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研究生(外文):Tseng Fu Lu
論文名稱(外文):ISFET with Programmable Structures and High-k Sensing Membranes for Bio-Applications
指導教授(外文):C. S. LaiJ. C. Wang
外文關鍵詞:ion-sensitive field-effect transistorelectrolyte-insulator-semiconductorHfO2nonvolatile memoryplasma treatmentureahydrogen ionsodium ionpotassium ion
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為達到即時監測和同時量測,多功能感測器陣列扮演重要之角色於工業監控上與健康照護系統上之應用。近年來為實現多功能感測器陣列,許多研究致力於整合不同功能之離子感測電晶體感測器於單一晶片或混合微膜組件上對多種物質濃度同時進行感測。於本論文中,為製作多功能感測薄膜,將利用微電子技術之處理包括快速熱退火、電漿處理與參雜處理及化學溶液浸泡處理於高介電氧化鉿薄膜,使其對氫、鈉和鉀離子及尿素進行感測。就氫離子感測部分,利用濺鍍沉積系統與原子層沉積系統沉積之單層氧化鉿感測薄膜,經過攝氏九百度高溫退火處理後均有良好之感測度、漂移系數與遲滯效應表現。與傳統雙層感測層相比,單層氧化鉿離子感測電晶體擁有較低之基底效應。另外,藉由六氟化硫電漿處理後,來自鈉、鉀離子之感擾效應可有效減低。此外,具可程式化之感測器於本論文中首次提出用以感測氫離子濃度,經由程式化處理後其獲得之感測度可超過理想能斯特反應,且其操作可如快閃記憶體般並可達百次之多。就鈉、鉀離子感測部分,利用鎢參雜製備之鉿鎢氧化薄膜與利用四氟甲烷電漿處理製備之氟化氧化鉿被提出作為感測薄膜。經由攝氏三百度四氟甲烷電漿處理五分鐘後,其鈉、鉀離子感測度分別為50.47 mV/pNa與45.75 mV/pK,且其生命期可達六百天之久。就尿素感測部分,經由遠距氨電漿處理之氨化氧化鉿可對尿素具有感測能力,且經過一百瓦九分鐘與兩百瓦六分鐘處理後之氨化氧化鉿薄膜具有與以傳統化學矽烷化處理製備之氨化氧化鉿薄膜相同之感測度。根據所載之研究成果,多功能感測器陣列可以利用開發之官能化氧化鉿薄膜於離子感測電晶體感測器上來實現。
For the requirements of multi-parameter sensor for real-time and in-line measurements in industry and health care system, a number of attempts have been made to integrate several types ISFET on a single chip or in a hybrid module to measure several analyte concentrations simultaneously. For the development of multi-sensing membranes, a systematic study on the functionalized methods including annealing, plasma, doping, and chemical procedures on high-k HfO2 are presented. For pH sensing, both single sputtered- and ALD-HfO2 films with annealing treatment at 900oC show good sensing performances on sensitivity, drift coefficient and hysteresis. When compared to stack layer structure, lower body effect can be obtained for single HfO2 ISFET. With SF6 plasma treatments, the interferences from Na+ and K+ ions can be effectively decreased. In addition, a programmable sensor, which has highly sensitivity over idea Nernst response under programming, was proposed. The memory-like operation can be achieved to hundred program/erase cycles. For pK and pNa sensing, HfxWyOz dual oxides by W doping and fluorinated-HfO2 films by CF4 plasma were successfully developed. With CF4 plasma at 300oC for 5 min, the pK- and pNa-sensitivity for fluorinated-HfO2 film were 45.75 mV/pK and 50.47 mV/pNa, respectively, and the lifetime was over 600 days. For pCurea sensing, ammoniated-HfO2 films by remote NH3 plasma treatments were successfully developed. When compared to the conventional silanization procedures, the similar pCurea sensitivity of 95.47 and 99.22 mV/pCurea for HfO2 films with remote NH3 plasma treatments under 100 W for 9 min and 200 W for 6 min can be obtained, respectively. Based on the achievements in this thesis, multi-parameter sensor array could be realized using developed functionalized-HfO2 films on ISFET.
