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論文名稱(外文):The study of geometry teaching in the method ─ take “the circle” as an example
指導教授(外文):LI, MING-KUNG
外文關鍵詞:CAIMathematicalStudy resultEducationCircle
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本研究的主要目的在於比較「GeoGebra 輔助教學模式」與「傳統講述教學模式」對國三學生學習「圓」課程之成效,並探討學生經由 GeoGebra 輔助教學後的態度調查,以便可以作為將來在國中階段發展 GeoGebra 輔助教學之參考。
研究方法為準實驗研究法,採不等組前後測設計。實驗樣本取自新竹市某國中三年級兩班共 67 名學生,分派一班為實驗組,另一班為控制組,實驗組實施 GeoGebra 電腦輔助教學,控制組實施傳統講述教學。本實驗教學為期三週,內容為國中三年級「圓」單元,經實驗教學之後,比較兩組學生「圓」學習成就、對於不同題型學習成就及數學學習態度之改變調查,研究結果各項資料經統計處理分析之後獲得下列四項主要發現:

The main purpose of this study is to compare the “GeoGebra assisted lecture mode” and the “traditional lecture mode” in terms of learning efficiency in the coutse of “circle” for ninth graders. This study also probes into students’ attitude after GeoGebra assisted lecturing so that it can be a reference for futuristic development of GeoGebra assisted lecture in the phase of junior high school.
The methodology of this research is a quasi-experimental design with pretest-posttest unequal groups. The participants consisted of 67 ninth graders from two classes in a junior high school in Hsinchu City. One class was assighed to experimental group, and the other to control group. The experimental group applied the GeoGebra assisted lecture, while the control group applied the traditional lecture. This experiment lasted three weeks. The leture content was the unit of “circle” in the ninth grade. After the lecture, the learning achievement of the two groups of students was compared as well as the learning achievement of different types of questions and the change of lerning attitude towars mathematics. The statistics of the research data were analyzed and resulted in four main discoveries:
1、 Focusing on the unit of “circle”, the variation of the learning achievement between the experimental group and the control group reached significant difference. The variation of the learning achievement from high-scoring and low-scoring students in the experimental and the control group did not reach significant difference, but the experimental group still performed better than the control group. The variation of the learning achievement from middle-scoring students in these two groups reached significant difference.
2、 Focusing on the unit of “circle”, the experimental group had a higher percentage of correct answers than control group in the pretest and posttest.
3、 Focusing on the achievement of different question types from the unit of “circle”, the experimental group and the control group reached significant on the “operational” type of questions. However, they did not reach significant difference on the “comprehensive” and “calculative” type of questions.
4、 Focusing on the unit of “circle”, the variation between the learning attitude of the experimental group and the control group did not reach significant difference. The learning attitude of both groups of students had positive growth; nonetheless, the high-scoring students in the experimental group did not outperform the high-scoring students in the control group in the variation of learning attitude.

第一章 緒論
第一節 研究動機…………………………………………………………1
第二節 研究目的及待答問題……………………………………………2
第三節 研究假設…………………………………………………………3
第四節 名詞界定…………………………………………………………4
第五節 研究限制…………………………………………………………5
第二章 文獻探討
第一節 電腦輔助教學之理論基礎……………………………………… 6
第二節 GeoGebra電腦輔助學習環境…………………………………20
第三節 「圓」的教學相關研究…………………………………………………25
第四節 電腦輔助教學的相關研究………………………………………………28
第三章 研究方法
第一節 研究設計…………………………………………………………………34
第二節 研究對象…………………………………………………………………36
第三節 研究工具…………………………………………………………………39
第四節 研究流程…………………………………………………………………42
第五節 資料處理與分析……………………………………………………………43
第四章 研究結果與討論
第一節 「圓」學習成就之比較………………………………………………44
第二節 「圓」不同題型學習成就之比較……………………………………50
第三節 數學學習態度量表之前後測比較……………………………………55
第五章 結論與建議
第一節 結論…………………………………………………………………………61
第二節 建議…………………………………………………………………………62
附錄A GeoGebra學生操作截圖…………………………………………………68
附錄B 數學學習態度量表………………………………………………………70
附錄C 「圓」成就測驗試題……………………………………………………72

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1. 三、 吳宗立(1998):訊息處理的認知歷程與教學策略。人文及社會學科教學通訊,9 卷 2 期,156-164 頁。
2. 四、 吳宗立(2000):情境學習論在教學上的應用。人文及社會學科教學通訊,11 卷3 期,157-164 頁。
3. 六、 沈中偉(1994):魏考斯基理論在認知策略上的應用。教學科技與媒體,12 期, 23-31 頁。
4. 七、 沈中偉(1995):多媒體電腦輔助學習的學習理論基礎。教學科技與媒體,16期,16-25 頁。
5. 十三、 邱貴發(1994):電腦輔助學習的理念與發展方向。教學科技與媒體,13 期,15-22 頁。
6. 十四、 邱貴發、鍾邦友(1993):情境學習理論與電腦輔助學習軟體設計,臺灣教育,510 期,23-29 頁。
7. 十七、 徐新逸(1996):情境學習在數學教育上之應用。教學科技與媒體,29 期,13-22頁。
8. 二十一、 郭重吉(1992):從建構主義的觀點探討中小學數理教學的改進。科學發展月刊,第20 卷 5 期,548-570 頁。
9. 二十二、 郭重吉(1997):迎接二十一世紀的科學教育。教學科技與媒體,第三十三期,3-11 頁。
10. 二十七、 楊坤原(2000):教學主義與建構主義對電腦輔助教學設計的意含。視聽教育,42 卷 3 期,14-27 頁。
11. 二十九、 詹志禹(1996) :認識與知識:建構論VS 接受觀。教育研究,49,25-38。
12. 三十一、 鄭晉昌、李美瑜(1995):情境式電腦教學對國中階段不同數理成就群學生科學知識學習成就之效益評估。視聽教育學報,第一期,61-91 頁。