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論文名稱(外文):Business Performance of Pricing Strategies and Brand Positioning in the Lady Clothing Industry in Hsinchu Area: The Female Entrepreneur Perspective
外文關鍵詞:Female EntrepreneurBranding StrategyPricing StrategyApparel Industry
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Due to the elevated consumer awareness over the past decade, it has fostered a low-price trend in the female fashion apparel industry as the mainstream. Hence, in order to survive and sustain in this fiercely competitive industry, brand creation and management would be an important topic that deserves our attention. The present research intends to investigate under different entrepreneurial models, the motives and critical success factors of female entrepreneurs’ branding and pricing strategies for entering the female apparel industry by means of qualitative research method. By applying the existing entrepreneurship related theories and management strategies, this study offers a direction for future entrepreneurs seeking to venture in the female fashion apparel industry.
The research results shows that female entrepreneurs’ business creation approach as well as their branding and positioning strategies all present their entrepreneurial orientation, innovation, business venture opportunity identification and motivation. To some extend, these features correspond to the balance and non-balance theories of entrepreneurial orientation. Past industry knowledge and experience are also shown to be closely subjected to the female entrepreneurs’ personal characteristics while branding and pricing strategies both display the control over management achievement. It is taken as the important strategy for examining the results of business management.
Our research suggests that venturing in the female apparel industry and its corresponding management strategy are closely associated with female entrepreneurs’ previous industry knowledge and experience. The venture creation moves are mostly initiated by proactive exploration and creation. Hence, the more the industry knowledge and experience an entrepreneur possesses, the greater the likelihood of the business venture creation success. Moreover, the branding strategy selection is associated with resource availability, a critical success factor for the venture creation. On the other hand, the pricing strategy is subjected to the traditional apparel industry characteristics. In order to attain the highest sales performance and profit, different branding and pricing strategies should be employed interchangeably. Lastly, this research proposed several topics for future research.

Key words: Female Entrepreneur, Branding Strategy, Pricing Strategy, Apparel Industry.

目 錄
謝誌 I
中文摘要 II
Abstract III
表 目 錄 V
圖 目 錄 VI
第壹章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機 ..................1
第二節 研究問題 2
第三節 研究流程 2
第貳章 名詞意涵與文獻探討 4
第一節 創業與女性創業 4
第二節 品牌定位 10
第三節 訂價策略 13
第四節 文獻評述 16
第叁章 研究方法 18
第肆章 新竹女性服飾業 28
第一節、服裝設計的開發流程與產業特性 28
第二節 女性服飾業微型企業之發展性與經營技巧 30
第伍章 分析與討論 36
第一節 女性創業家在經營女性服飾業的興業觀 36
第二節 女性服飾業的訂價策略對經營績效的影響 36
第三節 女性服飾業的品牌定位對經營績效的影響 41
第六章 結論與建議 49
第一節 結論 49
第二節 管理意涵 51
第三節 研究限制及後續研究之建議 51
參考文獻 53
(1)中文文獻 53
(2)英文文獻 55

表 目 錄
表2-1 創業家特質 5
表2-3 品牌定義彙總表 10
表3-1 個案研究方法與流程 19
表3-2 個案公司基本資料質性分析 25
表4-1 新竹地區女裝的發展沿革 31
表4-2 新竹地區女性服飾業的SWOT分析 34

圖 目 錄
圖 1-1 研究流程 3
圖 3-1 內容分析法的研究步驟 21
圖 3-2 內容分析法的研究步驟 23
圖 4-1 服裝設計開發過程 30
圖 5-2 同心圓品牌與訂價策略互動關係 48
圖 5-3 服飾業創業訂價與品牌策略 49

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