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論文名稱(外文):The Effect of Hydrophobic/hydrophilic Surface Modification of Copper on Water Boiling Behavior
外文關鍵詞:super-hydrophilicsuper-hydrophobicheat pipewickBoiling
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結果顯示,浸鍍後經過在N2環境或乾燥的環境下低溫烘烤處理後,含 SiO2及TiO2鍍膜之銅毛細結構板皆呈現超親水性。但在潮濕的環境或以更高的溫度處理後即變成超疏水性。這種表面性質從超親水到超疏水性之變化可歸咎為表面結構從CuO 到 Cu2O的轉變。

The heat pipes based on the copper powder sintered capillary structure becomes the mainstream for the heat dissipation of 3C related products because they provide high performance and easy to be mass produced with a low cost. This study devoted to the manipulation of surface hydrophilic or hydrophobic properties by sol-gel dipping process, in order to further enhance the performance of Cu heat pipes.
The results show that the SiO2 and TiO2 coated Cu wick plates demonstrate super-hydrophilic properties after dip coating and low temperature baking process in N2 ambient or dry environment. However, it turns into super-hydrophobic properties after post treatment at a higher temperature in humid environment. The change of surface properties from super-hydrophilic to super-hydrophobic can be attributed to the surface structure change from CuO to Cu2O
In boiling experiment, it was observed that the Cu with super-hydrophilic surface not favors the nucleation of bubbles at a relatively lower input of heat power; however it can avoid dry out due to the formation of bubble film at high power input. The super-hydrophobic copper benefits the bubbles nucleation at a lower input power, but it is prone to generate bubble film resulting in dry out at high power. It is suggested that to fabricate small super-hydrophobic points on super-hydrophilic Cu matrix, the performance of heat pipes can be further improved.

摘要 i
英文摘要 ii
致謝 iii
目錄 iv
表目錄 vi
圖目錄 vii
第一章 前言 1
第二章 文獻回顧 4
2-1 熱管基本介紹 4
2-1-1 熱管 4
2-1-2 熱管的優點及其界限 5
2-2沸騰 9
2-2-1沸騰與表面性質之關聯 12
2-3熱管的毛細結構 19
2-4銅表面改質方式 21
2-4-1 蝕刻 21
2-4-2 水熱法 23
2-4-3 熱氧化法 25
2-4-4 薄膜沈積 26
2-4-4-1物理氣相沈積法 27
2-4-4-2化學氣相沈積法 28
2-4-4-3溶膠-凝膠法 28
2-5靜態接觸角 31
第三章 實驗設備與步驟 33
3-1 實驗規劃 33
3-2 實驗流程 34
3-2-1 試片準備 35
3-2-2 試片前處理 35
3-2-3 鍍膜與烘乾程序 36
3-2-4 膜層的熱處理 36
第四章 結果與討論 40
4-1低溫高濕環境下對鍍膜後之銅粉燒結結構表面的影響 41
4-2有無經過高溫氫還原熱處理對鍍膜後之銅粉燒結結構表面的影響 48
4-3氧化法製造氧化銅奈米結構對銅粉燒結結構表面的影響 49
4-4以較低溫進行氧化法製造氧化銅奈米結構對銅粉燒結結構表面的影響 52
4-5銅表面超疏水/超親水特性對水沸騰之影響 54
4-6 討論 63
4-6-1超親水、超疏水性質表面對沸騰之影響 63
4-6-2超親水、超疏水性微結構表面對沸騰之影響 64
4-6-3微結構對沸騰之影響 65
4-6-4 含有疏水點之超親水面對沸騰之影響 65
第五章 結論 69
參考文獻 71

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