Table of Contents
誌謝 - v -
摘要 - vii -
Abstract - viii -
Table of Contents - x -
List of Tables - xiv -
Figure Captions - xvi -
Chapter 1 Introduction - 1 -
1.1 Background - 1 -
1.2 Motivation - 6 -
1.3 Dissertation Organization - 8 -
Chapter 2 Devices and Methods - 15 -
2.1 Draft of Researches - 15 -
2.2 Fabrication of Devices - 16 -
2.2.1 Process Flow of EIS - 17 -
2.2.2 Process Flow of ISFET - 18 -
2.2.3 Radio Frequency Sputtering Process - 19 -
2.2.4 Atomic Layer Deposition Process - 20 -
2.3 Measurements - 22 -
2.3.1 Capacitance-Voltage (C-V) Measurement - 22 -
2.3.2 Current-Voltage (I-V) Measurement - 23 -
2.3.3 Constant Voltage Constant Current Circuit
Measurement - 23 -
2.4 Sensor Parameters - 25 -
2.4.1 Sensitivity - 25 -
2.4.2 Linearity - 26 -
2.4.3 Drift Coefficient - 27 -
2.4.4 Hysteresis - 27 -
2.4.5 Selectivity - 28 -
2.5 Physical Analyses - 29 -
2.5.1 X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy - 29 -
2.5.2 Atomic Force Microscopy - 30 -
Chapter 3 pH Sensing Characteristics of Sputtered- and Atomic Layer Deposited-Hafnium Oxide Films - 43 -
3.1 Introduction - 43 -
3.1.1 Background - 43 -
3.1.2 Motivations - 46 -
3.2 Framework and Methods - 47 -
3.2.1 Framework of This Chapter - 47 -
3.2.2 Rapid Thermal Annealing Process - 47 -
3.2.3 Surface Sulfur Hexafluoride Plasma Process - 48 -
3.3 pH Sensing Characteristics of Sputtered-HfO2 Thin
Films - 48 -
3.3.1 Double and Single Layer Structures - 48 -
3.3.2 Thickness Effect - 49 -
3.3.3 Post Deposition Annealing - 51 -
3.3.4 Sputtered-HfO2 Gate ISFET - 54 -
3.3.5 Sulfur Hexafluoride Plasma Effect - 61 -
3.4 pH Sensing Characteristics of ALD-HfO2 Thin Films -65 -
3.4.1 Thickness Effect - 65 -
3.4.2 Post Deposition Annealing - 67 -
3.5 Summary - 69 -
Chapter 4 Programmable pH Sensor Based on Nonvolatile Memory Structures - 101 -
4.1 Introduction - 102 -
4.1.1 pH Sensor - 102 -
4.1.2 Nonvolatile Memory Structures - 104 -
4.1.3 Motivations - 105 -
4.2 Framework and Methods - 106 -
4.2.1 Framework of This Chapter - 106 -
4.2.2 Fabrication of HfO2/Gd2O3-NCs/SiO2/Si-EIS - 106 -
4.2.3 Fabrication of HfO2/Si3N4/SiO2/Si-EIS - 107 -
4.3 Gd2O3 Nanocrystals-Embedded EIS Devices - 108 -
4.3.1 pH Sensing Characteristics - 108 -
4.3.2 REFET Application - 112 -
4.3.3 Urea Sensor Application - 114 -
4.3.4 Charge Attraction Model - 116 -
4.4 SONOS-Like EIS Devices - 117 -
4.4.1 pH Sensing Characteristics of HfO2/Si3N4/SiO2/Si-EIS Devices - 117 -
4.5 Summary - 120 -
Chapter 5 Anion Sensing Membranes Based on HfxWyOz Dual-Oxide and Fluorinated-HfO2 Films - 137 -
5.1 Introduction - 137 -
5.1.1 Background - 137 -
5.1.2 Motivations - 140 -
5.2 Framework and Methods - 142 -
5.2.1 Framework of This Chapter - 142 -
5.2.2 Co-Sputtering Process - 143 -
5.2.3 Surface Carbon Tetrafluoride Plasma Process - 143 -
5.3 HfxWyOz Dual-Oxide Films for pK Detection - 144 -
5.3.1 pH and pK Sensing Characteristics - 144 -
5.3.2 pH Value at Point of Zero Charge - 149 -
5.4 Fluorinated-HfO2 Films for pNa and pK Detection - 151 -
