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研究生(外文):Tsung-Yen Chang
論文名稱(外文):Clock Power Reduction Using Multi-bit Flip-Flops
指導教授(外文):Tsai-Ming Hsieh
外文關鍵詞:Clock PowerMulti-bit Flip-FlopsLow Power
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本論文將單一位元正反器合併關係建立成merging graph,並且提出快速建立graph的方法,減少程式執行時間。接著定義Essential Prime Cover在graph之中搜尋出特定優先合併的正反器群組。在合併過程中,利用單一位元正反器合併對象的限制與可擺放區域的範圍作為合併的依據,儘可能合併出較多的多位元正反器,改善整體的功率消耗。從實驗結果得知,在業界所提供的測試數據,本論文平均降低整體功率消耗至78.07%,正反器個數降低75%,面積部份平均則減少3.75%的正反器所佔面積,顯示本論文所提出的方法是非常有效的。

In the dynamic power consumption, the clock power consumption is accounted for a large number of ratio, thus reducing the clock power consumption has become an important issue. We propose a method using multi-bit flip-flops for clock power saving. The advantages of merging single-bit flip-flops to multi-bit flip-flops not only reduce the total area of integrated circuit, but also decrease the clock network power consumption and total number of flip-flop. To acquire these advantages, the design must be guaranteed to satisfy timing constraint and placement density constraint in the merging process.
We present a fast approach of merging graph construction and we define Essential Prime Cover to determine which flip-flop should be merged eailier. According to Essential Prime Cover, we can obtain more multi-bit flip-flops to improve power consumption. The experimental results show that our proposed approach reduces 22% of the power consumption on the average. Meanwhile, the number of flip-flops and the total area of circuit reduced 75%, 3.75% on the average. Therefore, our approach is very effective and efficient.

摘要 I
Abstract II
目錄 III
圖目錄 V
表目錄 VII
第一章 前言 1
第二章 相關研究介紹 3
第三章 問題描述與定義 12
3.1 問題描述 12
3.2 問題定義 12
3.2.1 面積限制 13
3.2.2 時序限制 14
第四章 研究方法 16
4.1 程式流程 16
4.2 計算Feasible Region 17
4.3 快速建立Merging graph 18
4.4 定義Essential Prime Cover 20
4.5 挑選群組 21
4.6 擺放正反器 23
第五章 實驗結果 24
5.1 工作平台與程式語言 24
5.2 實驗數據和Library資訊 24
5.3 實驗結果 25
第六章 結論 33
參考文獻 34
作者簡介 36

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