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研究生(外文):Huei-ju Tsai
論文名稱(外文):Reversible data hiding based on side-match prediction
指導教授(外文):Chin-feng Lee
外文關鍵詞:Histogram shiftingReversible data hidingSide match predictionPrediction error
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Data hiding is the technique to embed information into a media, which could be sound, picture, or video file, etc. The advantage of data hiding technique provides camouflage ability for encrypted media, thus human perception system could not recognize the modification made to the media and achieve information security. Early versions of irreversible data hiding technique stands out with high capacity, so large amounts of secret messages could be embedded into media. Yet it would be impossible for the receiver to recover the damaged media after retrieving the secret messages, hence this irreversible technique is not suitable for specialized fields such as medical, military, and astrological. To fulfill the needs of specialized fields, many reversible data hiding techniques showed up recently, so the damaged media can be recovered after the embedded secret messages have been retrieved.
In order to retain the image recovery for reversible data hiding technique, some extra information will be produced. This overhead data will consume the embeddable spaces. Therefore, the pure payload of reversible data hiding is always less than that of irreversible data hiding technique. From the past until the present, many researchers used side pixel values to perform prediction since these values facilitate the search for image characteristics. Therefore, researchers could design the better embedding technique according to various image characteristics. The techniques that possess high capacity are mostly irreversible data hiding techniques.
This study proposes a reversible method of data hiding using side match prediction. Even though it also utilizes side prediction to embed, this proposed method can be applied among medical and military images. Despite having wide applications, the proposed method has a payload of 2.05bpp on average, which is considered as a reversible data hiding technique with extremely high capacity. Some extra information will be generated as this study pursues high capacity. However, the extra information was embedded in images after lossless compression in this study, thus burden from extra transmission is avoided while an average of 42.22dB of image quality is maintained.
In this study, certain image quality has to be sacrificed to process extra information. If the generation of extra information could be reduced, a higher image quality can be obtained. Thus, the method of prediction-based reversible data hiding using similarity of neighboring pixels is proposed in this study by using multiple pixel values to accompany linear predictor. Besides providing a better prediction of images, quality of images will not be sacrificed to process extra information since the amount of it is extremely small in such mechanism. As a result, image quality is maintained at around 48.65dB on average with excellent visual quality.
摘要 ........................................................................................................................ I
Abstract................................................................................................................ III
致謝 ...................................................................................................................... V
目錄 .................................................................................................................. VIII
表目錄 .................................................................................................................. X
圖目錄 ................................................................................................................. XI
第一章 緒論 ..................................................................................................... 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 .................................................................................. 1
1.2 研究目的 .............................................................................................. 5
1.3 論文架構 .............................................................................................. 7
第二章 文獻探討 ............................................................................................. 9
2.1 相關符號定義 ...................................................................................... 9
2.2 簡易LSB 替代法(Simple LSB Substitution) ................................... 12
2.3 邊緣吻合法(Side Match) ................................................................... 14
2.4 直方圖位移操作(Histogram Shifting) .............................................. 18
2.5 Tsai 等學者之可逆式資訊隱藏法 .................................................... 22
2.6 Hong 等學者之可逆式資訊隱藏法 .................................................. 28
第三章 邊緣吻合預測之可逆式資訊隱藏法 .............................................. 39
3.1 影像預測與訊息嵌入 ........................................................................ 40
3.2 訊息取出與影像還原 ........................................................................ 42
3.3 實驗結果 ............................................................................................ 46
第四章 可逆式多鄰近像素值預測隱藏法................................................... 50
4.1 影像預測與訊息嵌入 ........................................................................ 50
4.2 訊息取出與影像還原 ........................................................................ 54
4.3 實驗結果 ............................................................................................ 60
第五章 結論與未來展望 ............................................................................... 73
5.1 結論 .................................................................................................... 73
5.2 未來展望 ............................................................................................ 74
參考文獻 ................................................................................................... 75
表3-1 範例3.1 的嵌入細節 .............................................................................. 44
表3-2 本研究的資訊負載量與影像品質呈現 ................................................ 48
表3-3 本研究以實際藏量與影像品質與Chang 與Tseng 等學者進行比較 49
表4-1 原始像素值至偽裝像素值之產生過程 ................................................ 59
表4-2 影像之最大藏量與影像品質表現 ........................................................ 62
表4-3 不同區塊切割下影像藏量與品質之表現 ............................................ 66
表4-4 不同區塊切割下扣掉額外資訊的實際藏量(Pure payload) ................. 68
表4-5 Hong 等學者與本方法之藏量與影像品質比較 ................................... 70
圖1-1 本研究之架構圖 ....................................................................................... 8
圖2-1 (a)原始影像,(b)偽裝影像 .................................................................... 13
圖2-2 原始影像I 之像素值分佈 ..................................................................... 15
圖2-3 (a)原始影像I ,(b)偽裝影像I '' 。 ......................................................... 17
圖2-4 (a)大小為3×3的原始影像I ,(b)統計原始像素值之直方圖 ............. 21
圖2-5 (a)經位移過後的影像,(b)影像大小為3×3的偽裝影像I '' ................ 22
圖2-6 (a)大小為5×5 的原始灰階影像區塊,(b)預測誤差區塊 .................... 26
圖2-7 (a)差值為負數的直方圖H− ,(b)差值為正數的直方圖H+ ................. 27
圖2-8 (a)經修改的差值區塊,(b)偽裝影像I '' ................................................ 27
圖2-9 像素值i, j I 及鄰近像素值b(1) 、b(2)及b(3) 之分佈 ........................ 28
圖2-10 (a)大小為4×4的原始影像,(b)大小為4×4預測影像 ..................... 36
圖2-11 (a)預測誤差,(b)預測誤差之直方圖 .................................................. 37
圖2-12 (a)經修改的預測誤差,(b)偽裝影像I '' .............................................. 37
圖3-1 原始影像之灰階值 ................................................................................. 44
圖3-2 (a)中介影像之灰階值,(b)偽裝影像之灰階值 .................................... 45
圖3-3 實驗用圖(a) Baboon、(b) Barbara、(c) Boat、(d) Girl、(e) Gold hill、
(f) Lena、(g) Peppers、(h) Sailboat、(i) Tank、(j) Tiffany、(k) Toys、
(l) Truck、(m) Zelda、(n)F1 與(o)F16。 ............................................ 47
圖4-1 像素值i, j I 及鄰近四個像素值b(1) 、b(2)、b(3) 及b(4)之編排 ............... 51
圖4-2 範例4.1 之(a)大小為4×4之原始影像,(b) 大小為4×4之預測影像...... 57
圖4-3 (a)預測誤差R ,(b) 預測誤差之直方圖 .............................................. 57
圖4-4 (a)修改後的預測誤差影像R'',(b)偽裝影像I '' .................................... 59
圖4-5 各影像大小為512×512 在嵌入第一層訊息時,最小到最大藏量間
PSNR 值的變化。 .................................................................................. 63
圖4-6 各種圖像在多層嵌入下之藏量表現 .................................................... 64
圖4-7 各種圖像在多層嵌入下之影像品質表現 ............................................ 65
圖4-8 所有測試影像在不同區塊切割下的藏量及品質表現。 .................... 67
圖4-9 平均不同區塊切割下的影像的實際藏量及額外藏量的表現 ............ 69
圖4-10 在不同的藏量下,其影像(a)Lena(b)Baboon 品質表現。 ................ 72
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