5.4.1 CF4 Plasma Effect on ISFET - 151 -
5.4.2 Thermal CF4 Plasma Effect on EIS - 157 -
5.5 Summary - 164 -
Chapter 6 Enzymatic Membrane Based on Ammoniated-HfO2 Films for Urea Detection - 187 -
6.1 Introduction - 187 -
6.1.1 Background - 187 -
6.1.2 Motivations - 191 -
6.2 Framework and Methods - 192 -
6.2.1 Framework of This Chapter - 192 -
6.2.2 Reagents - 192 -
6.2.3 Preparation of Enzymatic Layer Using Silanization Procedures - 193 -
6.2.4 Preparation of Enzymatic Layer Using Remote Ammonium Plasma - 193 -
6.3 Urea Detection Based on Ammoniated-HfO2 EIS - 195 -
6.3.1 EIS with Silanization Procedures - 195 -
6.3.2 EIS with Remote Ammonium Plasma - 196 -
6.4 Summary - 200 -
Chapter 7 Conclusions - 215 -
7.1 Summary - 215 -
7.2 Future Works - 219 -
References - 221 -
Publication List - 252 -

List of Tables

Table 1-1. Types of electrochemical transducer for classied types of measurement, with corresponding analytes to be measured [9].- 10 -
Table 1-2. Historical landmarks in the development of BioFET devices [8].- 11 -
Table 1-3. Examples of EnFETs including the enzyme system used and the analyte to be detected [25].- 12 -
Table 1-4. The comparison of ISFET, ChemFET, EnFET, ImmunoFET, cell-based BioFET, and GenFET in structure, analyte, and sensitive membrane.- 13 -
Table 3-1. Comparison of sensing characteristics of various insulators.- 71 -
Table 3-2. Comparison of properties of various high-k dielectrics [68].- 71 -
Table 3-3. Comparison of quality of films deposited using various techniques.- 72 -
Table 3-4. Summary of pH sensing characteristics of sputtered-HfO2 /Si-EIS under various conditions.- 73 -
Table 3-5. Summary of electrical properties and pH sensing characteristics of stack HfO2/SiO2, single HfO2 and stack Si3N4/SiO2 gate MISFETs and ISFETs.- 73 -
Table 3-6. Summary of pH sensing characteristics of HfO2/Si-EIS under various SF6 plasma conditions.- 74 -
Table 3-7. Summary of pH sensing characteristics of ALD-HfO2/Si-EIS under various conditions.- 74 -
Table 5-1. Conditions for HfxWyOz dual-oxide films deposition.- 166 -
Table 6-1. Silanization procedures and remote NH3 plasma treatment for urea biosensor fabrication based on EIS and ISFET.- 202 -
Table 6-2. Summary of pH and pCurea sensing characteristics of ALD-HfO2/SiO2-EIS and Si3N4/SiO2-EIS under various conditions.- 203 -

Figure Captions

Fig. 1-1. Elements and selected components of a typical biosensor [7,8].- 14 -
Fig. 2-1. General process flow of EIS device fabrication.
- 32 -
Fig. 2-2. General process flow of EIS device fabrication.
- 33 -
Fig. 2-3. Photograph of EIS devices with encapsulation.
- 33 -
Fig. 2-4. General process flow of ISFET device fabrication.
- 34 -
Fig. 2-5. Photograph of ISFET devices with encapsulation.
- 34 -
Fig. 2-6. Schematic diagram of radio frequency sputter system.- 35 -
Fig. 2-7. Photograph of radio frequency sputter system.
- 35 -
Fig. 2-8. Schematic diagram of atomic layer deposition system.- 36 -
Fig. 2-9. Photograph of atomic layer deposition system.
