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研究生(外文):Cheng-hsun Wu
論文名稱(外文):Based on Cloud Computing Architecture to Design An Emergency Response and SOS System
指導教授(外文):Chin-ling Chen
中文關鍵詞:RFC 2631代理簽章雲端運算對稱式加密訊息驗證碼Schnorr 簽章
外文關鍵詞:proxy signatureCloud computingSchnorr signaturesymmetric encryptionMACRFC 2631
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近年來,在許多國家中,登山運動越來越普及化,但卻存在著許多登山客因為登山而遭遇危險之問題。因此,我們提出一種基於雲端運算的架構設計一套以快速回應SOS急救之突發事件發生之應變系統。我們基於雲端運算建立一種急救平台,並且結合移動通訊設備的移動性以及方便通訊之特性,受傷人員可以快速的送出SOS訊息給幫助者。此架構為基於 Schnorr 簽章方法讓受傷人員可以透過代理授權給幫助者的方式向醫院提出掛號,在方法中也整合了對稱式加密技術、訊息驗證碼以及 RFC 2631來抵擋已知的攻擊,並且達到代理簽章的相關安全需求。最後,我們分析運算和通訊成本來證明我們的系統適合應用在一個緊急事件回報及求救系統中。
In recent years, the sport of mountaineering has become more and more popular in many countries, and people may encounter danger when mountaineering. In this paper, we propose a cloud-computing-based architecture to respond rapidly to an SOS emergency event requiring first aid. Our scheme constructed an aid platform based on cloud computing. Based on the features of mobile devices, such as mobility and convenient communication, the injured party/patient can quickly send an SOS to the helper. The proposed scheme can accomplish the proxy authorization of the Schnorr signature from the patient. It also integrates symmetric encryption technology, message authentication code (MAC), and RFC 2631 to defend against known attacks, and achieve the security requirements provided by proxy signature. Finally, we analyze the performance cost to determine whether our scheme is suitable for implementation in an emergency response and SOS system.
致謝 ...................................................................................................................... V
中文摘要 ........................................................................................................... VII
ABSTRACT ................................................................................................... VIII
TABLE OF CONTENTS .................................................................................. IX
LIST OF TABLES ............................................................................................. XI
LIST OF FIGURES ......................................................................................... Chapter 1 Introduction ....................................................................................... 1
1.1 Background ......................................................................................... 1
1.2 The research motives ......................................................................... 2
1.3 Reviewing the Schnorr signature ...................................................... 6
Chapter 2 Our protocol ....................................................................................... 8
2.1 Construct session key model ........................................................... 12
2.2 Registration phase ............................................................................ 13
2.3 Login phase ....................................................................................... 15
2.4 Delegation phase ............................................................................... 16
2.5 Signing and verification phase ........................................................ 19
2.6 Password change phase ................................................................... 23
Chapter 3 Security analysis .............................................................................. 25
3.1 Defend against known attacks ........................................................ 25
3.1.1 Defend tampering attack ....................................................... 25
3.1.2 Defend denial-of-service (DoS) attack ................................. 26
3.1.3 Defend replay attack .............................................................. 26
3.1.4 Defend man-in-the-middle attack ........................................ 27
3.1.5 Defend password guessing attack ......................................... 27
3.1.6 Defend mobile device lost attacks ......................................... 28
3.2 Verifiability issue .............................................................................. 28
3.3 Unforgeability issue .......................................................................... 29
3.4 Non-repudiation issue ...................................................................... 29
3.5 Non-designated issue ........................................................................ 31
3.6 Identifiability issue ........................................................................... 31
3.7 Privacy revocation issue .................................................................. 32
Chapter 4 Performance analysis ...................................................................... 33
4.1 To compare cloud server with general server ................................ 37
Chapter 5 Conclusions ...................................................................................... 39
References .......................................................................................................... 41
Appendix 作者簡介 .......................................................................................... 45
Table 1 The non-repudiation proofs of each phase ........................................ 30
Table 2 The computation cost of our scheme .................................................. 33
Table 3 The communication cost of WiMAX part ......................................... 36
Table 4 The communication cost of the Ethernet part .................................. 36
Table 5 To compare cloud server and general server .................................... 37
Figure 1 Cloud computing types ........................................................................ 3
Figure 2 The architecture of our scheme .......................................................... 9
Figure 3 Overview of the registration phase ................................................... 14
Figure 4 Overview of the login phase .............................................................. 15
Figure 5 Overview of the delegation phase ..................................................... 17
Figure 6 Overview of the signing and verification phase .............................. 20
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