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研究生(外文):Ming-Long Wu
論文名稱(外文):Development of the intelligent bathroom ventilation system
指導教授(外文):Hsi-Chuan Huang
外文關鍵詞:Intellectual Bathroom Ventilation SystemFuzzy Logic DeductionAlarm System
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目前市售的浴室通風控制,僅以手控/自動設定風機運轉時間及加熱器開關,且現有多翼式風機送風量皆為固定出風量,並無多段變速以變化,導致浴室內上、下溫度分佈不均情形,為了解決此問題本論文設計一具有智慧型浴室通風系統。而此系統係將三組分別於不同位置之溫溼度感測器,透過PIC 18F2520單晶片將擷取之類比信號轉換為數位信號,再經由USART非同步收發傳輸器傳至控制核心PIC 18F4620進行模糊邏輯推論,當溫度dT1為3℃、dT2為3℃、RH為45%時,經由模糊推論後得到明確之多翼式進風機為二段、多翼式排風機為二段、加熱器為開啟輸出結果,利用推論之輸出結果自動切換多翼式風機不同進排風量以及加熱器開關,使浴室內上下溫度相差不到0.5℃而有定溫之效果,並搭配光電開關計算多翼式風機轉速,以每段轉速正負150 r.p.m.與設定值比較,若超出範圍導通警報裝置並發出蜂鳴器叫聲,此外使用者也可從繪圖型液晶顯示面板上獲得三組溫度值、三組溼度值、多翼式進、排風機轉速以及模糊推論輸出、入參數值相關資訊。
Currently commercially available bathroom ventilation control devices are generally equipped with manual / automatic fan operation time setting and the heater switch only.and the delivery of the air volume of existing multi-wing fans are all fixed, there is no multi-speed variation, leading to an uneven temperature distribution of the bathroom between the high level and the lower level of it apparently,In order to resolve this issue, this paper tries to design an intellectual bathroom ventilation system.And this system is having three set temperature and humidity sensors being installed at different locations, and through the help of PIC 18F2520 SoC that the retrieved analog signal will be converted into a digital signal,and then through the USART asynchronous receiver transmitter transmits it to the fuzzy control core PIC 18F4620 for processing the fuzzy logic deduction,when the temperature dT1 of 3 ℃, dT2 to 3 ℃, RH is 45%, the output of the result obtained by the fuzzy logic deduction shows that the multi-wing inlet fan should be run in second speed as well as the multi-wing exhaust fan. And the heater should be turned on apparently and definitely.Through the use of the output of the result obtained by fuzzy logic deduction, it can be done that to try to let the multi-wing inlet fan and multi-wing exhaust fan run with different speeds so as to deliver different air volumes and switching ON/ OFF the heater automatically, as a result, the temperature between the high level and low level of the bathroom is approximately less than 0.5 ℃. In other words, it is proven that there is an effect of constant temperature being found out.and with the help of optical switches, the multi-wing fan speed calculation can be done correctly so as to compare the calculated data, which has been obtained of individual speed sections, with the pre-set value relatively. And to see if its difference is less than 150 rpm, If it is not, the alarm system will be activated and buzzer sounds consequently.Moreover, user can also see those related information, such as three sets of data value of temperature as well as humidity, the speed both of the Multi-wing inlet &; exhaust fans, the input &; output parameters of the fuzzy logic deduction, etc. on the cartographical liquid crystal display of course.
摘要 I
Abstract II
謝誌 IV
目錄 V
圖目錄 VII
表目錄 X
第一章 前言 1
第二章 文獻回顧 2
2.1 Microchip PIC微控制器 2
2.2模糊邏輯控制 4
2.3感測器原件 5
2.4馬達控制 7
第三章 材料與設備 9
第四章 研究方法 14
4.1智慧系統設計與配置 14
4.2 PIC程式編撰 17
4.2.1浮點數運算 19
4.2.2類比/數位訊號轉換功能 20
4.2.3感測器數值接收與轉換 22
4.2.4繪圖型液晶顯示設定 25
4.3硬體電路設計 30
4.3.1穩壓電路 31
4.3.2溫/濕度感測器電路 31
4.3.3光電開關與警示電路 32
4.3.4繼電器模組電路 35
4.3.5繪圖型液晶顯示電路 39
4.4 Fuzzy控制器設計 42
4.4.1模糊邏輯控制器結構 43
4.4.2定義輸入輸出之模糊集合 44
4.4.3定義三角形歸屬函數 45
4.4.4定義輸出歸屬度 50
4.4.5建立模糊規則 53
4.4.6模糊推論 54
4.4.7解模糊化 55
4.4.8檢查模糊推論結果 56
4.5系統測試與分析 57
第五章 結果與討論 58
5.1模糊邏輯推論器 58
5.2模糊推論公式推演 60
5.3智慧型浴室通風系統測試 81
5.4繪圖型LCG顯示畫面 84
第六章 結論與建議 89
6.1結論 89
6.2建議 90
參考文獻 91
附錄A 浴室實驗尺寸標註圖 93
附錄B模糊邏輯規則庫 95

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