- 36 -
Fig. 2-10. Thickness of HfO2 film as a function of ALD processing cycle.- 37 -
Fig. 2-11. Thickness uniformity of ALD-HfO2 film on 4 inch silicon wafer.- 37 -
Fig. 2-12. Schematic diagram of C-V measurement setup for EIS devices.- 38 -
Fig. 2-13. Scheme of constant voltage - constant current (CVCC) circuit.- 38 -
Fig. 2-14. Schematic diagram of CVCC measurement setup for ISFET devices.- 39 -
Fig. 2-15. Typical C-V responses to pH changes for an Al2O3/SiO2/Si/ Al-EIS structure. As shown in the inset, the flat-band voltage varies linearly with pH [3].- 39 -
Fig. 2-16. I-V responses to pH changes for the SnO2 gate ISFET. As shown in the inset, the flat-band voltage varies linearly with pH [4].- 40 -
Fig. 2-17. Typical drift responses of procaine and berberine drug sensors based on ruthenium dioxide membrane in 10-2 M concentration [7]. The drift coefficients were extracted in the time range from 5 to 12 h.- 40 -
Fig. 2-18. Typical hysteresis measurements of the Sentron 1090 Al2O3 gate pH-ISFET for full pH range [10].- 41 -
Fig. 2-19. Residual plot of hysteresis curves for the Sentron 1090 Al2O3 gate pH-ISFET [10].- 41 -
Fig. 2-20. Typical fixed interference method (FIM) measurement of ChemFET with different polysiloxane membranes [13].- 42 -
Fig. 3-1. Schematic diagram of ALD procedures [89,90].- 75 -
Fig. 3-2.Framework of experiments in chapter 3.- 76 -
Fig. 3-3. Temperature profile for RTA cleaning procedure.
- 77 -
Fig. 3-4. Normalized C–V curves of sputtered-HfO2/SiO2/Si-EIS and sputtered-HfO2/Si-EIS with different pH values (pH 2~pH 10).- 77 -
Fig. 3-5. pH sensitivity and linearity of sputtered-HfO2/SiO2/Si-EIS and sputtered-HfO2/Si-EIS.- 78 -
Fig. 3-6. Normalized C–V curves of 30 nm thick sputtered-HfO2/Si- EIS with different pH values (pH 2~pH 10).- 78 -
Fig. 3-7. Normalized C–V curves of 12 nm thick sputtered-HfO2/Si- EIS with different pH values (pH 2~pH 10).- 79 -
Fig. 3-8. Normalized C–V curves of 8 nm thick sputtered-HfO2/Si-EIS with different pH values (pH 2~pH 10).- 79 -
Fig. 3-9. pH sensitivity characteristics of sputtered-HfO2/Si-EIS as a function of the thickness of sputtered-HfO2 film.- 80 -
Fig. 3-10. Drift and hysteresis characteristics of sputtered-HfO2/Si-EIS as a function of the thickness of HfO2 film.- 80 -
Fig. 3-11. pH sensitivity characteristics of 8 nm thick sputtered-HfO2 /Si-EIS as a function of annealing temperature.- 81 -
Fig. 3-12. Drift and hysteresis characteristics of 8 nm thick sputtered- HfO2/Si-EIS as a function of annealing temperature.- 81 -
Fig. 3-13. AFM images of 8 nm thick sputtered-HfO2/Si-EIS without and with 900oC annealing treatment.- 82 -
Fig. 3-14. O 1s XPS spectra of 8 nm thick sputtered-HfO2/Si-EIS under various annealing temperature.- 83 -
Fig. 3-15. Hf 4f XPS spectra of 8 nm thick sputtered-HfO2/Si-EIS without and with 900oC annealing treatment.
- 83 -
Fig. 3-16. (a) IDS–VGS and (b) GM–VGS characteristics of stack HfO2/SiO2, single HfO2 and stack Si3N4/SiO2 gate MISFETs.- 84 -
Fig. 3-17. Comparison of IDS–VGS and GM–VGS characteristics between single HfO2 gate MISFET and ISFET in buffer solution with pH of 7.- 84 -
