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研究生(外文):Che-han cheng
論文名稱(外文):The Environment Efficiency Analysis for The Manufacturing Industry in Taiwan
指導教授(外文):Ling-Feng Hsieh
外文關鍵詞:Environment efficiencyEnvironmental protection disbursementSBM modelMalmquist
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於美國商業環境風險評估公司(Business Environment Risk Intelligence;簡稱BERI)於2010年提出「投資環境風險評估報告」中,指出我國的投資環境評比在全球排名第4名,亞洲排名第2名,可看出台灣產業有很高的投資價值。以台灣其製造業而言,其對國內經濟發展有很大的貢獻,但在生產過程產生的汙染對台灣的自然環境造成很大的衝擊。在全球環保意識抬頭的趨勢下,國內製造業致力於環境保護,期望減少汙染,甚至達到零汙染是目前一大課題。
環境效率(Environment efficiency),根據世界企業永續發展委員會1993年11月於比利時安特威普召開的會議,在會中通過對於環境效率定義如下:「環境效率的達成,須在提供價格具有競爭力的商品或服務整個生命週期內,將其對環境的衝擊及天然資源的耗用,逐漸減少到地球能負荷的程度」,表示環境與經濟的協調,需要達到更效率化。本研究以製造業為對象,針對製造業可能造成的環境衝擊進行環境效率評估,藉由文獻收集與資料分析,確認影響環境效率的指標,包含各行業產生的汙染物和在環境汙染防治上的花費。本文應用資料包絡法(Data Envelopment Analysis, DEA)之SBM (Slacks-based efficiency)來分析製造業多投入多產出之環境效率,在投入產出方面加入製造業各行業別的環保支出(水汙染防治、空氣汙染防治、廢棄物處理)及三大汙染物(空氣汙染、水汙染、廢棄物)當投入項及,總汙染防治收入當產出項指標。本研究目的是以SBM模型分析環境效率和Malmquist分析環境效率變動,將製造業的變動情形加以分群,以瞭解在環境效率變動下的產業趨勢。

U.S. Business Environment Risk Intelligence (referred to as BERI) in 2010 that "investment in environmental risk assessment report", pointing out that China's investment environment rating ranked fourth in the world, ranked No. 2 in Asia, we can see that Taiwan's industry has a high investment value. Taiwan's manufacturing industry on the domestic economy a great contribution to development, but the pollution generated during production of the natural environment of Taiwan, a very great impact. The global trend of environmental awareness, domestic manufacturing is committed to environmental protection, expect to reduce pollution, even to zero pollution is a major issue.
Environment efficiency, according to the World Business Council for Sustainable Development, the efficiency will be defined by the environment as follows: "the achievement of environmental efficiency, the price to be competitive in providing goods or services throughout the life cycle, its impact on the environment and consumption of natural resources, and gradually reduced to the extent the Earth can load, "said the environmental and economic coordination, the need to achieve greater efficiency. In this study, manufacturing objects for potential environmental impact of manufacturing environmental efficiency assessment, collection and data analysis by the literature, confirm the efficiency indicators of impact on the environment, including pollutants generated by various industries and in environmental pollution control on cost.
In this paper, Slacks-based efficiency DEA model to analyze the output of the manufacturing environment to put in more and more efficiency in input-output in manufacturing industries to join other environmental expenses (water pollution control, air pollution control, waste disposal) and three major pollutants (air pollution, water pollution, waste) when the input items, the total pollution control revenue when output indicators. Purpose of this study is to analyze SBM model analysis of environmental efficiency and Malmquist analysis of environmental efficiency changes, the case will be grouping manufacturing changes, to understand the efficiency of changes in the environment under the industry trends.
摘要 i
誌謝辭 iv
目錄 v
表目錄 vii
圖目錄 viii
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的與流程 4
第三節 研究內容 5
第二章 文獻回顧 7
第一節 環境效率 7
第二節 效率評估方法 8
第三節 資料包絡分析法 9
第三章 台灣製造業汙染現況 18
第一節 製造業汙染現況 18
第二節 製造業兼顧環保之產業發展政策 21
第四章 環境效率評估模式構建 24
第一節 模式構建 24
第二節 研究方法 26
第五章 實證分析 32
第一節 初步資料分析 32
第二節 環境效率分析 35
第三節 環境效率變動分析 40
第四節 製造業環境效率分群與分析 41
第六章 結論與建議 58
第一節 研究結論 58
第二節 未來研究與建議 59
參考文獻 60











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