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研究生(外文):Ching Hua Huang
論文名稱(外文):The High-k Charge Trapping Layer in Flash Memory Application
指導教授(外文):C. H. Kao
外文關鍵詞:Flash Memory
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In this thesis, the Ti-doped high-k ZrO2 material has larger dielectric constant and better characteristics. The RTA annealing process can repair the oxide defect and obtain a stronger bonding to improve the device characteristics.
On the other hand, ZrO2 material was used as charge storage layer in flash memory. In our result, the ZrO2 material has better characteristics after annealing treatment at 800℃. The ZrO2 as charge storage layer has a memory window of 1.87 V, higher P/E speed, better data retention and superior endurance characteristics. In addition, we also use Ti-doped CeO2 material as charge storage layer and it shows better electrical characteristic at 900℃annealing.
Finally, we study the Tb2O3 dielectric deposited on the strained-Si with in situ carbon incorporation (st-Si:C) grown on the p-type silicon substrate. The physical and electrical characteristics of Tb2O3 materials were investigated. In our result, the Tb2O3 dielectric deposited on the st-Si:C with RTA 800℃has better performance.

Acknowledgement…………………………………………………….. iv
Chinese abstract……………………………...……………....v
English abstract…………………………… ..….... vi
Content of Figure.…………………………………....xi

Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 General Background ………..………………...………………...........1
1.1.1 Study of the strain Si applied to the channel……………….......1
1.1.2 Study of Non-volatile Memories……………………………….2
1.1.3 Study of using high-k materials………………………………...3
1.2 The motivation in this study ………………………………………...4
1.3 Thesis Organization………………………………………………….5

Chapter 2 Electrical and Physical Characteristics of the High-k Tb2O3 (Terbium) Dielectric Deposited on The Strained-Si:C/p-type Si
2.1 Introduction ………………………………………..………………...7
2.3 Analysis of Physical Characteristics
2.3.1XRD of Tb2O3 film after post-RTA annealing on the strained-Si:C/p-type silicon substrate……………………….. 9
2.3.2 X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) of analysis for Tb2O3 film after post-RTA treatment……………………………… 10

2.3.3 Atomic force microscope (AFM) of analysis for Tb2O3 film after post-RTA treatment…………………………………… 12
2.4 Analysis of Electrical Characteristics…………………………...13
2.5 Summaries…………………………….….………..........................14

Chapter 3 The comparison of Electrical and Physical Characteristics between ZrO2and ZrTiO4
3.1 Introduction ……………………………….…………….………….24
3.2 Experimental………...……….……………..….…….....................25
3.3 Analysis of Physical Characteristics
3.3.1-1 XRD of ZrO2 film after post-RTA annealing at various temperatures……………………………………………………27
3.3.1-2 XRD of ZrTiO4 film after post-RTA annealing at various temperatures……………………………………………………28
3.3.2-1 X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) of analysis for ZrO2 film after post-RTA treatment……………………………….. 28
3.3.2-2 X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) of analysis for ZrTiO4 film after post-RTA treatment……………………….. 30
3.3.3-1 Atomic force microscope (AFM) of analysis for ZrO2 film after post-RTA treatment……………………………………….32
3.3.3-2 Atomic force microscope (AFM) of analysis for ZrTiO4 film after post-RTA treatment……………………………………….32
3.4 Analysis of Electrical Characteristics
3.4-1 Electrical Characteristic of the ZrO2 sample………………….33
3.4-2 Electrical Characteristic of the ZrO2 sample………………….35
3.5 Summary…………………………………………………………….36

Chapter 4 The ZrO2 Trapping Layer in Flash Memory Applications
4-1 Introduction……………………………………….…….……..........55
4-2 Experimental………….…………………………………….………56
4.3 Analysis of Physical Characteristics
4.3.1 XRD of ZrO2 trapping layer after post-RTA annealing at various temperatures................................................................ 57
4.3.2 XPS of ZrO2 trapping layer after post-RTA annealing at various temperatures................................................................57
4.3.3 AFM of ZrO2 trapping layer after post-RTA annealing at various temperatures………………………………………....59
4.4 Analysis of Electrical Characteristics
4.4.1 Hysteresis of ZrO2 trapping layer after post-RTA annealing at various temperatures………………………………………….59
4.4.2 Program/Erase speed of ZrO2 trapping layer after post-RTA annealing at various temperatures……………………......…..60
4.4.3 Retention and endurance of ZrO2 trapping layer after post-RTA annealing at various temperatures………………...………….61
4-5 Summaries…………………………………………………………..62