Fig. 3-18. IDS–VGS curve of single HfO2 gate MISFET and extraction of subthreshold slope.- 85 -
Fig. 3-19. IDS–VGS curves of stack HfO2/SiO2 gate ISFET with different pH values (pH 2~pH 12) at 25oC. The inset shows the extraction of pH sensitivity from linear region of IDS–VGS curves.- 85 -
Fig. 3-20. pH response of stack HfO2/SiO2 gate ISFET, single HfO2 gate ISFET and stack Si3N4/SiO2 gate ISFET measured in the standard pH buffer solutions from pH 2 to pH 12.- 86 -
Fig. 3-21. IDS–VGS curves shift versus biased VBS characteristics of stack HfO2/SiO2 gate MISFET, single HfO2 gate MISFET and stack Si3N4/SiO2 gate MISFET. The applied voltage of VDS was 0.5 V and the applied voltage of VBS was varying from 0 to 3 V with step of 0.1 V.- 87 -
Fig. 3-22. The applied voltage of VDS was 0.5 V and the applied voltage of VBS was varying from 0 to 0.5 V with step of 0.1 V.- 88 -
Fig. 3-23. IDS–VGS curves shift versus biased VBS characteristics of stack HfO2/SiO2 ISFET and single HfO2 gate ISFET.- 88 -
Fig. 3-24. Extraction of body-effect on pH detection of stack HfO2/SiO2 gate ISFET and single HfO2 gate ISFET at IDS =2×10−5 A from Fig. 3-23.- 89 -
Fig. 3-25. pK responses of single HfO2 gate ISFET with different pK values (pK 1~pK 5).- 89 -
Fig. 3-26. pNa responses of single HfO2 gate ISFET with different pnA values (pNa 1~pNa 5).- 90 -
Fig. 3-27. pH sensitivity characteristics of HfO2 thin films with 0, 1, 3, and 5 min SF6 plasma treatment based on EIS structure.- 90 -
Fig. 3-28. Drift characteristics of HfO2 thin films with 0, 1, 3, and 5 min SF6 plasma treatment based on EIS structure.- 91 -
Fig. 3-29. Hysteresis measurement of HfO2 thin film with 5 min SF6 plasma treatment. The measuring loop cycle is pH 7-4-7-10-7 and the duration of hysteresis measurement is 60 min.- 91 -
Fig. 3-30. Hysteresis characteristics of HfO2 thin films with 0, 1, 3, and 5 min SF6 plasma treatment based on EIS structure.- 92 -
Fig. 3-31. pK sensitivity characteristics of HfO2 thin films with 0, 1, 3, and 5 min SF6 plasma treatment based on EIS structure.- 92 -
Fig. 3-32. pNa sensitivity characteristics of HfO2 thin films with 0, 1, 3, and 5 min SF6 plasma treatment based on EIS structure.- 93 -
Fig. 3-33. Surface roughness (Rq) characteristics using AFM analysis of HfO2 thin films with 0, 1, 3, and 5 min SF6 plasma treatment.- 93 -
Fig. 3-34. Hf 4f XPS spectrum of the HfO2 thin film. The proportions of hafnium (AHf) was extracted from the peak area of Hf 4f spectrum.- 94 -
Fig. 3-35. O 1s XPS spectrum of the HfO2 thin film. The proportions of oxygen (AO) was extracted from the peak area of O 1s spectrum.- 94 -
Fig. 3-36. The Hf/O ratio of HfO2 thin films with 0, 1, 3, and 5 min SF6 plasma treatment from XPS spectrum.- 95 -
Fig. 3-37. Schematic diagram of surface reaction under pH electrolyte of HfO2 thin film without SF6 plasma treatment.
- 95 -
Fig. 3-38. Schematic diagram of surface reaction under pH electrolyte of HfO2 thin film with SF6 plasma treatment.
- 96 -
Fig. 3-39. Normalized C–V curves of 10 and 3.5 nm thick ALD-HfO2/Si -EIS with different pH values (pH 4~pH 12).
