend the books in accordance with their own interest, resulting in the recommended books not always meeting the needs of other readers. To facilitate decision-making in book acquisition, this paper used the social network to establish the relationships between the recommender and his/her related readers via the historical circulation records. Upon the social network, this paper uses social computing to evaluate the representative degree of the recommender. The representative degree is then used a criterion to rank the recommended books. The retrospective and empirical studies are performed to show the effectiveness of the proposed ranking system. The Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient shows that the ranking of the recommended books by the proposed ranking system is very like the two ranking schemes of these books from the analysis of the historical circulation records and the librarians.
Abstract I
摘要 II
Contents III
List of Tables IV
List of Figures V
1. Introduction 1
2. Related Work 6
2.1 Decision-making of book acquisition 6
2.2 Social network and social computing 9
3. Method 12
3.1 Importance of books in a category 13
3.2 Strength of a link between a recommender and a reader 25
4. Validation of Proposed Ranking Scheme 35
4.1 Data set and preprocessing 35
4.2 Empirical studies 38
5. Conclusion 48
Reference 49

List of Tables
Table 1. The numbers of readers about three behaviors in the category A 16
Table 2. The numbers of readers about three behaviors in the category B 16
Table 3(a). The numbers of the internal and external readers about three behaviors in the category A 24
Table 3(b). The idle periods about three behaviors for the books 25
Table 3(c). The active periods about three behaviors for the books 25
Table 4. The strengths of the links between the recommender and the related readers in Figure 3 31
Table 5.The policies in book acquisition of NCCU library 38
Table 6. The ranking of the recommended books and their differences among the proposed ranking system, readers’ circulation statistics, and the librarians in the subcategories of language and literature 41
Table 7. The ranking of the recommended books and their differences among the proposed ranking system, readers’ circulation statistics, and the librarians in the subcategory of science 45

List of Figures
Figure 1(a). An egocentric network of the recommender1 for category A 10
Figure 1(b). An egocentric network of the recommender2 for category A 10
Figure 2. The idle and the active periods in the viewpoint of borrowing behavior for three books 19
Figure 3. The egocentric network of recommender CM 27
Figure 4. Three ranking schemes of the proposed ranking system, readers’ circulation statistics, and the librarians in the subcategories of language and literature 43
Figure 5. Three ranking schemes of the proposed ranking system, readers’ circulation statistics, and the librarians in the subcategory of science 46

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