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研究生(外文):Hung-Che Hsiung
論文名稱(外文):A Study on the Task-Role-Based Scheme of RBAC Model
指導教授(外文):Ren-Wei Fung
外文關鍵詞:Access ControlRole-Based Access Control (RBAC)Separation of Duties
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企業電子化的相關應用隨著全球上網人口數已超過全球人數的四分之一強,衍然蔚為時代的趨勢,在跨國企業進行全球化佈局的現今,讓企業所屬員工可隨時隨地藉由網路存取企業內部各項資訊系統,藉以分享相關知識已刻不容緩;然而,在Internet或Intranet等開放式架構下,企業內部資訊遭受非法入侵與不當的擷取的資訊安全事件已屢見不鮮。因此,如何為企業制訂安全有效的資訊存取控制機制(Access Control)是當前相當重要的研究課題。以角色為基礎的存取控制機制(RBAC)模型係以角色作為區分權力的權限控管模組,之後,由於美國國家標準局(NIST)於2001年大力倡導與推行採用,Ravi Sandhu及Edward J. Coyne等學者專家因此提出可實作的RBAC模型,現今運用於各行各業的各類應用系統之中(諸如:電子支票、員工電子識別證及知識管理平台等研究)。



Related to electronic commerence applications as the global Internet population has more than a quarter of global population and it has been the trend of the times. The enterprise staffs may momentarily because of the network deposit enterprise information, anytime throught network access to various information systems within the enterprise to share KMS. However, in the Internet or Intranet open systems architecture, the enterprise internal systems suffers incidents of the illegal instrusion and improper access often to take place. Therefore, it’s very important research topic that how to design secure and effective information systems access control mechanism for the enterprise in the present age. Role-based access control (RBAC) model is an access control mechanism which is based on roles to distinguish between authority.After that, NIST adopted RBAC model in 2001,Ravi Sandhu and Edward J. Coyne and other scholars proposed to the RBAC model which can be implemented, applied to all walks of life today among the various application systems. More and more researchers studied RBAC in recent years.Various kinds of RBAC-based information systems were developed.

Therefore, this research proposes a novel RBAC model is based on ISMS laboratory platform ststems of Ching Yun University. As a result of, has the role designation connection, the role to inherit, the duty division of labor, least privilege, separation of duties, the data abstraction with between division''s characteristic and so on information classifications. This RBAC model will make sure that the enterprise has an applicable assignment and the operation in future enterprise is mor efficiently.

第一章 緒論1
1.1 研究背景1
1.2 研究動機與目的 2
1.3 研究流程3
1.4 論文架構與章節規劃6
第二章 文獻探討8
2.1 存取控制定義8
2.2 常見的存取控制模型8
2.2.1 MAC(強制的存取控制機制)9
2.2.2 DAC(任意的存取控制機制)9
2.2.3 RBAC(以角色為基礎的存取控制機制)10
2.3 RBAC存取控制相關模型13
2.3.1 核心式的RBAC 14
2.3.2 階層式的RBAC 16
2.3.3 限制式的RBAC 18
2.3.4 情境角色的RBAC 20
2.4 RBAC模型具體優點整理24
第三章 系統設計27
3.1 程式開發環境28
3.2 程式設計使用技術28
3.3 MVC專案的建立結構30
3.3.1 MVC控制器30
3.3.2 MVC檢視31
3.4 系統架構32
3.4.1 角色安全控制 36
3.4.2 使用者登入對應角色控制37
第四章 系統展示38
4.1 系統實作38
4.2 角色及角色階層管理40
4.3 帳戶管理42
4.4 規則管理43
4.5 屬性管理44
4.6 工作及權限管理 46
4.7 限制管理47
4.8 小結 48
第五章 結論與未來研究方向建議49
5.1 研究發現與結論 49
5.2 未來研究方向與建議51
簡 歷57

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