- 96 -
Fig. 3-40. pH sensitivity and linearity characteristics of ALD-HfO2/Si- EIS as a function of the thickness of ALD-HfO2 fil.- 97 -
Fig. 3-41. Long-term stability of ALD-HfO2/Si-EIS with different thickness of ALD-HfO2 film.- 97 -
Fig. 3-42. Drift coefficient of sputtered-HfO2/Si-EIS and ALD-HfO2/Si- EIS structures as a function of the thickness of HfO2 film.- 98 -
Fig. 3-43. Normalized C–V curves for 3.5 nm thick ALD-HfO2/Si-EIS structures without and with annealing treatment at 900oC in buffer solutions of different pH (pH 4 to pH 12).- 98 -
Fig. 3-44. pH sensitivity and correlation coefficient of 3.5 nm thick ALD-HfO2/Si-EIS as a function of annealing temperature.- 99 -
Fig. 3-45. AFM images - surface morphology of 3.5 nm thick ALD-HfO2/Si-EIS without (a) and with annealing treatment at 900oC (b).- 99 -
Fig. 3-46. Drift coefficient and hysteresis for 3.5 nm thick ALD-HfO2 /Si-EIS as a function of annealing temperature.- 100 -
Fig. 3-47. Hysteresis measurements of 3.5 nm thick ALD-HfO2/Si-EIS without and with annealing at 500, 700, 900oC for 1 min.- 100 -
Fig. 4-1. Framework of experiments in chapter 4.- 122 -
Fig. 4-2. Cross-section view of developed programmable pH sensors: (a) HfO2/Gd2O3-NCs/SiO2/Si-EIS and (b) HfO2/Si3N4/SiO2/ Si-EIS.- 123 -
Fig. 4-3. Cross-section HRTEM images of the fabricated NCs embedded EIS.- 124 -
Fig. 4-4. Normalized C-V hysteresis of Gd2O3-NCs embedded EIS under various sweep ranges measured in a buffer solution of pH 7. The inset shows the extracted memory window at 0.3×Cmax.- 124 -
Fig. 4-5. pH sensing response (in pH 7) characteristics of Gd2O3-NCs embedded EIS under various program voltages as a function of time.- 125 -
Fig. 4-6. Normalized C–V curves of Gd2O3-NCs embedded EIS without programming and with programming voltage -5 and -11 V for 10 s for different pH values (pH 2~pH 12).- 125 -
Fig. 4-7. pH sensitivity and linearity characteristics of Gd2O3-NCs embedded EIS without programming and with programming -5 and -11 V for 10 s.- 126 -
Fig. 4-8. pH sensitivity characteristics of Gd2O3-NCs embedded EIS under various programming voltages as a function of time. The inset shows an enlarged graph of green part.- 126 -
Fig. 4-9. pH response endurance characteristics of Gd2O3-NCs embedded EIS. The programming state is under -11 V for 1 s and the erasing state is under +9 V for 1 s.- 127 -
Fig. 4-10. pH sensitivity endurance characteristics of Gd2O3-NCs embedded EIS. The programing state was under -11 V for 1 s and the erasing state - under +9 V for 1 s.- 128 -
Fig. 4-11. Long-term stability of Gd2O3-NCs embedded EIS without programming and with -9, -11, and -13 V programming for 5 s.- 129 -
Fig. 4-12. pH sensitivity characteristics of Gd2O3-NCs embedded EIS with various sensing areas without programming and with programming under -11 V for 1 s.- 129 -
Fig. 4-13. Output signal and calculated pH sensitivity of Gd2O3-NCs embedded EIS sensor with radius of 5 μm without and with -11 V programming for 1 s.- 130 -
Fig. 4-14. Schematic cross-section view of urease immobilized Gd2O3- NCs embedded EIS using entrapment method.- 130 -
Fig. 4-15. Responses of Gd2O3-NCs embedded EIS without and with programming under -11 V for 30 s as a function of urea concentration.- 131 -
Fig. 4-16. Charge and potential distribution across the electrical double layer for Gd2O3-NCs embedded EIS without programming [134].- 131 -
Fig. 4-17. Charge and potential distribution across the electrical double layer for Gd2O3-NCs embedded EIS with programming.- 132 -
Fig. 4-18. Charge and potential distribution across the electrical double layer for Gd2O3-NCs embedded EIS with and without programming.- 132 -
Fig. 4-19. Normalized C–V curves of SONOS-like HfO2/Si3N4/SiO2- EIS at fresh state with different pH values (pH 4, 7, and 10).- 133 -
Fig. 4-20. Normalized C–V curves of SONOS-like HfO2/Si3N4/SiO2- EIS at programming state with different pH values (pH 4, 7, and 10).- 133 -
Fig. 4-21. pH sensitivity and linearity characteristics of SONOS-like HfO2/Si3N4/SiO2-EIS at fresh state and programming state.- 134 -
