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研究生(外文):Shiu-Chiuan Huang
論文名稱(外文):Tracking Origin of Mobile Attacks Using WSN
指導教授(外文):Ming-Hour Yang
中文關鍵詞:無線網路追蹤Kalman filter
外文關鍵詞:tracebackwireless networkkalman filter
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針對惡意攻擊者於無線網路發動癱瘓服務式攻擊,由於其IP 位置極可能假造,因此遏止攻擊的第一步是追蹤到惡意攻擊者的位置。先前的研究者已發展出許多的追蹤方法,然而其對於無線網路的動態拓撲的特性尚有缺陷。如packet marking等方法需重新收集標記;packet logging等方法反向溯源時,舊路徑已然中斷。因此,我們提出WatchNode方法。利用部建另外一層可信任的監護網路來收集路徑資訊,並以移除環路的技巧來動態修正路徑,找出攻擊來源。隨後更利用追蹤目標常使用的kalman filter來預測攻擊者未來的動向。
For the Denial of Service(DoS) in wireless network lauched by malicious attacker, because of the IP address may be forged, the first step of stopping the attack is trace the location of malicious attacker. Although the previous reaseacher has developed many traceback method, but it is still weak for dynamic network. For instance, the method of packet marking need to re-collect the mark; the method of packet logging will loss the path, when traceback to the source of attacker. For this reason, we propose the method of WatchNode. Using another trusty monitoring network to collect the data of path, and using the technique of remove circle to correct the path dynamically and find out the location of attacker. After the traceback, we using the kalman filter to predict the movement of the attacker.
1 前言......1
2 WatchNode無線追蹤方法......3
2.1 追蹤方法......3
2.1.1 系統模型......3
2.1.2 回傳路徑資訊......4
2.1.3 追蹤攻擊者......6
2.2 預測方法......10
2.2.1 kalman filter......10
2.2.2 預測攻擊者移動......11
3 實驗......13
3.1 模擬環境......13
3.2 成功率......13
3.3 準確度......14
3.4 資源需求量......14
4 結論......16
5 參考文獻......17

圖3. 802.11 MAC LAYER表頭,灰色表示感測器會抓取的部份......5
圖7.KALMAN FILTER反饋循環機制......10
圖8.校正複數KALMAN FILTER的虛擬碼......12


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