Chapter 5 The Ce2TiO5 Trapping Layer in Flash Memory Applications
5.1 Introduction …………………………….…………….…………….77
5.2 Experimental…………..……….……………..….…….....................78
5.3 Analysis of Physical Characteristics
5.3.1 XRD of Ce2TiO5 trapping layer after post-RTA annealing at various temperatures................................................................ 79
5.3.2 XPS of Ce2TiO5 trapping layer after post-RTA annealing at various temperatures............................................................... 79
5.3.3 AFM of Ce2TiO5 trapping layer after post-RTA annealing at various temperatures………………………………………... 81
5.4 Analysis of Electrical Characteristics
5.4.1 Hysteresis of Ce2TiO5 trapping layer after post-RTA annealing at various temperatures……………………………………….82
5.4.2 Program speed of Ce2TiO5 trapping layer after post-RTA annealing at various temperatures……………..……………..83
5.4 Summaries………………………………….…….……....................83

Chapter 6 Conclusions and Future Work
6-1 Conclusion …………….....…….…………………….….………...97
6.1.1 Electrical and Physical Characteristics of the high-k Tb2O3 (Terbium) Dielectric Deposited on The Strained-Si:C/p-type Si………………..………………………………………….....97
6.1.2 The comparison of electrical and physical characteristics between ZrO2 and ZrTiO4………………..………………..97
6.1.3 The ZrO2 and Ce2TiO5 trapping layer in flash memory applications……………………………………...…….……98
6-2 Future work………………………………………………………...98

References …………………………………………..……...……….....99

Content of Figure
Chapter 1
Fig. 1 Desired stress on CMOS performance.
Chapter 2
Fig. 2-1 The Al/Tb2O3/st-Si:C/ p-type silicon capacitor structure.
Fig. 2-2 XRD results of Tb2O3 film after post-RTA annealing from 600oC to 8000C in N2 ambient for 30 sec.
Fig. 2-3 XPS results of (a) Tb 4d, (b) O 1s and (c) C 1p Tb2O3 film after post-RTA annealing at various temperatures from 600 to 8000C in N2, 30 sec.
Fig. 2-4 AFM images of Tb2O3 surface of the (a) as–deposited sample and the samples treated at RTA (b) 6000C, (c) 7000C, and (d) 800oC in N2, 30 sec.
Fig. 2-5 AFM images of st-Si:C surface of the (a) as–deposited sample and the samples treated at RTA (b) 6000C, (c) 7000C, and (d) 800oC in N2, 30 sec.
Fig. 2-6 The I-V characteristics of the as–deposited sample and the samples at various RTA temperatures from 600 to 8000C under the top gate applied with(a) positive bias and (b)negative bias.
Fig. 2-7 The gate voltage shift versus time for the as–deposited sample and the samples at various RTA temperatures from 600 to 8000C under the constant current stress with (a) positive current stress and (b) negative current stress.

Chapter 3
Fig. 3-1 (a) The ZrO2 capacitor structure.
Fig. 3-1 (b) The ZrTiO4 capacitor structure.
Fig. 3-2 XRD of the ZrO2 film after annealing at various temperatures.
Fig. 3-3 XRD of the ZrTiO4 film after annealing at various temperatures.
Fig. 3-4 (a) XPS of Zr 3d for ZrO2 trapping layer after RTA annealing treatment at various temperatures.
Fig. 3-4 (b) XPS of O 1s for ZrO2 trapping layer after RTA annealing
treatment at various temperatures.
Fig. 3-4 (c) XPS of Si 2p for ZrO2 trapping layer after RTA annealing
treatment at various temperatures.
Fig. 3-5 (a) XPS of Zr 3d for ZrTiO4 trapping layer after RTA annealing treatment at various temperatures.
Fig. 3-5 (b) XPS of Ti 2p for ZrTiO4 trapping layer after RTA annealing treatment at various temperatures.
Fig. 3-5 (c) XPS of O 1s for ZrTiO4 trapping layer after RTA annealing
treatment at various temperatures.
Fig. 3-5 (d) XPS of Si 2p for ZrTiO4 trapping layer after RTA annealing
treatment at various temperatures.
Fig. 3-6 AFM images on high-k surface of ZrO2 films after PDA at different temperatures.
Fig. 3-7 Surface roughness of ZrO2 trapping layer after RTA annealing treatment at various temperatures.
Fig. 3-8 AFM images on high-k surface of ZrTiO4 films after PDA at different temperatures.
Fig. 3-9 Surface roughness of ZrTiO4 trapping layer after RTA annealing treatment at various temperatures.
Fig. 3-10 C-V curves of ZrO2 capacitor after annealing at various temperatures.
Fig. 3-11 C-V curves of ZrTiO4 capacitor after annealing at various temperatures.
Fig. 3-12 The J-E characteristics of the ZrO2 after annealing at various temperature under the top gate applied with positive bias.
Fig. 3-13 The J-E characteristics of the ZrTiO4 after annealing at various temperature under the top gate applied with a positive bias.
Fig. 3-14 The J-E characteristics of the ZrO2 after annealing at various temperature under the top gate applied with a negative bias.
Fig. 3-15 The J-E characteristics of the ZrTiO4 after annealing at various temperature under the top gate applied with a negative bias.
Fig. 3-16 The gate voltage shift versus time of the ZrO2 for the as–deposited sample and the samples with post-RTA treatment at various temperatures from 600ºC to 900ºC (a) positive constant current (+ 5μA/cm2) stress and (b) negative constant current (-5μA/cm2) stress.
Fig. 3-17 The gate voltage shift versus time of the ZrTiO4 for the as–deposited sample and the samples with post-RTA treatment at various temperatures from 600ºC to 900ºC (a) positive constant current (+ 5μA/cm2) stress and (b) negative constant current (-5μA/cm2) stress.