Fig. 4-22. pH sensitivity enhancement characteristics of SONOS-like HfO2/Si3N4/SiO2-EIS under various programming voltages as a function of programming time.- 134 -
Fig. 4-23. Schematic relationship between trapped charges and programming voltage and time.- 135 -
Fig. 4-24. Long-term stability of SONOS-like HfO2/Si3N4/SiO2-EIS at fresh state and programming state. The responsive voltage was measured as a function of time in a solution with a pH of 7.- 135 -
Fig. 4-25. pH sensitivity endurance of SONOS-like HfO2/Si3N4/SiO2-EIS. The programming state is under -19 V for 1 s and the erasing state is under 21 V for 1 s.- 136 -
Fig. 5-1. Framework of experiments in chapter 5.- 166 -
Fig. 5-2. Schematic cross-section view of the co-sputtering system.- 167 -
Fig. 5-3. Schematic of the PECVD system.- 167 -
Fig. 5-4. Hf 4f XPS spectra of the HfO2 film (film A), HxWyOz films (film B and C), and WO3 film (film D).- 168 -
Fig. 5-5. W4f XPS spectra of the HfO2 film (film A), HxWyOz films (film B and C), and WO3 film (film D).- 168 -
Fig. 5-6. O 1s XPS spectra of the HfO2 film (film A), HxWyOz films (film B and C), and WO3 film (film D).- 169 -
Fig. 5-7. Surface composition of HfxWyOz dual-oxide films from XPS analysis.- 169 -
Fig. 5-8. pH sensitivity and linearity characteristics of HfxWyOz dual-oxide films as a function of W content.- 170 -
Fig. 5-9. pH responses of HfxWyOz dual-oxide films from pH 2 to pH 12.- 170 -
Fig. 5-10. Hysteresis characteristics of HfxWyOz dual-oxide films in pH 7-4-7-10-7 and pH 7-10-7-4-7 loops as a function of W content.- 171 -
Fig. 5-11. Light effect in HfxWyOz dual-oxide films as a function of W content. The inset shows the normalized C-V characteristics performed in the sequence of dark-illumination-dark exposures.- 171 -
Fig. 5-12. pK sensitivity and linearity characteristics of HfxWyOz dual-oxide films as a function of W content.- 172 -
Fig. 5-13. pK responses of HfxWyOz dual-oxide films from pK 1 to pK 5.- 172 -
Fig. 5-14. Normalized C-V curves of the WO3 film (film D) on both EIS and MIS structures. For pHpzc extraction, the dash line C-V curve was shifted by 0.675 V from normalized C-V curve of MIS structure.- 173 -
Fig. 5-15. pH value at point of zero charge distribution of HfxWyOz dual-oxide films as a function of W content.- 173 -
Fig. 5-16. (a) Responses of the single HfO2 gate ISFET and the fluorinated-HfO2 gate ISFET to K+ ions concentration changes in the titration sequence. (b) Corresponding calibration curves. The inset figure shows the response time of the fluorinated-HfO2 gate ISFET for various K+ ion concentrations from IV to VIII.- 174 -
Fig. 5-17. (a) Responses of the HfO2 gate ISFET and the fluorinated-HfO2 gate ISFET to Na+ ions concentration changes in the titration sequence. (b) Corresponding calibration curves. The inset figure shows the response time of the fluorinated-HfO2 gate ISFET for various Na+ ion concentrations from IV to VIII.- 175 -
Fig. 5-18. F 1s XPS spectra of (a) the fluorinated-HfO2 sensing film and (b) the HfO2 sensing film. The intensity of F1s peak of the fluorinated-HfO2 sensing film increased substantially after the CF4 surface plasma treatment. Hf 4f XPS spectra of (c) the fluorinated-HfO2 sensing film and (d) the HfO2 sensing film. The higher binding energy of HfO2 double peaks were obtained for the fluorinated-HfO2 sensing film. O 1s XPS spectra of (e) the fluorinated-HfO2 sensing film and (f) the HfO2 sensing film. The HfOxFy peak was formed in the sample with plasma treatment.- 177 -
Fig. 5-19. Long-term drifts of the HfO2 gate ISFET and the fluorinated- HfO2 gate ISFET in 10 mM KCl/tris buffer solution. The inset shows the extracted drift coefficients of both ISFETs by linear fitting in the range from 5 to 12 h.- 178 -
Fig. 5-20. F 1s peak of (a) CF4 plasma treated HfO2 with 5 min at 300 oC, (b) CF4 plasma treated HfO2 with 5 min at 25 oC, and (c) as-deposited HfO2 without CF4 plasma treatment.
- 179 -
Fig. 5-21. Hf 4f peak of (a) CF4 plasma treated HfO2 with 5 min at 300 oC, (b) CF4 plasma treated HfO2 with 5 min at 25 oC, and (c) as-deposited HfO2 without CF4 plasma treatment.
