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研究生(外文):Chen, Chong-Yuan
論文名稱(外文):Erosion-corrosion behavior and construction for performance maps of martensitic stainless steel in aqueous slurries
外文關鍵詞:erosion-corrosionstainless steelsynergistic effectscontrol mode
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在沖磨腐蝕環境中,沖蝕與腐蝕交互影響會加劇材料損耗,兩作用間的協同效應複雜且多變,並因沖蝕加速腐蝕、腐蝕加速沖蝕或腐蝕減緩沖蝕等方式衍生出不同的主控機制,本研究以麻田散鐵型不銹鋼SUS420 J2經不同pH值(pH2、pH3)所構成的腐蝕環境與不同沖磨角度(30°、60°、90°)、不同沖磨轉速(600rpm、800rpm、1000rpm)之沖磨腐蝕試驗後,探討沖磨腐蝕主控機制和沖磨腐蝕率與沖磨表面型態間的關聯。

In erosive and corrosive environment the damages mechanisms are complex and generally the measured material losses are higher than the sum of separate mass losses due the corrosion and erosion. The control modes of material loss are depended on the erosion-corrosion synergistic effects which are sensitive to material and test conditions such as pH value, impact angle and impact velocity. The aim of this work was to study the effect of impact angle (30, 60, 90) and impact velocity (600rpm, 800rpm, 1000rpm) on the erosion-corrosion resistance of SUS420 J2 stainless steel in different sulfuric acid slurry (pH2, pH3). The findings related to the worn surfaces, material loss rate and erosion-corrosion behavior were evaluated and discussed.
The results had shown that in pure corrosion the corrosion products and irregular corrosion pits were formed on the surface of the specimens. And in pH2 condition these pits were located on the grain boundaries while in pH3 condition pits were dispersed on the matrix. The amount and the size of pits are varied with impact velocity. The test condition for maximum corrosion rate was pH2 and 800rpm. The erosion-corrosion tests in pH2 slurry a thick corrosion product film was covered on the surface of specimens. This thick film leaded a greater erosion-corrosion rate because the bonding force was weak between corrosion product film and matrix. For medium and normal incident, the control modes of material loss were erosion-corrosion or corrosion-erosion and the synergism was positive, while a corrosion control mode and additive effect were found for low impact angle. In pH3 slurry the corrosion product film was thin and the adhesion was strong, hence the erosion-corrosion rate was decreased. The control mode of material loss was corrosion domination. In all tests the maximum erosion-corrosion rate was found on the parameters of pH2, 60 and 800rpm.

誌謝 I
摘要 II
Abstract IV
目錄 VI
表目錄 IX
圖目錄 X
第一章 前言 1
第二章 文獻回顧 3
2.1不銹鋼簡介 3
2.1.1不銹鋼的分類 3
2.2 麻田散鐵系不銹鋼特性 6
2.2.1 麻田散鐵型不銹鋼SUS420 J2之用途 8
2.3 腐蝕 8
2.3.1 金屬的腐蝕型態 9
2.4 沖蝕 10
2.4.1影響沖蝕磨耗的主要因素 12
2.5 沖磨腐蝕 13
2.5.1 沖磨腐蝕型態 13
2.5.2 沖磨腐蝕率 15
2.5.3 沖磨腐蝕各效應間之關係 16
第三章 實驗方法 18
3.1 實驗材料 18
3.2 實驗設備 18
3.2.1 沖磨腐蝕試驗系統 18
3.3 沖磨腐蝕試驗參數 20
3.3.1 實驗條件設定 20
3.3.2 沖磨腐蝕試驗 22
3.4 實驗分析 22
3.4.1 沖磨腐蝕機制觀察 22
3.4.2 純腐蝕率與沖蝕影響下的腐蝕率計算 23
第四章 結果與討論 24
4.1 金相組織 24
4.2 材料損失 25
4.2.1 純沖蝕 25
4.2.2 純腐蝕 27
4.2.3 在沖蝕影響下的腐蝕 33
4.2.4 沖磨腐蝕 40
4.3 沖磨腐蝕率 44
4.3.1 沖磨轉速與沖磨角度的影響 44
4.3.2 pH值的影響 46
4.4 沖磨腐蝕地圖 46
4.4.1 沖磨腐蝕主控機制圖 46
4.4.2 加值-協同效應圖 50
4.5 綜合討論 52
第五章 結論 60
參考文獻 62
作者簡介 68

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