Chapter 4
Fig. 4-1 Process flow and capacitor structures of Al/SiO2/ZrO2/SiO2/Si.
Fig. 4-2 XRD of the ZrO2 film after annealing at various temperatures
Fig. 4-3 (a) XPS of Zr 3d for ZrO2 trapping layer after RTA annealing
treatment at various temperatures.
Fig. 4-3 (b) XPS of O 1s for ZrO2 trapping layer after RTA annealing treatment at various temperatures.
Fig. 4-3 (c) XPS of Si 2p for ZrO2 trapping layer after RTA annealing treatment at various temperatures.
Fig. 4-4 AFM images on high-k surface of ZrO2 films after PDA at different temperatures in N2 ambient for 30s.
Fig. 4-5 Surface roughness of ZrO2 trapping layer after RTA annealing treatment at various temperatures.
Fig. 4-6 (a) Hysteresis properties of Al/SiO2/ ZrO2/SiO2/Si structures for as-deposited.
Fig. 4-6 (b) Hysteresis properties of Al/SiO2/ ZrO2/SiO2/Si structures for annealed at 600℃ in N2 for 30s.
Fig. 4-6 (c) Hysteresis properties of Al/SiO2/ ZrO2/SiO2/Si structures for annealed at 700℃ in N2 for 30s.
Fig. 4-6 (d) Hysteresis properties of Al/SiO2/ ZrO2/SiO2/Si structures for annealed at 800℃ in N2 for 30s.
Fig. 4-6 (e) Hysteresis properties of Al/SiO2/ZrO2/SiO2/Si structures for annealed at 900℃ in N2 for 30s.

Fig. 4-7 Programming speed of Al/SiO2/ ZrO2/SiO2/Si structures for annealed at 700℃ and 800℃ in N2 for 30s.
Fig. 4-8 (a) Erasing speed of Al/SiO2/ ZrO2/SiO2/Si structures for annealed at 700℃in N2 for 30s.
Fig. 4-8 (b) Erasing speed of Al/SiO2/ ZrO2/SiO2/Si structures for annealed at 800℃in N2 for 30s.
Fig. 4-9 Retention characteristic of Al/SiO2/ZrO2/SiO2/Si structures for
RTA 700℃and 800℃treatment and measured at 25℃ and 85℃.
Fig. 4-10 Endurance of Al/SiO2/ ZrO2/SiO2/Si structures for annealed at 800℃ in N2 for 30s.
Chapter 5
Fig. 5-1 Process flow and capacitor structures of Al/SiO2/Ce2TiO5/SiO2/Si.
Fig. 5-2 XRD of the Ce2TiO5 film after annealing at various temperatures.
Fig. 5-3 (a) XPS of Ce 3d for Ce2TiO5 trapping layer after RTA annealing
treatment at various temperatures.
Fig. 5-3 (b) XPS of Ti 2p for Ce2TiO5 trapping layer after RTA annealing treatment at various temperatures.
Fig. 5-3 (c) XPS of O 1s for Ce2TiO5 trapping layer after RTA annealing treatment at various temperatures.
Fig. 5-3 (d) XPS of Si 2p for Ce2TiO5trapping layer after RTA annealing treatment at various temperatures.
Fig. 5-4 AFM images on high-k surface of Ce2TiO5 films after RTA at different temperatures in N2 ambient for 30s.

Fig. 5-5 Surface roughness of Ce2TiO5 trapping layer after RTA annealing treatment at various temperatures.
Fig. 5-6 (a) Hysteresis properties of Al/SiO2/ Ce2TiO5/SiO2/Si structures for as-deposited.
Fig. 5-6 (b) Hysteresis properties of Al/SiO2/ Ce2TiO5/SiO2/Si structures for annealed at 700℃ in O2 for 30s.
Fig. 5-6 (c) Hysteresis properties of Al/SiO2/ Ce2TiO5/SiO2/Si structures for annealed at 800℃ in O2 for 30s.
Fig. 5-6 (d) Hysteresis properties of Al/SiO2/ Ce2TiO5/SiO2/Si structures for annealed at 900℃ in O2 for 30s.
Fig. 5-6 (e) Hysteresis properties of Al/SiO2/ Ce2TiO5/SiO2/Si structures for annealed at 950℃ in O2 for 30s.
Fig. 5-7 Programming speed of Al/SiO2/ ZrO2/ Ce2TiO5/Si structures for annealed at 800℃ and 900℃ in O2 for 30s.


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