- 180 -
Fig. 5-22. O 1s peak of (a) CF4 plasma treated HfO2 with 5 min at 300 oC, (b) CF4 plasma treated HfO2 with 5 min at 25 oC, and (c) as-deposited HfO2 without CF4 plasma treatment.
- 181 -
Fig. 5-23. Normalized C-V curves of (a) as-deposited HfO2-based EIS without CF4 plasma treatment, and (b) CF4 plasma treated HfO2-based EIS for 5 min at 300 oC with different pK values (pK 1~ pK 4).- 182 -
Fig. 5-24. Normalized C-V curves of (a) as-deposited HfO2-based EIS without CF4 plasma treatment, and (b) CF4 plasma treated HfO2-based EIS for 5 min at 300 oC with different pNa values (pNa 1~ pNa 4).- 183 -
Fig. 5-25. (a) pK sensitivity and (b) pNa sensitivity of the CF4 plasma treated HfO2-based EIS, as a function of plasma treatment time, and the HfO2-based ISFET treated with CF4 plasma for 5 min at 25 oC.- 184 -
Fig. 5-26. Long-term stability of HfO2 EIS treated with CF4 plasma for 0, 1 and 5 min at 300oC. The responsive voltage was measured as a function of time in a solution with a pNa of 2.- 185 -
Fig. 5-27. Long-term pNa sensitivity of HfO2 based EIS treated with CF4 plasma for 5 min at 300oC. The insets present the pNa response on the first and final testing day.- 185 -
Fig. 5-28. pH sensitivity characteristics of HfO2 EIS treated with CF4 plasma for 0, 1 and 5 min at 300oC.- 186 -
Fig. 5-29. Schematic of the F-O dipole formation and charge attraction for the pK and pNa sensing mechanism of CF4 plasma treated HfO2 thin films [185,186].- 186 -
Fig. 6-1. Schematic of biosensor [189].- 204 -
Fig. 6-2. Framework of experiments in chapter 6.- 205 -
Fig. 6-3. Schematic of silanization and urease immobilization process.- 206 -
Fig. 6-4. Schematic of remote NH3 plasma and urease immobilization process.- 207 -
Fig. 6-5. pH sensitivity distribution of various ALD-HfO2/SiO2- EIS.- 208 -
Fig. 6-6. Response of urea-biosensor with ALD-HfO2 film (EIS) without silanization procedures.- 208 -
Fig. 6-7. Responses of urea-biosensor with ALD-HfO2 film (EIS) treated with silanization procedures.- 209 -
Fig. 6-8. Responses of urea-biosensor with ALD-HfO2 and Si3N4 films (EIS) treated with silanization procedures.
- 209 -
Fig. 6-9. pH sensitivity of various ALD-HfO2/SiO2-EIS treated with 100 W remote NH3 plasma for 6 min.- 210 -
Fig. 6-10. N 1s XPS spectrum of the ALD-HfO2 film treated with 100 W remote NH3 plasma for 6 min.- 210 -
Fig. 6-11. Responses of urea-biosensor with ALD-HfO2 films (EIS) treated with 100 W remote NH3 plasma for 3, 6 and 9 min.- 211 -
Fig. 6-12. pCUrea and pH sensitivity of urea-biosensor with ALD-HfO2 films (EIS) as a dependence on power of remote NH3 plasma for 6 min.- 211 -
Fig. 6-13. Responses of urea-biosensor with ALD-HfO2 films (EIS) treated with remote NH3 plasma under various powers of 50, 100 and 200 W for 6 min.- 212 -
Fig. 6-14. pCUrea and pH sensitivity of urea-biosensor with ALD-HfO2 films (EIS) as a dependence on time of 100 W remote NH3 plasma.- 212 -
Fig. 6-15. Responses of urea-biosensor with ALD-HfO2 films (EIS) treated with 100 W and 200 W remote NH3 plasma for 9 min and 6 min, respectively.- 213 -
Fig. 6-16. Responses of urea biosensor with ALD-HfO2 films (EIS) treated with 200 W for 6 min under various periods of storage.- 213 -
Fig. 6-17. Michaelis-Menten constant (Km) extractions for (b) free urease, (c) Si3N4 film with silanization, (d) HfO2 film with silanization, (e) HfO2 with remote NH3 plasma of 200 W for 6 min, and (f) HfO2 with remote NH3 plasma of 100 W for 9 min.- 214 -

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