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研究生(外文):Chiung-Yi Lai
論文名稱(外文):Through the consumer purchase intention to build the best marketing program of analytic hierarchy process- The health food retailers as empirical evidence
指導教授(外文):Shu-Hsien Chen
外文關鍵詞:health foodlevel of analysispurchase intention
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伴隨高齡化社會的到來,保健食品及營養補充品的商機受到重視,保健食品產業逐漸成為一個新興產業。在保健食品的銷售通路中,實體及虛擬通路也不斷擴充與發展,加上消費者的健康意識逐漸抬頭,使得保健食品的消費者購買意願研究成為一個議題。本研究採用層級分析過程 (AHP) 對消費者轉移其購買意願以建立行銷策略進而求解最佳方案,實證內容則是以國內保健食品零售通路選擇三個案例進行分析與探討。並利用文獻及德爾菲法找出影響消費者購買意願的行銷特點,以實證案例所建立之最佳方案進行分析。其中五大構面分別為:價格競爭力、產品特色與保證、食用功效、食品與健康相關的推廣、產品研發與服務。此外,十六項準則為:相似產品價格比較、促銷活動、產品包裝與外觀設計、認證及檢驗、產品口味、產品標示成分、產品的功效宣稱、食用後的效果、電視媒體廣告、市場知名度、產品發表、親友介紹、教育訓練、產品服務、人員服務、產品的創新與開發。行銷方案之訂定透過學者專家、通路商及消費者共同同意綜合評估,以顧客消費購買意願的轉移,達到成功銷售保健食品之策略為研究。本研究採用Expert Choice 11.5專家決策軟體,進行統計與分析,其結果顯示保健食品的產品特色與保證為最重要的構面;產品的促銷活動為分類中最重要準則;而在整體影響因素權重分析下則以產品的功效宣稱及食用後的效果最為重要。實證案例S股份有限公司的行銷模式符合本研究之分析結果。
Due to the arrival of aging society, “Health” is increasingly turning into a serious issue for public and health food or nutritional supplements industries gradually become emerging markets. According to this trend, the purpose of this research is analyze consumer purchase intention toward nutritional food.
This research analyzes three cases though Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) to approach the transfer of consumer purchase intention and then establish marketing strategy. At first, this research uses Delphi Method to identify influential factors of consumer purchase intention, including pricing competitive ability, product characteristics and guaranty, product effects, product promotion, and product R&D and service. These five constructs can be narrowed down into 16 criteria, pricing comparisons with similar products, promotion events, product design, product certification, product tastes, product ingredients, announcing product effects, real effects, media advertisements, product awareness, product announcements, recommendations from friends, training programs, product service, personal service, and product innovation. Then, through the integration of decisions from scholars, experts, channel providers, and consumers and by using the AHP software (Expert Choice 11.5), this research concludes that product characteristics and guaranty is the most critical construct and promotion events is the most important criteria. However, after using weight analysis, announcing product effects and real effects turn to the key criteria. The marketing strategy of Case-S matches this conclusion.
第一章 緒論-----------------------------------------------------------------1
第一節 研究背景與動機-------------------------------------------------1
第二節 研究範圍與目的-------------------------------------------------3
第三節 保健食品零售通路最佳行方案之選擇模式--------------4
第四節 研究流程-----------------------------------------------------------5
第五節 研究目的-----------------------------------------------------------7
第二章 文獻探討-----------------------------------------------------------8
第一節 消費者行為--------------------------------------------------------8
第二節 消費購買意願---------------------------------------------------10
第三節 行銷方案----------------------------------------------------------21
第四節 通路----------------------------------------------------------------22
第五節 保健食品產業特性及發展現況----------------------------24
第六節 層級分析法------------------------------------------------------35
第七節 建立最佳行銷方案選擇構面-------------------------------40
第三章 研究方法---------------------------------------------------------42
第一節 研究架構---------------------------------------------------------42
第二節 研究步驟---------------------------------------------------------44
第三節 研究設計---------------------------------------------------------48
第四節 研究限制---------------------------------------------------------51
第五節 評估準則操作流程--------------------------------------------52
第六節 AHP準則權重的評估-----------------------------------------53
第七節 資料分析---------------------------------------------------------61
第四章 案例分析---------------------------------------------------------82
第一節 個案描述與特色-----------------------------------------------82
第二節 個案評估---------------------------------------------------------86
第三節 評選結果排序與討論---------------------------------------102
第四節 個案SWOT分析----------------------------------------------104
第五章 結論與建議----------------------------------------------------110
第一節 結論--------------------------------------------------------------110
第二節 建議--------------------------------------------------------------112
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