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研究生(外文):Ching-min Lai
論文名稱(外文):The Study of Seamless Fusion GPS-VT from Outdoor to Indoor Cameras
指導教授(外文):Hsien-Chou Liao
外文關鍵詞:moving object detectionmultiple camera trackinglocation-based serviceintelligent surveillance system
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近年來,攝影機和監控系統已被廣泛裝設於街道、社區、學校及高樓大廈等區域,尤其在都會區更為普遍;而監視系統中移動物體追蹤是最基本的功能之一,在先前的研究我們開發出一套結合GPS及影像處理技術的視覺追蹤系統(GPS-VT: Global Positioning System Visual Tracking),此系統可以在室外環境根據GPS坐標來定位和追踪目標物體。然而,當目標物體進入室內環境時,系統即會因為失去GPS訊號而無法使用,故本研究的目標是提供一個GPS- VT室內外移動物體追蹤服務。
Cameras and surveillance systems are widely installed at streets, communities, schools, buildings and so on, especially in the urban area. The tracking of a moving object is a common function of the surveillance system. In our previous results, the global positioning system (GPS) was incorporated with the visual tracking technique, called GPS-VT. A person can be located and tracking according his GPS coordinate in the outdoor environment. However, GPS-VT service is unavailable when the person walks in an indoor environment and lost the GPS signal. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to provide a seamless fusion of GPS-VT service for persons in the indoor and outdoor environment.
In order to achieve the above purpose, template matching, shadow removal, and collision resolution techniques are used for the tracking among multiple cameras in the indoor environment. Besides, the elapsed time of a person leaving the field-of-views (FOV) of one camera and entering the FOV of another is not a fixed value. An automatic estimation mechanism is designed and a normal distribution function is used to estimate an acceptable interval of the elapsed time. Such a mechanism is performed for any two successive cameras. Besides, a prototype was implemented to demonstrate that the GPS-VT service is extended from outdoor to indoor environment with multiple cameras.
中文摘要 I
Abstract II
目錄 VI
表目錄 VIII
圖目錄 IX
第一章 簡介 1
第二章 文獻探討 5
第三章 系統設計 12
3.1 流程設計考量因素 12
3.2 系統運作流程 12
3.3 初始化階段(Initialization Phase) 13
3.3.1 時間差估算 14
3.3.2 異常時間差剔除機制(Elapsed Time Outlier Rejection) 15
3.4 目標鎖定階段(Locating Phase) 17
3.4.1 移動物體偵測 17
3.4.2 直方圖比對方法 22
3.5 追蹤階段(Tracking Phase) 23
3.5.1 遮蔽偵測 23
3.5.2 遮蔽解決 24
3.6 異常處理(Exception disposal) 27
第四章 實驗分析 28
4.1系統執行畫面 28
4.2估算時間差實驗 29
4.3多攝影機實際追蹤展示 31
第五章 結論及未來工作 38
參考文獻 40
附錄一 系統完整追蹤目標物體資料 43
表 1:時間差範例資料 ................................................................................... 16
表 2:異常時間差剔除過程範例 ................................................................... 16
表 3:系統開發環境 ....................................................................................... 28
表 4:人工比對後正確的時間差 ................................................................... 30
表 5:無縫合追蹤結果統整表 ....................................................................... 35
表 6:系統運算時間之實驗結果統計表 ....................................................... 36
圖 1:GPS視覺追踪服務運作示意圖 ............................................................ 2
圖 2:視覺追蹤的情境示意圖 ......................................................................... 3
圖 3:結合激光雷達的車距偵測系統 ............................................................. 6
圖 4:T. Miyaki等人所提出的行人視覺追蹤方法示意圖 ............................ 7
圖 5:結合雷射掃描器之行人偵測法系統環境示意圖 ................................. 8
圖 6:平面追蹤對應模型範例圖 ..................................................................... 9
圖 7:詞彙樹方法架構圖 ............................................................................... 10
圖 8:系統運作流程圖 ................................................................................... 13
圖 9:時間差常態分佈範例圖 ....................................................................... 15
圖 10:時間差統計長條圖 ............................................................................. 15
圖 11:移動物體偵測比較圖 ......................................................................... 19
圖 12:背景建構展示圖 ................................................................................. 20
圖 13:陰影濾除展示圖 ................................................................................. 21
圖 14:亮度調整展示圖 ................................................................................. 23
圖 15:樣板比對解決物體遮蔽範例一 ......................................................... 26
圖 16:樣板比對解決物體遮蔽範例二 ......................................................... 26
圖 17:系統介面 ............................................................................................. 29
圖 18:時間差常態分佈展示圖 ..................................................................... 31
圖 19:目標物體追蹤展示圖 ......................................................................... 33
圖 20:攝影機架設環境示意圖 ..................................................................... 35
圖 21:RFID視覺追蹤服務示意圖 ............................................................... 39
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